This directory contains all files necessary to start a dynamic Flask web application.
- - last iteration of dynamic Flask web application.
- templates directory contains all the html/jinja templates for the dynamic Flask web application.
- 100-hbnb.html - last iteration of html/jinja template for the dynamic Flask web application.
- static directory contains all the css and images used for the dynamic Flask web application.
- images directory contains all images used for the dynamic Flask web application.
- icon.png - HBnB icon.
- icon_bath.png - icon of a bath.
- icon_bed.png - icon of a bed.
- icon_group.png - icon of a group of people.
- logo.png - HBnB logo.
- scripts directory contains all jQuery scripts used for the dynamic Flask web application.
- 100-hbnb.js - last iteration of jQuery script for the dynamic Flask web application.
- styles directory contains all css used for the dynamic Flask web application.
- 3-footer.css - last iteration of css for the footer.
- 3-header.css - last iteration of css for the header.
- 4-common.css - last iteration of css for the body.
- 6-filters.css - last iteration of css for the filters.
- 8-places.css - last iteration of css for the places display.
- images directory contains all images used for the dynamic Flask web application.