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95 lines (76 loc) · 5.32 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (76 loc) · 5.32 KB


Thank you very much for any contributions or suggestions! For recommendations of systems to add, please see the following instructions. For other contributions, please see the list below.

New dynamical systems

If you would like a new chaotic system added to the database, please mention it on the issue thread here. Because there are an infinite number of chaotic systems, we currently are only including systems that have appeared in published work.

The biggest bottleneck when adding new models is a lack of known parameter values and initial conditions, and so please provide a reference or code that contains all parameter values necessary to reproduce the claimed dynamics. For this reason, we would very much appreciate it if you could include as much of possible of the following pieces of information: Right hand side and Metadata

1. Right hand side. The first thing that we need is a working right-hand side of the dynamical system. The Lorenz system is currently represented this way. Just replace the name and _rhs function, and list the parameters in alphabetical order

class Lorenz(DynSys):
    def _rhs(x, y, z, t, beta, rho, sigma):
        xdot = sigma * (y - x)
        ydot = x * (rho - z) - y
        zdot = x * y - beta * z
        return xdot, ydot, zdot

If you also know the jacobian matrix, please include a function for that as well

class Lorenz(DynSys):
    def _rhs(x, y, z, t, beta, rho, sigma):
        xdot = sigma * (y - x)
        ydot = x * (rho - z) - y
        zdot = x * y - beta * z
        return xdot, ydot, zdot
    def _jac(x, y, z, t, beta, rho, sigma):
        row1 = [-sigma, sigma, 0]
        row2 = [rho - z, -1, -x]
        row3 = [y, x, -beta]
        return [row1, row2, row3]

We list parameters and arguments by name (instead of using keyword arguments) in order to simplify compiling with numba

2. Metadata. The second thing we need is metadata about the system. I would really appreciate it if you could provide as much as possible of the information included in a standard database entry and implementation. For example, the Lorenz attractor has this JSON representation:

    "Lorenz": {
        "bifurcation_parameter": null,
        "citation": "Lorenz, Edward N (1963). Deterministic nonperiodic flow. Journal of the atmospheric sciences 20.2 (1963): 130-141.",
        "correlation_dimension": 1.993931310517824,
        "delay": false,
        "description": "A minimal weather model based on atmospheric convection.",
        "dt": 0.0001801,
        "embedding_dimension": 3,
        "hamiltonian": false,
        "initial_conditions": [
        "kaplan_yorke_dimension": 2.075158758095728,
        "lyapunov_spectrum_estimated": [
        "maximum_lyapunov_estimated": 1.0910931847726466,
        "multiscale_entropy": 1.1541457906835575,
        "nonautonomous": false,
        "parameters": {
            "beta": 2.667,
            "rho": 28,
            "sigma": 10
        "period": 1.5008,
        "pesin_entropy": 1.121034394385731,
        "unbounded_indices": []

Feel free to copy and paste and then fill out the fields that you know; we have utilities for recalculating dt, initial_conditions, kaplan_yorke_dimension, lyapunov_spectrum_estimated, maximum_lyapunov_estimated, multiscale_entropy, period, pesin_entropy, but an initial guess will improve these estimates

Development to-do list

A partial list of potential improvements in future versions. We very much appreciate any help or suggestsions for these tasks.

  • Speed up the delay equation implementation
    • We need to roll our own implementation of DDE23 in the utils module.
  • Improve calculations of Lyapunov exponents for delay systems
  • Implement multivariate multiscale entropy and re-calculate for all attractors
  • Add a method for parallel integrating multiple systems at once, based on a list of names and a set of shared settings
    • Can use multiprocessing for a few systems, but greater speedups might be possible by compiling all right hand sides into a single function acting on a large vector.
    • Can also use this same utility to integrate multiple initial conditions for the same model
  • Add a separate jacobian database file, and add an attribute that can be used to check if an analytical one exists. This will speed up numerical integration, as well as potentially aid in calculating Lyapunov exponents.
  • Align the initial phases, potentially by picking default starting initial conditions that lie on the attractor, but which are as close as possible to the origin
  • Expand and finalize the discrete dysts.maps module
    • Maps are deterministic but not differentiable, and so not all analysis methods will work on them. Will probably need a decorator to declare whether utilities work on flows, maps, or both
  • Switch stochastic integration to a newer package, like torchsde or sdepy