- datasets
- gender
- platform
- relationship
- religion
- status
- bootstrap_icons
- country
- dial_code
- mime
- quota
Get the array of available datasets. The parameter is only small
and large
print_r(datasets('small')); // Output: [...]
print_r(datasets('large')); // Output: [...]
If the parameter is not from those two, it will return empty array:
print_r(datasets('big')); // Output: []
Get the gender by code:
echo gender('L'); // Output: Laki-Laki
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the gender array:
print_r(gender()); // Output: [...]
Get the platform by code:
echo platform(1); // Output: Facebook
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the platform array:
print_r(platform()); // Output: [...]
Get the relationship by code:
echo relationship(1); // Output: Lajang
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the relationship array:
print_r(relationship()); // Output: [...]
Get the religion by code:
echo religion(1); // Output: Islam
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the religion array:
print_r(religion()); // Output: [...]
Get the status by code:
echo status(1); // Output: Aktif
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the status array:
print_r(status()); // Output: [...]
Get the bootstrap icons array:
print_r(bootstrap_icons()); // Output: [...]
Get the country by code:
echo country('ID'); // Output: Indonesia
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the country array:
print_r(country()); // Output: [...]
Get the dial code by code:
echo dial_code('ID'); // Output: +62
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the dial code array:
print_r(dial_code()); // Output: [...]
Get the mime by type:
echo mime('image/png'); // Output: png
Get the random quote:
echo quote('random'); // Output: Living like Larry
The default of parameter is null. If it's null, it will return the quote array:
print_r(quote()); // Output: [...]