Extensions allows you to link alf.io with your existing tools, such as:
- Billing/Accounting systems
- CRMs
- Additional Email marketing services (Mailjet, ...)
- Custom notifications (Slack, Telegram, etc.)
Extensions can be added and modified only by the Administrator. For security and stability reasons, it is not possible to do that with less privileged users.
Each extension consists of a JavaScript script, you can find a sample below:
* The script metadata object describes whether or not your extension should be invoked asynchronously, and which events it supports
* @returns {{ async: boolean, events: string[] }}
function getScriptMetadata() {
return {
async: false,
events: [
//supported values:
//'RESERVATION_CONFIRMED', //fired on reservation confirmation. No results expected.
//'RESERVATION_EXPIRED', //fired when reservation(s) expired
//'RESERVATION_CANCELLED', //fired when reservation(s) are cancelled
//'TICKET_ASSIGNED', //fired on ticket assignment. No results expected.
//'WAITING_QUEUE_SUBSCRIPTION', //fired on waiting queue subscription. No results expected.
'INVOICE_GENERATION' //fired on invoice generation. Returns the invoice model.
* Executes the extension.
* @param scriptEvent
* @returns Object
function executeScript(scriptEvent) {
log.warn('hello from script with event: ' + scriptEvent);
//this sample calls the https://csrng.net/ website and generates a random invoice number
var randomNumber = restTemplate.getForObject('https://csrng.net/csrng/csrng.php?min=0&max=100', Java.type('java.util.ArrayList').class)[0].random;
log.warn('the invoice number will be ' + randomNumber)
return {
invoiceNumber: randomNumber
each extension is registered to one or more Application Events, and is fired as soon as the Application Event occurs.
alf.io provides some objects and properties to the script in the script scope:
- log Log4j logger
- restTemplate Spring Framework's RestTemplate
- GSON Google's JSON parser/generator
- returnClass
the expected result type
other event-related variables are also injected in the scope
extensions will be invoked asynchronously once a reservation has been confirmed.
- reservation: TicketReservation
extensions will be invoked synchronously once one or more reservations have expired.
- event: Event
- reservationIds: String[] - the reservation IDs
extensions will be invoked synchronously once one or more reservations have been cancelled.
- event: Event
- reservationIds: String[] - the reservation IDs
extensions will be invoked asynchronously once a ticket has been assigned.
- ticket: Ticket
extensions will be invoked asynchronously once someone subscribes to the waiting queue.
- waitingQueueSubscription: WaitingQueueSubscription
extensions will be invoked synchronously while generating an invoice.
- event: Event
- reservationId: String - the reservation ID
- email: String - contact email
- customerName: String
- userLanguage: String - ISO 639-1 2-letters language code
- billingAddress: String - the billing Address
- reservationCost: TotalPrice
- invoiceRequested: boolean - whether or not the user has requested an invoice or just a receipt
- vatCountryCode: String - the EU country of business of the customer, if any
- vatNr: String - Customer's VAT Number
- vatStatus: VatStatus, see #278
InvoiceGeneration - The invoice content, currently limited to the invoice number.
This methods returns the actual configuration options and capabilities of the extension. It must return a JSON object with the following properties:
- async boolean: whether or not the script should be invoked asynchronously.
- events string[]: list of supported events
- configuration {(key: string): string}: the extension configuration (WIP)
the actual event handling. Parameters and return types are event-dependent.