LLVM 11 compiler pass for HardBound instrumentation for hardbound-vp.
Copy the code in this repository to llvm/lib/Transform/Hardbound
the LLVM Monorepo. Also add add_subdirectory(Hardbound)
Refer to the upstream documentation to setup the build
environment. It is not necessary to build the entire LLVM tree as long
as the configuration you employ for the LLVM source repository is ABI
compatible with the binary LLVM package provided by your Linux
distribution. Running make
in llvm/build/lib/Transform/Hardbound
should result in llvm/build/lib/LLVMHardbound.so
being generated.
After generating LLVMHardbound.so
$ clang -Xclang -load -Xclang LLVMHardbound.so code.c
Afterwards, instrumented software must be executed with hardbound-vp.
Several tiny test programs are available, these must be compiled using:
$ make -C tests
Afterwards, tests can be run using
$ ./tests/run_tests.sh
Hardbound requires a compiler pass to insert setbound
instructions for local and global variables. C pointer variables should
be identifiable through LLVM IR store an
getelementptr instructions. For each of
these instructions, append a corresponding setbound
This work was supported in part by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the project Scale4Edge under contract no. 16ME0127 and within the project VerSys under contract no. 01IW19001.