Mort require some configuration to proper run. This section aim to provide basic information about config.
Example config:
headers: # add or overwrite response headers of given status. This field is optional
- statusCodes: [200]
"cache-control": "max-age=84000, public"
buckets: # list of available buckets
demo: # bucket name
keys: # list of S3 keys (optional)
- accessKey: "access"
secretAccessKey: "random"
transform: # config for transforms
path: "\\/(?P<presetName>[a-z0-9_]+)\\/(?P<parent>[a-z0-9-\\.]+)" # regexp for transform path
kind: "presets-query" # type of transform or "query"
presets: # list of presets
quality: 75
width: 150
basic: # retrieve originals from s3
kind: "s3"
accessKey: "acc"
secretAccessKey: "sec"
region: ""
endpoint: "http://localhost:8080"
transform: # and store it on disk
kind: "local-meta"
rootPath: "/var/www/domain/"
Server section describe configuration for HTTP server and some runtime variables
listen: "" # default traffic listener
monitoring: "" # default no monitoring ( or prometheus)
type: "memory" # default or redis
maxCacheItemSizeMB: 50 # max item size to cache default 5 MB
# config for redis
- "localhost:6379"
clientConfig: # change redis instance config
requestTimeout: 70 # default request timeout in seconds
internalListen: "" # default listener for debug /debug and metrics /metrics
plugins: # list of additional plugins
- "webp" # returns response based on accept header
Overwrite response headers for given status code.
- statusCodes: [200]
"cache-control": "max-age=84000, public"
- statusCodes: [404, 400]
"cache-control": "max-age=60, public"
- statusCodes: [500, 503]
"cache-control": "max-age=10, public"
Main configuration for processing of request for storage or image processing. It should contain list of buckets.
Example buckets config:
keys: # s3 keys for this bucket useful for uploading files
- accessKey: "acc"
secretAccessKey: "sec"
transform: # optional configuration for image operations
path: "\\/(?P<presetName>[a-z0-9_]+)\\/(?P<parent>.*)"
kind: "presets"
parentBucket: "media"
resultKey: "hash"
quality: 75
width: 150
kind: "http"
url: "<item>"
"x--key": "sec"
kind: "local-meta"
rootPath: "/Users/aldor/workspace/mkaciubacom/web"
pathPrefix: "transforms"
Transform section describe if and what operation should be processed on image.
There are 3 kinds of transforms configuration:
kind: "presets"
In this kind you have to define matching regexp for request path (path without bucket name). In regexp you have to add two matching groups - presetName, parent.
- presetName is a name of preset that should be performed on given image(parent).
- parent is a image original on which we are performing operations
Example usage:
path: "\\/(?P<presetName>[a-z0-9_]+)\\/(?P<parent>.*)"
It will match url http://mort/media/preset/dir/parent.jpg and
- presetName will be - preset
- parent will be - dir/parent.jpg
kind: "query"
This kind of transform parse operations from query string. There is no need to provide regexp path.
Example usage:
kind: "presets-query"
This kind merge presets and query in one kind. It will try to match regexp for path it will not match then it try to parse query string. Like in presets kind regexp is required.
Other options:
parentBucket - this key will add defined name to path of parent when parsing
resultKey - this key will define way of creating transform object unique key. Hash mean that key will be murmur hash from parent and transforms. When empty request path will be used.
parentStorage - change storage from with mort should fetch originals of image
checkParent - flag indicated that mort should always check if original object exists before returning transformation to client
This section define way of fetching object from storage. For fetching original object storage of name basic or defined in parentStorage, for image transformation transforms storage will be used.
List of storage adapters:
- local-meta - adapter working on local file system
- noop - adapter that don't save image and always return that object doen't exists
- http - adapter that call remote storage using HTTP protocol
- s3 - adapter for Amazon S3 compatible service
Local filesystem storage.
Example definition:
kind: "local-meta"
rootPath: "/Users/aldor/workspace/mkaciubacom/web" # required root path for objects
No operations storage. That does nothing.
Example definition:
kind: "noop"
HTTP remote storage. That can only fetch objects.
Example definition
kind: "http"
url: "http://remote/<container>/<item>"
"x-mort": 1
url - remote address, in url you should provide placeholders for bucket name (conatiner) and item path (item)
headers - additional request headers (optional)
Adapter that fetch object from s3 storage.
Example definition
kind: "s3"
accessKey: "a"
secretAccessKey: "b"
endpoint: ""
region: "eu-west-1"
bucket: "mybucket" # optional
accessKey - S3 access key
secretAccessKey - S3 secret access key
endpoint - address of S3 service
region = region of s3 service
bucket - bucket used for storage, when empty name of bucket will be used