See clients and api wrappers in the docs for alternatives
A Python API wrapper for DefectDojo, an AppSec and Security Vulnerability Management tool.
This package implements API functionality available within Dojo.
Several quick start options are available:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install with pip (not recommended):
pip install git+
- If you are testing the api locally make sure to set the PYTHONPATH. export PYTHONPATH=/path/totheapi/defectdojo_api:$PYTHONPATH
# import the package
from defectdojo_api import defectdojo
# setup DefectDojo connection information
host = 'http://localhost:8000/'
api_key = 'your_api_key_from_DefectDojo'
user = 'admin'
# instantiate the DefectDojo api wrapper
dd = defectdojo.DefectDojoAPI(host, api_key, user, debug=False)
# If you need to disable certificate verification, set verify_ssl to False.
# dd = defectdojo.DefectDojoAPI(host, api_key, user, verify_ssl=False)
# Create a product
prod_type = 1 #1 - Research and Development, product type
product = dd.create_product("API Product Test", "This is a detailed product description.", prod_type)
if product.success:
# Get the product id
product_id =
print "Product successfully created with an id: " + str(product_id)
#List Products
products = dd.list_products()
if products.success:
print(products.data_json(pretty=True)) # Decoded JSON object
for product in["objects"]:
print(product['name']) # Print the name of each product
print products.message
More examples available on Github.
Supporting information for each method available can be found in the documentation.
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.