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Tiago Rosa edited this page Aug 9, 2019 · 13 revisions


1) Building a minimum testable Product done

the expected end: April

The expected outcome: To have 2 pilot-teams (one LMF one ADEO) being able to install and use, as a POC, the Design System.

What's included ?

CSS framework and patterns

the goal here is not to have a bulletproof cross browser testing or even very stable elements, but more to be able to test our assumptions about:

  • how things will be consumed by BUs
  • syntax, modularity and architectural choices
  • things are able to play well with various technical stacks
  • things play well with existing CSS code base

design system contributing workflow

we want to be able to test :

  • our contributing guidelines and docs
  • css guidelines
  • CI and CD
  • issue and PR management

developer experience

we want to be able to test that :

  • the project is easy to install
  • the doc is clear and thorough
  • it seamlessly integrate into your workflow
  • the linters are well configured
  • you can apply some configuration


we want to be able to test that :

  • the information is well structured
  • you can find code, assets and how to easily
  • it is easy for design system developers to implement

/!\ at this point, the design system is still considered as highly unstable !

2) Building a minimum viable/likable Product (MVP / MLP) done

the expected end: `July/19

The expected outcome: 2 pilot-teams being able to optimize their cycle-time, design and front end development, by leveraging components straight from the design system

  • testing and improving all the previous points
  • redefining new objectives
  • adding the base list of components
  • make the styleguide looking great
  • rely heavily on international collaboration to test, review, implement the design system with us
  • cross browser testing

3) Going to V1 we're here :)

the expected end: September/19

The expected outcome: World-wide teams being use to optimize their time by leveraging this first stable version

the V1 should be the first stable system.

  • testing and improving all the previous points
  • locking as many point as we can regarding syntaxe, workflow, components etc…
  • redefining new objectives
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