Thu Jan 10 14:38:02 PST 2019
- 1aa2e0f FAB-13628 Release fabric-chaincode-evm v0.1.0
- 7342ad3 FAB-13263 Update Fabric dependency to 1.4
- 7d7ccb9 FAB-13168 Cleanup Makefile and scripts
- 97cb415 FAB-13435 Rename job name in Jenkinsfile
- 61bb885 FAB-13435 Update pipeline CI script on cc-evm
- 5f6f073 Configure Stale ProBot
- 719a4f6 FAB-11081 check marshaled json for eth RPC fields
- 94d314d FAB-13285 Switch logger.Fatal to fmt.Print
- 6bb8493 FAB-10789 EVM bytecode events are emitted
- b5144f7 FAB-7983 add and use zap logger
- 788a84d FAB-13106 Update Fabric dependency to v1.3.0
- c94adff FAB-11080 Extend transaction receipt & refactor
- 867f3bf FAB-13063 basic build and clean
- c56d7ec FAB-12903 Allow contract to contract invocations
- b354ec4 FAB-13101 Consolidate long eventual timeout in tests
- 378fb88 update Morgan Bauer contact information
- 3219f63 FAB-10374 dep config to not prune ginkgo
- 06e4ebc FAB-11082 full transactions for GetBlockByNumber
- e9600df FAB-11081 web3 integration tests
- 7a24ab4 FABCI-205 Build notifications to RocketChat
- 657467f FAB-11081 Add web3 integration tests
- 8ff5d79 FAB-10374 run all basic checks in jenkins
- 302e06e FAB-12683 remove plugin references from README
- 1395119 FAB-11082 implement eth_getTransactionByHash
- 2dcd448 FAB-10374 add more flags to ginkgo runs
- 50743b7 FAB-11082 implement eth_getblockbynumber
- 891549a FAB-11081 Add fab3 integration tests
- f478c99 Add Morgan Bauer as chaincode-evm maintainer
- 54494ed FAB-12480 bump baseimage to 0.4.13
- cf97461 FAB-11081 Use ginkgo in running tests
- deb8a86 FAB-11081 Move e2e tests into separate dir
- 0846767 FAB-12326 Update CI script to install nodejs
- 7ce40d3 FAB-11080 BlockNumber should be hex encoded
- 2160999 FAB-11080 Update README and add example
- e5eba5c FAB-11080 struct tags for proper json case output
- 2221bba FAB-11082 implement eth_getBalance
- 920fd82 FAB-11082 annotation for regenerating mocks
- 44e412f FAB-11082 bubble errors up to main
- 57f6194 FAB-11082 implement EstimateGas
- b0ffdd7 FAB-10374 Remove old e2e docker-compose tests
- 3683511 FAB-10374 Switch integration tests to use ginkgo
- 1b5e571 FAB-11082 add network rpc service
- 96ea951 FAB-10374 Add vendor dependencies
- f83a7fe FAB-11083 Add CORS support to the Proxy
- b935805 FAB-11080 MVP Fabproxy
- 4515d55 FAB-11080 Add dependencies needed for fabproxy
- 6e1d2f4 FAB-11658 Encode storage keys
- fabda63 FAB-11507 Remove build process
- 1d6e20d FAB-11513 Add shim.Start to main
- 47bcb18 FABCI-8 CI pipeline configuration
- 0fcb6c2 FAB-9730 update README
- 298759f FAB-10400 add docker image to build
- e0335d8 FAB-7742 Add test cases for
- 3ef2598 FAB-10373 update baseimage version 0.4.8
- 24da74b FAB-10369 Remove extraneous comments
- 5335ef0 FAB-10369 Update Burrow dependency to 0.18.0
- 7c2f7f6 FAB-7749 Add e2e example for evmscc.
- 53f4404 FAB-9699 add linters to makefile
- d21c440 FAB-8599 Add makefile and build scripts.
- 9c94b80 FAB-7742 Add dependencies for evmscc implementation.
- 6363946 FAB-7742 Implement EVM chaincode as a scc plugin.
- 40beaee FAB-7747 Implement Burrow state interfaces.
- 7a524ac FAB-7747 Vendor dependencies needed for statemanager
- a12e22d FAB-9360 add
- 677fb90 FAB-9063 Provide link to Fabric committers
- 7959197 Gerrit/GitHub ID swap
- 6848b05 FAB-7087 initial commit