Improved Malloc is a custom memory allocation implementation in C that uses a linked list to keep track of allocated pointers, making memory deallocation (freeing) more efficient and organized.
- Efficient memory allocation using malloc with a linked list tracking mechanism.
- Easy deallocation (freeing) of all allocated memory through the linked list.
- Memory tracking details can be displayed for debugging purposes.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd improved_malloc
- Create a file main.c:
touch main.c
- In main.c, copy and paste the code bellow:
#include "./improved_malloc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// Function to print the linked list of memory blocks and the associated pointers
static void ft_print_linked_list_and_str(t_malloc_lst *lst)
t_malloc_lst *tmp;
tmp = lst;
while (tmp)
printf("[%p] <- prev [%p] next -> [%p]\n", tmp->prev, tmp, tmp->next);
printf("tmp->address = [%p]\n", tmp->address);
tmp = tmp->next;
int main(void)
t_malloc_lst *lst; // Pointer to the head of the linked list
char *str; // Pointer to a character buffer
char *str2; // Another pointer to a character buffer
char **str3; // Pointer to a pointer-to-character buffer
lst = NULL; // Initializing the linked list to be empty
// Malloc all pointers using the improved_malloc function
str = improved_malloc(&lst, 10); // Allocate 10 bytes for str and add the block to the linked list
str2 = improved_malloc(&lst, 10); // Allocate 10 bytes for str2 and add the block to the linked list
str3 = improved_malloc(&lst, sizeof(char *) * 3); // Allocate memory for 3 char pointers and add the block to the linked list
str3[0] = improved_malloc(&lst, sizeof(char) * 10); // Allocate 10 bytes for str3[0] and add the block to the linked list
str3[1] = improved_malloc(&lst, sizeof(char) * 10); // Allocate 10 bytes for str3[1] and add the block to the linked list
// Print the addresses of all pointers
printf("Address of pointer str: [%p]\n", str);
printf("Address of pointer str2: [%p]\n", str2);
printf("Address of pointer str3: [%p]\n", str3);
printf("Address of pointer str3[0]: [%p]\n", str3[0]);
printf("Address of pointer str3[1]: [%p]\n", str3[1]);
// Print all nodes in the linked list along with the addresses of the pointers they represent
// Free the memory block associated with pointer str from the linked list
lst_free_bloc(&lst, str);
// Print the linked list after freeing the block
return (0);
- Compile all files:
gcc improved_malloc.c main.c -o improved_malloc
- Run the program and see the result:
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.