# Binaries for programs and plugins *.exe *.exe~ *.dll *.so *.dylib *.dSYM *.o *.d *.mtb *.a *.dpp main # Test binary, built with `go test -c` *.test # Perf output *.pprog # output for pprof *.prof *.pprof # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE *.out # Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it) vendor/ # gRPC/Protocol Buffers bin dist/* node_modules/ docs/ # Test data json.log json2.log coverage.txt coverage2.txt coverage.xml profile*.pdf code-coverage-results.md metadata data.ndjson *~ *# *.#* *.DS_Store *.swp # act .secrets out/ .idea/* bin/ # artifact .artifact/cache .artifact/data # pycache *.pyc # code editor settings .vscode/* # exclude files from `ag` search .ignore # license finder lf_logs/ # exclude credential created during CI google-credentials.json # frontend built artifacts are not committed (they are generated during appimage github workflow step) web/runtime-shared/static etc/android-ndk-* etc/FFmpeg # qemu core dumps web/cmd/server/*.core # gomobile / android *.aar *.jar # direnv (optional dev tool) .envrc # codegpt .codegpt/*