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File metadata and controls

184 lines (167 loc) · 6.47 KB


various functions used to create ui component.


creates a drop down that closes when clicked outside.

  • autoclose (Boolean) optional: whether to close when click outside it, default true.

returns [dropDown, open, close].

  • dropDown (HTMLElement): the drop down element.
  • open (Function): function to open the drop down.
  • close (Function): function to close the drop down.


create a drop down that open with a button

var [dropDown, open, close] = createDropDown();
editor.addButton('open drop down', {
	icon: '<span>open</span>',
	title: 'open',
	action: () => open()

addInput(editor, name, definition)

add a button that open a drop down with input.

  • editor (HyperRTE): an editor instance.
  • name (String): the button name.
  • definition (Object): the definition object, inherit title, state, and icon from the button definition.
    • type (String): the input type or "textarea" for a textarea element.
    • reset (Boolean) optional: whether to add a reset button, call action with "initial", default: false.
    • action (Function): a function called to produce an action, called by (value: String, editor: HyperRTE).

any additional property is assign to the input element.


add an input for inserting html.

addInput(editor, 'insert html', {
	title: 'insert html',
	icon: '<span>insert html</span>',
	action: (str) => $edit.insert(str, 'html')


  • addColor(editor, name, definition): add a color picker, type set to "color".
  • addNumber(editor, name, definition): add a number input, type set to "number".

addInputs(editor, name, definition)

add a button that open a drop down with multiple inputs.

  • editor (HyperRTE): an editor instance.
  • name (String): the button name.
  • definition (Object): the definition object, inherit title, state, and icon from the button definition.
    • inputs (Object[]): an array of objects containing properties of input elements.
    • action (Function): a function called to produce an action, called by (...value: String, editor: HyperRTE).


add inputs for inserting image.

addInputs(editor, 'insert image', {
	title: 'insert image',
	icon: '<span>insert image</span>',
	inputs: [
		{type: 'text', placeholder: 'url'},
		{type: 'number', placeholder: 'height'},
		{type: 'number', placeholder: 'width'}
	action: (url, height, width) => {
		var img = document.createElement('img');
		img.src = url;
		img.width = width + 'px';
		img.height = height + 'px';
		$edit.insert(img, 'node')

addList(editor, name, definition)

add a button that open a drop down with a list of items.

  • editor (HyperRTE): an editor instance.
  • name (String): the button name.
  • definition (Object): the definition object, inherit title, state, and icon from the button definition.
    • data (Array): the data array.
    • item (Function): a function called to construct the list item, must return HTMLElement, called by (value: any, editor: HyperRTE).
    • action (Function): a function called to produce an action, called by (...value: String, editor: HyperRTE).


add list for adding headings.

addList(editor, 'heading', {
	title: 'heading',
	icon: '<span>heading</span>',
	data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
	item: (size) => {
		var el = document.createElement('h' + size);
		el.innerText = 'size ' + size;
		return el
	action: (size) => $edit.heading(size)


creates a dialog that closes when clicked outside.

  • autoclose (Boolean) optional: whether to close when click outside it, default true.

returns [dialog, open, close].

  • dialog (HTMLElement): the dialog element.
  • open (Function): function to open the dialog.
  • close (Function): function to close the dialog.


create a dialog that open with a button

var [dialog, open, close] = createDialog();
editor.addButton('open dialog', {
	icon: '<span>open</span>',
	title: 'open',
	action: () => open()


add a button that hide the main editor view and show a panel. args:

  • editor (HyperRTE): an editor instance.
  • name (String): the button name.
  • definition (Object): the definition object, inherit title, and icon from the button definition.
    • creator (Function): a function that creates the panel, called by (editor: HyperRTE, back: Function) and returns [panel: HTMLElement, onopen: Function].
      • back (Function): a function to close the panel.
      • panel (HTMLElement): the panel element.
      • onopen (Function): a function called when opening the panel, to update the state of it, called by (editor: HyperRTE).


add an panel to show source.

addPanel(editor, 'source', {
	title: 'view source',
	icon: '<span>source</span>',
	creator: (editor, back) => {
		var panel = document.createElement('div');
		var backButton = document.createElement('button');
		backButton.innerText = 'back';
		backButton.addEventListener('click', back);
		var sourceEl = document.createElement('div');
		panel.append(backButton, sourceEl);
		return [panel, () => sourceEl.innerText = editor.content]

createMenu(editor, items)

create a menu that can be opened and closed.

  • editor (HyperRTE): an editor instance.
  • items (Object): object of functions named according to the item name inside menu, called when clicked with (editor: HyperRTE).

addMenu(editor, name, definition)

add a button that opens a menu.

  • editor (HyperRTE): an editor instance.
  • name (String): the button name.
  • definition (Object): the definition object, inherit title, state, and icon from the button definition, any additonal properties are traited as menu items.


creates a button that open a menu of text snippets:

addMenu(editor, 'snippets', {
	title: 'insert snippets',
	icon: '<span>snippets</span>',
	'hello world': () => editor.doAction('snippet', () => $edit.insert('hello world', 'text')),
	'js is good': () => editor.doAction('snippet', () => $edit.insert('js is good', 'text')),
	'hyper is better': () => editor.doAction('snippet', () => $edit.insert('hyper is better', 'text'))