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Installation and Usage on Windows

adosikas edited this page Oct 16, 2022 · 24 revisions


Installing Python

The easiest way is installing Python 3.10 directly from the Microsoft Store:

  1. Open
  2. Click the button to open the Store App
  3. Then click the download button in window that opened
  4. When done you can close the tab and the Store App

illustration of which buttons to click

If you are installing Python another way (ie from, or already have it installed, ensure you have at least version 3.9 .

Installing or updating this tool

  1. Go to the releases page and download the latest
  2. Extract it anywhere convenient (does not matter where) and open the folder.
  3. Double click install.bat to install the latest version of this tool and all required libraries A black console window will open briefly while it is downloading and installing everything
  4. Double click show_help.bat to test that everything installed correctly A black console window will open which will detail all supported command line arguments. You may need to scroll around to read everything, or make the window larger.
Step 2: Extracted helpers Step 3: Installing Step 4: Showing help
extracted helpers installation showing help

If you prefer the command line, you can instead just do pip3 install synth_mapping_helper to install and python3 -m synth_mapping_helper.cli -h to show help. Or run the .bat files from the terminal.

Basic Usage

  1. Open the directory where you extracted the helpers and keep the window open

  2. Open the beatmap editor and copy any rail with CTRL-C

  3. Switch to the directory and drag the spikify.txt onto smh.bat. Windows will display + Open with smh.bat if you are doing it correctly.
    Here is how it looks for me:
    Screenshot of dragging a file onto smh.bat

  4. A black console window will flash open very briefly if everything worked correctly.
    If an error occurs the window will stay open. If you get an error you do not understand, feel free to report it by making a new issue

  5. Switch back to the editor and paste the - now spiky - rail with CTRL-V

  6. Edit the spikify.txt to adjust the shape and spikyness of the rail

Advanced Usage

You can run show_help.bat or look at other pages on this wiki (currently just for Movement) to learn more about what options you can use to make your own action files or edit the existing ones.

Action files may contain multiple lines if you want to chain multiple operations together in a specific order rather than the default order.

Feel free to share actions that you think other mappers could find useful.

In addition you could also open a terminal (or command prompt) anywhere and just run python3 -m synth_mapping_helper.cli <options> directly. Or make an AutoHotkey script. Or a folder of shortcuts. Whatever you like.
You can also run actions from the terminal via smh.bat spikify.txt.

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