# AidData's Geo Framework Core components of AidData's Geo Framework running on William and Mary's SciClone High Permance Computing cluster. http://geo.aiddata.wm.edu ## Setup ### core hpc config - make sure HPC account being used is set as priority user on for vortex-alpha nodes (HPC staff can do this) - make sure HPC servers have necessary ports open for mongodb, gmail ### prepare database server - have IT open mongodb ports for geo.aiddata.wm.edu and all HPC servers (prod and dev servers, where applicable) - update mongod.conf - copy db_backup_script.sh and add cron (see comments in script for details) ### prepare sciclone environment - install home directory environment scripts (copy from `sciclone` in this repo to your sciclone account home directory, or extract from the `home_backups` dir in `/sciclone/aiddata10/geo`) - load necessary modules by logging out and back in to sciclone or using `source ~/.cshrc` and `source ~/.cshrc.rhel6-opteron` - install python packages: `pip install --user -r pip_list.txt` - add ssh key from your sciclone account to `aiddatageo` github (approve rsa key first time manually) ### initialize framework - run `bash setup.sh <branch>` ## Ingest Datasets - utilizes data and ingest files from asdf-datasets repo - see ingest dir for specifics on ingesting datasets (related resources in asdf-datasets repo) ## Components ### Tasks todo ### Tools todo ### Utils todo ### Assets static files/resources used by other scripts (e.g., images, text templates, pdfs) ### Scr Scratch - misc scripts and tools not critical to running geo framework ## Tests py-test based tests for testing geo utiltiies and components ## extract-scripts Tools for manually running batch extract jobs ## Related Repos / Resources Wiki - Additional details about Geo Framework and Sciclone: - https://github.com/itpir/geo-hpc/wiki Dataset preparation and ingest: - https://github.com/itpir/geo-datasets Website source and related config files (Private repos): - https://github.com/itpir/geo-query - https://github.com/itpir/geo-core Related: - https://github.com/itpir/geo-portal - https://github.com/itpir/geoMatch - https://github.com/itpir/geoML - https://github.com/itpir/geoDash - https://github.com/itpir/geoValuate Previous repos for components of the Geo Framework which were combined in this repo: - https://github.com/itpir/asdf - https://github.com/itpir/mean-surface-rasters - https://github.com/itpir/extract-scripts - https://github.com/itpir/det-module