#pragma once #include "MHI-AC-Ctrl-core.h" #include "MHI-AC-Ctrl.h" #define VERSION "2.7R1" #define WIFI_SSID "" #define WIFI_PASSWORD "" #define HOSTNAME "MHI-AC-Ctrl" #define WiFI_SEARCHStrongestAP true // when false then the first WiFi access point with matching SSID found is used. // when true then the strongest WiFi access point with matching SSID found is used, it doesn't work with hidden SSID #define WiFI_SEARCH_FOR_STRONGER_AP_INTERVALL 12 // WiFi network re-scan interval in minutes with alternate to +5dB stronger signal if detected #define MQTT_SERVER "" // broker name or IP address of the broker #define MQTT_PORT 1883 // port number used by the broker #define MQTT_USER "" // if authentication is not used, leave it empty #define MQTT_PASSWORD "" // if authentication is not used, leave it empty #define MQTT_PREFIX HOSTNAME "/" // basic prefix used for publishing AC data (e.g. for status), // replace "/" by e.g. "/Living-Room/" when you have multiple ACs #define MQTT_SET_PREFIX MQTT_PREFIX "set/" // prefix for subscribing set commands, must end with a "/" #define MQTT_OP_PREFIX MQTT_PREFIX "OpData/" // prefix for publishing operating data, must end with a "/" #define MQTT_ERR_OP_PREFIX MQTT_PREFIX "ErrOpData/" // prefix for publishing operating data from last error, must end with a "/" #define OTA_HOSTNAME HOSTNAME // default for the OTA_HOSTNAME is the HOSTNAME #define OTA_PASSWORD "" // Enter an OTA password if required #define TEMP_MEASURE_PERIOD 0 // period in seconds for temperature measurement with the external DS18x20 temperature sensor // enter 0 if you don't use the DS18x20 #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 4 // D2, PIN for connecting temperature sensor DS18x20 DQ pin #define ROOM_TEMP_DS18X20_OFFSET 0.0 // Temperature offset for DS18x20 sensor, can be positive or negative (examples: 0.0, -1.0, 1.5) //#define ROOM_TEMP_DS18X20 // use room temperature from DS18x20 #define ROOM_TEMP_MQTT_SET_TIMEOUT 40 // time in seconds, after this time w/o receiving a valid room temperature // via MQTT fallback to IU temperature sensor value //#define POWERON_WHEN_CHANGING_MODE true // uncomment it to switch on the AC when the mode (heat, cool, dry etc.) is changed // used e.g. for home assistant support #define TROOM_FILTER_LIMIT 0.25 // Defines from which Troom delta value a new Troom value is pubslised. Resolution 0.25°C. // With a smaller resolution, Troom could toggle more. So deactivate the filter use 0. //#define ENHANCED_RESOLUTION true // when using Tsetpoint with x.5 degrees, airco will use (x+1).0 setpoint // uncomment this to compensatie (offset) Troom for this. // this will simulate .x degrees resolution // *** The configuration ends here *** #include // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/tree/master/libraries/ESP8266WiFi #include // https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient #include // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/tree/master/libraries/ArduinoOTA #if TEMP_MEASURE_PERIOD > 0 #include // https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_OneWire.html #include // https://github.com/milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library #endif #ifdef ROOM_TEMP_DS18X20 #if (TEMP_MEASURE_PERIOD == 0) #error "You have to use a value>0 for TEMP_MEASURE_PERIOD when you want to use DS18x20 as an external temperature sensor" #endif #endif extern PubSubClient MQTTclient; void MeasureFrequency(); // measures the frequency of the SPI pins void initWiFi(); // basic WiFi initialization void setupWiFi(int& WiFiStatus); // setup WIFi connection to AP int MQTTreconnect(); // (re)connect to MQTT broker void publish_cmd_ok(); // last MQTT cmd was o.k. void publish_cmd_unknown(); // last MQTT cmd was unknown void publish_cmd_invalidparameter(); // a paramter of the last MQTT was wrong void output_P(ACStatus status, PGM_P topic, PGM_P payload); // publish via MQTT void setupOTA(); // initialize and start OTA void setup_ds18x20(); // setup the temperature measurement byte getDs18x20Temperature(int temp_hysterese); // read the temperature from the DS18x20 sensor #define WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 2 #define WIFI_CONNECT_ONGOING 1 #define WIFI_CONNECT_OK 0 #define MQTT_NOT_CONNECTED 2 #define MQTT_RECONNECTED 1 #define MQTT_CONNECT_OK 0