Releases: adobe/aepsdk-edge-ios
Releases · adobe/aepsdk-edge-ios
- Integration with aepsdk-core-ios
- Integration with Assurance SDK
- CI/CD - SwiftFormat
- Added support for SPM, XCFramework
- Renamed to AEPEdge
Internal tag: AEP-iOS-1.0.0-beta-1
- Multi-datasets support for Experience events
- Experience Edge + Project Griffon SSF integration for request confirmation events
- Identity is now required for sending Experience events
- XDM data is now required for sending Experience events
- Enabled SwiftLint rules for lint and formatting in Xcode and commits
- E2E test framework and test cases for the AEP extension
Internal tag: AEP-iOS-1.0.0-alpha-2
Alpha 1 release
- Uses ACPCore for core APIs
- Sends events to Data Platform through ExExge
- Implements client side store
- Implements a Swift Network service
- Connects request & response events on client-side through the event UUID and request ID
- CI/CD with CircleCI builds, unit&functional test runs, Code coverage reports with Codecov
- Demo application with commerce events example and pre-generated swift code
Internal tag: AEP-iOS-1.0.0-alpha-1