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A beautiful animated loader with a js busy queuing system.

busy.start('fetching dinner', 30, true);    // modal spinner with 30 second timeout

window.setTimeout( function () {
    busy.stop('fetching dinner')            // stop spinner after 10 seconds
}, 10000);


  • Easy to use.
  • Lazy loading (small initial page load).
  • Usable as a webpack/ES6 module or a pre-built browser bundle.
  • Loaders can be 'modal', and are queued allowing for representation of multiple slow operations.


Try me


Busy is a javascript package built for and using the ES6 module system, but it's also provided as a pre-built, minified browser package (in this package's "dist" folder).


  1. Download & copy this package's "dist" folder into your web server's public folder eg. public/js/dist/*.
  2. Rename "dist" to "busy" eg. public/js/busy
  3. Load the busy script at the end of your web page (before the closing body tag) like this:

    <script src="/js/busy/busy.js"></script>

  1. When the browser loads, busy will be attached to the browser's global window object. Use it anywhere in your scripts like this:

    busy.start('test-1', 15);         // start a loader
    busy.start('test-2', 60);         // register another loader


    busy.stop('test-1');              // stop the specified loader
    busy.reset();                     // clear all loaders

ES6 module

Install the busy package into your project using npm:
$ cd to/your/project
$ npm install @aamasri/busy

Then import and use it in your project's ES6 modules:

Static import

import busy from 'busy';

function fetchDataFromApi() { busy.start('fetching data', 10, true); }

Dynamic import

Leveraging Webpack's on-demand (lazy) loading and code-splitting:
import(/* webpackChunkName: "busy" */ 'busy').then((busy) => {
    .then(data => {


Busy Functions

busy.start(id, timeout, modal)    // create a new loader instance
busy.stop(id)                     // stop a specific loader instance
busy.reset()                      // close all loaders (clear busy queue)
busy.queue                        // the actual busy queue object

Busy.start Options

idstringunique id (enables it to be stopped later)''
timeoutint | undefinedtimeout (in seconds) after which loader will stop automatically.7 seconds
modalboolean | undefinedbackground blurring & dimmingfalse

Busy.stop Options

idstringunique id (enabling a specific loader to be stopped)''

Package Management

Busy supports npm under the name @aamasri/busy.


$ npm install @aamasri/busy --save


@aamasri/busy depends on 2 external packages:
  1. jquery
  2. @aamasri/dom-utils
These dependencies are bundled (as separate pre-built 'chunks') in this package's "dist" folder.
Invoking the busy.start() function will dynamically load these dependencies at run-time (if these scripts don't already exist on the page) and they'll be added to the global window object.

Publishing Updates

  1. Increment the "version" attribute of `package.json`.
  2. Update the "versionDescription" string of `package.json`.
  3. Re-build the browser output bundle...
    npm run build-production
    ...and observe that webpack completed with no errors.

  4. Test the bundle by loading page: "dist/index.html" in a browser (setup a development webserver).
  5. Publish to the git repository and npm package registry:
    npm run publish
