- change
$.bind to $ .on where supported, closes #120 and #145 (e468ae9), closes #120 #145 - deleted redundant min file (moved to dist) (f530833)
- fix release tasks (1462c36)
- Merge pull request #115 from robeerob/patch-1 (ab31d58)
- Update README.md with raw downloadable install url (dcc9ad6)
added build tasks
added selenium unit tests
added lint tests
property -
added to npm
fixed unitless properties
fixed inline styles being removed
display: flex
issue -
display: inline-flex
issue -
fixed row detection when items contain floating elements
fixed compatibility for module loaders
- add custom version argument to gulp build (ad8aac5)
- add delay to jasmine boot (30824fb)
- add lint to all test tasks (6b16f67)
- add test for _parse on string values with units (4a64208)
- add to npm (0055660)
- added a section on tests to readme (e0be682)
- added changelog task (5263ab1)
- added cloud selenium, local emulated ie testing, lint task, build task, release task, improved tests (06bd876)
- added gulpfile, jasmine test specs, browser test runner, selenium test runner (ca926de)
- added libscore (03a4317)
- added matchHeight.version property (431e4d0)
- added release tasks (49cc72f)
- added test for property option (7bdada7)
- added test for remove (445799d)
- added tests for custom toBeWithinTolerance matcher (a89b1c2)
- bump jquery package version (cc9c416)
- change tests to use jquery type checking functions (6cf52f0)
- faster selenium testing (a6b2da3)
- fix bower instructions in readme (91e50ad)
- fix for display: inline-flex, closes #68 (e769b9f), closes #68
- fix for unitless properties by forcing px, closes #64 (d8cc365), closes #64
- fix issue maintaining inline styles, closes #95 (878ff96), closes #95
- fix issue with 'display:flex', closes #77 (dc53a49), closes #77
- fix issues with build script (1195421)
- fix linter issues (0165e74)
- Fix package manager registries URLs (036df1b)
- fixed local test config for non-windows (d67ca25)
- fixed missing dependencies (c608b80)
- handle error when test server is already running (9e6487d)
- ignore linebreak style on lint (1510b58)
- Improve row detection when cells contain floating contents (8844acb)
- improved readme (1cf2c27)
- improved tasks (61a9ed4)
- improved tests (b1cadb5)
- Make plugin compatible with module loaders (b5988c1)
- Merge branch 'feature/tests' into develop (a7d35dc)
- Merge branch 'floatingcontents' of https://github.com/jorrit/jquery-match-height into jorrit-floatin (89b74a7)
- Merge branch 'jorrit-floatingcontents' (dc9716b)
- Merge pull request #81 from afelicioni/patch-1 (c5566da)
- Merge pull request #82 from JulienMelissas/patch-1 (63d8ca4)
- remove ie testing meta tags (44ed2fe)
- replace browserstack tunnel with ngrok (2c67ca0)
- run webdriver spec for all breakpoints (3440598)
- update master build (df2e0c2)
- update master build (f4b4b98)
- updated min file (99648ca)
- use a spy for callback tests (a72a2cf)
- use gutil.log (00a91bc)
- use local test images (02398d9)
- Use unminified version in Bower's "main" argument (eedca73)
added options parameter
option -
option -
added callback events
added maintain scroll
added inline-block support
added hidden elements support
improved performance and throttling
improved demo
fixed declaration order issue when using requirejs
fixed issues for people using build concatenation
fixed data api issue with missing data-mh
fixed IE8 border calculation
fixed Safari row detection
fixed inline style preservation
- Fix usage of data-mh attribute (816850d)
- Improve support when concatenated or minified (09c4b1a)
- Merge branch 'kwoodfriend-patch-1' (dde46f9)
- Merge branch 'nyordanov-master' (dc77dbe)
- Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/kwoodfriend/jquery-match-height into kwoodfriend-patch- (e009c4c)
- Merge branch 'stefanozoffoli-patch-1' (c0104c4)
- Preserve inline styles when using byRow (72ba5cf)
- added display property tests (5dafa0c)
- added gitignore (d76b02c)
- added local jquery (9239f4e)
- added maintainScroll functionality, closes #18 (ee83317), closes #18
- added support for hidden elements, closes #12 (9a8944b), closes #12
- added support for options, added property option for min-height (94c9d28)
- added update callback events (0b31e21)
- avoid call to .is when no target specified (db9996d)
- changed master build description (6dcc13d)
- early out on options parser (b4326d3)
- fix for single item rows, closes #48 (64b9a54), closes #48
- fix handling of hidden elements by row, closes #28 (71a5151), closes #28
- fix row detection on safari (windows) (b52448a)
- fix to preserve inline styles (e9de702)
- fix typo in target option, closes #63 (290dfcf), closes #63
- fixed IE8 border reset issue, closes #10 (246820d), closes #10
- fixed support for inline-block (b3df801)
- fixed throttling issue (fdc8f7a)
- implemented target option (a01fb70)
- improved readme (9ba9529)
- preserve inline styles on hidden parents, closes #46 (4917d6c), closes #46
- refactored plugin definition (467d928)
- release 0.6.0 (aef80df)
- removed redundant css setter (6c7e6ad)
- reorganised source, closes #27 (cae21cd), closes #27
- skip apply to rows with only one item (f72ab91)
- updated min file (56214a1)
- updated min file (9aa96f1)
- updated min file (b6f612a)
- updated min file (128c363)
- updated readme (667e516)
- updated readme (a30551f)
- updated readme with known limitations (57ee64a)
- updating minified version (ab3963f)
- improved demo
- added matchHeight('remove')
- added update throttling
- removed forced
after application
- added matchHeight('remove') (8f5f13f)
- added updated throttling (6d9a6a7)
- prettier demo (f7ea426)
- release 0.5.2 (4b8f8e4)
- removed forced
after application (a3a058c) - updated changelog (ecee5f9)
- updated readme, changelog, build (ae0a825)
- fixed IE8 NaN bug when parsing 'auto' properties
- fixed IE8 window resize event loop bug
- fixed compatibility with older jQuery versions
- added bower package file
- added jquery package file
- Making the library compatible with old jQuery versions < 1.7 (4c3f945)
- Making the library compatible with old jQuery versions < 1.7 (7d467aa)
- Merge pull request #3 from dcorb/master (18a6fa1)
- added CHANGELOG (b1ed72d)
- added bower package (56c9902)
- added minified version (44c4554)
- fixed IE8 NaN bug when parsing 'auto' properties (702eea6)
- fixed IE8 window resize event loop bug (22b74da)
- increment version (0cb6082)
- updated minified build (3873f7d)
- updated readme (b62297b)
- initial release