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File metadata and controls

75 lines (60 loc) · 2.85 KB


Larastart is a console application to bootstrap your Laravel App by generating Models, Migrations, Routes and API Controllers automatically. Proudly fueled by Laravel ^5.4 :)

Yep, that's right! An API out-of-the-box with a couples of console commands :)


git clone
cd larastart


To use it, you just need to provide a json file (+ formats to come) with the list of Resources that your application will need.

Larastart provides you several commands:

Available commands:
  help             Displays help for a command
  list             Lists commands
  make:all         Wrapper to run all the other commands at once
  make:api         Generates API from a resource file
  make:migration   Generates Migrations from a resource file
  make:model       Generates Models from a resource file
  make:seed        Generates Seeds from the spreadsheet file

You may use make:model , or any other command in separate, to generate your intended files:

php bin/larastart make:model examples/resources/blog.json ../output_dir
> Processing Models
> Generated 'post's model
> Generated 'author's model
> Finished

You can create seeds for you application.

Important: The standard is csv file with comma as a separator.

php bin/larastart make:seed author examples/resources/author.csv ../output_dir
> Processing Seeds
> Generated 'author's seed
> Finished

Resources File Format

A Resource is a standard file to describe your Data Model Structure, with validation rules. Those files should have an array of Resource Items. You may pass as a resource argument a file or a directory with resource files.


Each Resource file, is composed by Resource Items, that are described by:

  • name
  • description
  • model

A model is composed by:

  • columns: (Mandatory)
  • _softDeletes: (Optional) The common softDeletes of Laravel;
  • _timestamps: (Optional) The common timestamps of Laravel;
  • _table: (Optional) The table name. If not setted, will be used;
  • _{relationship type}: (Optional) Example "_hasOne": "author". You can provide a list of "hasOne" relations or a string for just one;

A column is composed by:

  • type: (Mandatory) All of the Laravel's column type. Ex: increments, integer, string, text, etc;
  • name: (Mandatory) The column name
  • length: (Optional) Used as column length in some of the available types;
  • _unsigned: (Optional) To describe a column as unsigned;
  • _index: (Optional) To add an index on this column. If a string is given it will be the index name. If boolean is given the index name will be automatically generated. If array of strings is given it will generate a compound index of the provided column names

Resource example for a Blog Application blog.json