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Aloha Homepage 👗🏝

A mobile-first responsive homepage for Aloha Apparel Co. and it includes interactivity for feature products.

Image of Aloha Apparel


Clone project.

git clone < project directory .git >

Go to project directory.

cd < project directory >

Open the index.html file in a browser and enjoy!

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
    • jQuery
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Terminal
    • Homebrew

Personal Learnings

Web Developer (Project 1)

This was produced from the following lessons from Week 1 to Week 2:

  1. Intro to Your Computer & HTML
  2. Intro to CSS & CSS Styling
  3. Fonts on the Web
  4. Flexbox
  5. CSS3 & Responsive Web Design
  6. The Command Line Interface
  7. Git
  8. CSS Best Practices
  9. Intro to Programming
  10. Programming with JavaScript
  11. Intro to jQuery
  12. Animation with jQuery

Below are the subsequent learning outcomes.


New elements for outlining and sectioning.




Font files and put declaration at top of css page to use it throughout.

Media queries (start with mobile-first and modify for larger widths).

@meda screen and (min-width: 1240px) {


Use .container for header and footer of page.

  • <nav></nav>
    • <ul></ul>
      • <li></li>

Order can be used to create various layouts for media queries.

order: #;


Flexbox assists with creating easy to code layouts.

  • <div></div>
  • <h1></h1>... <h6></h6>
  • <p></p>
  • <em></em>
  • <figure></figure>
    • <img>
    • <figcaption></figcaption>
  • <form></form>
    • <input></input>
<section class="new-collection"></section>
background-image: linear-gradient(), url();
<section class="about"></section>
  • justify-content
  • align-items
  • text-align
<section class="shop"></section>
  • Should have used the following flex properties for the items, one class for the wide items and a second class for the smaller items.
    flex-grow: ;
    flex-shrink: ;
    flex-basis: ;
    /* shorthand */
    flex: flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis;
<section class="featured"></section>
<section class="newsletter"></section>
  • Created a button using <input></input>.
  • js was applied to div of input.
    • css box-shadow would appear when input type="email" was clicked.
  • js was added to submit input.


Displaying none hides an element.

display: none;

Used icons from Font Awesome.


Jen Lam, Full-Stack Developer student at RED Academy.

Let's connect on LinkedIn.