- Documentation enhancements and fixes.
- Fixed error in DR5 estimated end of data collection time.
- Version change to fix automated PyPI publication.
- Notebooks with examples integrated into documentation.
- Added the Gaia data release time spans to the utils module.
- Error in epoch propagation code fixed
- Unit tests updated to work with pytest
- Renamed master branch to main.
- Added new performance predictions for photometry and radial velocities (appeared on Gaia science performance pages after Gaia DR3).
- Changed repository layout.
- Updated to using pyproject.toml configuration and using pip to install from source.
- Cleaned up documentation and published on readthedocs.io.
- Changed license.
- Fixed the typo noted in #4
- Minor fixes to code, documentation link in EpochPropagation class updated.
- This version is for the post-Gaia EDR3 performance predictions which are extrapolated from the actual Gaia (E)DR3 performances. See https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/science-performance
- MANY BREAKING CHANGES! For the pre-Gaia EDR3 version of the code see https://github.com/agabrown/pygaia-v1
- The performance predictions for astrometry now depend only on G and can only be generated for Gaia (E)DR3/DR4/DR5 . Variations as a function of sky position and colour are not included.
- The code was cleaned up, making it (more) conformant with the Python standards. This again causes many breaking changes due to renaming of modules and functions.
- Mission length scaling in photometric and radial velocity uncertainties.
- Allow for list of spectral types as input to vradErrorSkyAvg.
- Switched from Basemap to Cartopy in sky.py.
- Epoch propagation added, including the propagation of the covariance matrix.
- Covariance matrix construction from Gaia catalogue columns, including "radial proper motion" term.
- Changed convention for longitude numerical values. They are now between 0 and 2PI instead of -PI and +PI. THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE.
- Test cases slightly updated
- Added constant AU expressed in maskmyr/s
- Fixed large memoery consumption in the _getJacobian method in the coordinate transformation code. Thanks to jchelly for pointing out this problem.
- Add method to CoordinateTransformation for the transformation of the full (5x5) covariance matrix of the astrometric parameters.
- Add keyword to astrometric errors prediction functions that allows to specify an extended mission lifetime.
- Bug fix in coordinate transformation code.
- Updated photometry and radial velocity error predictions.
- End-of-mission photometry errors, including calibration floor, introduced for the broad band fluxes.
- Photometry errors now include 20% margin for CCD-transit and end-of-mission predictions.
- Example plot of photometry errors fixed.
- Added numerical constants.
- Improved setup.py, made code compatible with Python3
- Photometric performance predictions updated to post-launch estimates.
- Minor error in documentation of astrometryToPhaseSpace() method corrected.
- Error corrected in transformSkyCoordinateErrors() method. Thanks to Teresa Antoja and Taniya Parikh!
- Forgot to update changelog for version 0.8
- Radial velocity performance predictions updated to post-launch estimates.
- Astrometry performance predictions updated to post-launch estimates.
- Warning on upcoming changes in performance predictions, following the Gaia commissioning period
- radial velocity horizons plot in examples folder
- Utilities for obtaining absolute magnitudes of stars in V and G.
- Functions to obtain the upper and lower bounds on the astrometric parameter errors (corresponding to the sky regions with best/worst astrometric errors).
- Proper motion error plot.
- Parallax horizon plot.
- Added transformation of proper motions and of position and proper motion errors.
- Updated README. TODO added.
- Added documentation on installation requirements. Added the handling of an ImportError for the argparse module to the example scripts.
- Problems in setup.py fixed as well is bugs in the error simulation code.
- First release
- Creation from bits and pieces of python code that AB had lying around.