- obtaining the attributes of a superclass ( or parent) by a subclass (child).
- "extends" keyword is used :
class sub_class extends super_class // can extends only one superclass at a time
- All members of the superclass except the private ones are inherited by the subclass.
- A superclass instance can refer to a subclass object, but can only invoke or access the inherited members.
super keyword
to call superclass constructor
to refer to super class members when subclass members with the same name hide them.
Constructors are called starting from the superclass to the subclass in order , in a class hierarchy whenever an object is created.
Method overriding
- when subclass has method with same name and type signature as its superclass.
- if you have to access the superclass version ofthe overrridden method, use "super".
- Overridden methods allow for run time polymorphism.
Abstract Classes
- provides the structure of an abstraction without providing a complete implementation of every method.
- any class with one or more abstract methods is declared abstract.
- an abstract class can have no objects of its own, but can be declared to refer to its subclass's objects.
- any subclass of an abstract class must either implement all of the abstract methods or itself be declared as abstract.
Final Keyword
-> for variables, prefixing them with final keyword makes them act as constants.
-> to prevent overriding : declare the superclass methods as final , to avoid over-riding.
-> to prevent inheritance : declare superclass as final, to avoid inheriting it.
Note : A class can't be abstract and final at the same time.