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many lights 2d shadows library for love framework


requirements: opengl3 with array textures and instancing support(which technically should be a part of any gl3 capable system)

NOTE: functionality is still being added but already existing API is very unlikely to change

bitumbra API:

local bt = require"bitumbra"
  • bt.newShadowMap(width, height) - creates a new shadow map that you can render to/sample from(advanced, coming soon)
    • width and height are shadowmap dimensions
  • bt.newOcclusionMesh(max_edges) - creates a new occlusion mesh that represents shadow casting geometry
    • max_edges is the maximum amount of edges the mesh can store, 10000 by default
  • bt.newLightsArray() - creates an array containing up to 128 lights that will cast shadows or can be drawn sampling the shadowmap

lights array API:

local lights = bt.newLightsArray()
lights:push(x,y,radius, r,g,b)
lights:set(i, x,y,radius, r,g,b)
local x,y = lights:pop()
local n = lights.count
  • push(x,y,radius, r,g,b) - pushes new light into the array, increases lights count
    • x,y - light position
    • radius - length at which the light falls to zero
    • r,g,b - red, green, and blue components of the light in the range of [0,1]
  • set(i, x,y,radius, r,g,b) - sets
    • i - index of the light to set
    • x,y,radius, r,g,b - see push
  • pop() - returns x, y, radius, and r,g,b of the latest light and removes it from the list
  • get(i) - returns x, y, radius, and r,g,b of the light at index i
  • applyTransform(x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) - applies the standard love transformation to every light in the array
    • x,y - translation
    • angle - rotation angle in radians
    • sx, sy - scale
    • ox, oy - origin point, useful if you want to rotate a bunch of lights around an arbitrary point
    • kx, ky - shear, I honestly have no idea who uses those but they're here for consistency with love API
    • can also accept love's very own Transform object(love.math.newTransform()) instead
  • count - a number of currently set lights in the array
  • draw(shadowmap) - draws lights with respect of shadows stored in the shadowmap

occlusion mesh API:

local geo = bt.newOcclusionMesh()
local circle = bt.newOcclusionMesh()
geo:addEdge(ax,ay, bx,by)
circle:addCircle(x, y, r)
geo:applyTransform(x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky)
  • addEdge(ax,ay, bx,by) - adds an edge(straight line segment from point A to point B) to occlusion mesh
    • ax,ay bx,by - x and y positions of both ends of an edge segment
  • setEdge(i, ax,ay, bx,by) - changes the existing edge
    • i - the index of the edge to change
  • addCircle(x, y, r, seg) - adds a few edges shaped as a circle
    • x, y - center of the circle
    • r - circle radius
    • seg - number of segments that will form the circle(13 by default)
  • addOcclusionMesh(mesh) - adds an existing occlusion mesh to the current mesh
    • mesh - an already existing occlusion mesh
    • useful when you want to combine a few meshes for the final effect
  • applyTransform(x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) - applies the standard love transformation to every edge of the mesh
    • x,y - translation
    • angle - rotation angle in radians
    • sx, sy - scale
    • ox, oy - origin point, useful if you want to rotate a mesh around an arbitrary point
    • kx, ky - shear
    • can also accept love's Transform object instead
  • edge_count - current edge count of the mesh

shadowmap API:

local sm = bt.newShadowMap(
  • sm.render(mesh, lights) - renders occlusion mesh for every one of lights to the shadowmap


local bu = require("bitumbra")
local g =
local w, h = g.getDimensions()

local sm = bu.newShadowMap(g.getDimensions()) -- full-screen shadowmap

local geo = bu.newOcclusionMesh()
--add a bunch of edges
geo:addEdge(w/2-50,h/2-50, w/2+50,h/2-50) -- ax,ay, bx,by
geo:addEdge(w/2+50,h/2-50, w/2+50,h/2+50)
geo:addEdge(w/2+50,h/2+50, w/2-50,h/2+50)
geo:addEdge(w/2-50,h/2+50, w/2-50,h/2-50)

--another new meshes
local circles = bu.newOcclusionMesh()
local a = 0
for i=1, 16 do
	local x,y = math.cos(a), math.sin(a)
	a = a + math.pi/8

local lights = bu.newLightsArray()
--add a bunch of lights, all 128 to be precise
for y=1,8 do
	for x=1,16 do
		lights:push( w/16*x-w/32, h*y/8-h/16, 400, .02,.02,.02)

local count = geo.edge_count --remember the static count
function love.update(dt)
	--reset edge count to static
	geo.edge_count = count
	--move dynamic meshes
	--and add them to the geometry mesh
	--move one light to the mouse position(also make it brighter)
	local mx,my = love.mouse.getPosition()
	lights:set(1,mx,my,500, .3,.3,.3)

function love.draw()
	sm:render(geo, lights)