- Generate a fancy custom, but practical, stronger, solid front grill strut for your V1Engineering LowRider 4 CNC.
- Honestly, I initially used this during my LR3 build as a practical opportunity to learn some OpenSCAD. Liked the look, and created this update for LR4.
- See code comments for usage instructions. For LR3, created a related video... V1E LowRider 3 - Struts, Standard or Custom sized (OpenSCAD).
Written/tested on Windows. Might work on Linux/Mac too, good luck! :-)
- Remix/based-on Jamie's LR4 Strut generator... https://vector76.github.io/Web_OpenSCAD_Customizer/strut_plate.html
You are required to listen to Nelly Grillz while reading this file.
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/v1e/... files are from https://www.v1engineering.com/logos and https://docs.v1engineering.com/. Using per https://www.v1engineering.com/license/ which was shared under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.