- An exception is an abnormal condition that arises in a code piece at runtime ; a run-time error.
- JAVA exception is an object.
- Structure to handle exceptions :
// block of code to monitor for errors
catch ( ExceptionType er)
// exception handler
// block of code executed after try/catch block
Exception Types
- All exception types are subclasses of class Throwable.
- Throwable class has two major subclasses : Exception and Error.
- Exception class deals with the exceptional conditions that user program is expected to catch.
- Error class deals with the exceptions that cant be caught by user program, these are usually handled by the JVM.
Uncaught Exceptions
- When the user doesnt catch an exception , the JVM 's default handler handles the thrown exception.
- User catches and handles exception beacuse:
-> allows him to fix the error manually.
-> prevents program from automatically terminating.
Multiple Catch
- a try can be followed by a number of catch statements.
- it is important to take care that exception subclasses must come before superclasses, otherwise it creates an unreachable code situation.
Nested Try
- a try block can be nested in other try.
- the error in inner try is handled by its catch if any, else it is passed to outer try for handling until a match is found. If no match , then it's handled by the default JVM handler.
- to manually throw an exception.
- Syntax:
throw Throwable_Instance;
Throwable_Instance must be of type Throwable class or its subclass.
- Example:
throw new ArithmeticException();
catch(ArithmeticException e)
.... // catches the thrown exception
- when a method is capable of causing an exception it does not handle, it must specify it so that callers can guard themselves against it.
- if not mentioned , it is caught by the default handler and program doesn't compile (in case of checked exceptions).
- Example :
void demo() throws ArithmeticException
..... // body
throw new ArithmeticException;
catch(ArithmeticException e)
- create a block of code that will be executed after try/catch blocks complete.
- it is executed if or not a catch exists , if or not an exception occurs or even when no match for a catch is found.
- Usually used to free up resources held or to close file handlers.
Types Of Exceptions
- Unchecked : need not be included in any method's throws list, compiler doesn't check if a method handles or throws these exceptions.
- Checked : must be included in throws list , else the program is not compiled.