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File metadata and controls

115 lines (94 loc) · 4.09 KB


the base plugin that is recommended for all builds, it include usefull basic tools.

  • clean: clean the dom.
  • remove format: unformat the text.
  • select paragraph: select the paragraph.
  • select all: select all content.


the most basic text formatting you can get, it include buttons for bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, subscript, and superscript.


a simple plugin for font managment.
it includes buttons for font size, font color, font famly, background color.

it also add an option fonts of type String[] for font famlies,
default: default, cursive, monospace, serif, sans-serif, fantasy, Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Bookman Old Style, Bradley Hand ITC, Century, Century Gothic, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Courier New, Georgia, Gentium, Impact, King, Lucida Console, Lalit, Modena, Monotype Corsiva, Papyrus, Tahoma, TeX, Times, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Verona.


a plugin for text containers.

  • paragraph: toggle paragraph.
  • quote: add a quote.
  • heading: add a heading.
  • unordered list: add an unordered list.
  • ordered list: add an ordered list.
  • horizantal rule: add a horizantal rule.


add various text flow modifiers.

  • align: change text aligning.
  • indent: change text identation.
  • direction: change text direction.


add support for embeding media and links.

  • image: add image.
  • link: toggle link.
  • video: add video.
  • iframe: add iframe.

requires resize plugin for resizing capablities.


allow the ability to resize the items.
to make a thing resizable, add resizable class to it.


plugin for source manipulation and custom html insertion.

  • insert html: insert custom html string.
  • source: change the source of the content.

it also add an option sanitizer of type true || Function for sanitizing the inputed, if true use built in sanitizer else use the specified, if not specified insert normally.


add simple but effictive table support.

  • table: insert a table of specified dimensions.
  • row: different row actions: add row before, add row after, remove row.
  • column: different row actions: add column before, add column after, remove column.
  • table caption: add a caption for the table.


add redo/undo functionality.

  • undo: undo the action.
  • redo: redo the action.

it also add an option history of type Object for history options:

  • size (Number): the size of the stack, default 20.
  • skipActions (String[]): actions to skip, default: ['undo', 'redo', 'copy', 'clean', 'select paragraph', 'select all', 'info'].

History class

when this plugin is used, it add property named history on the editor instance which is used for history managment.

methods and fields

  • get canUndo(): whether it can undo.
  • get canRedo(): whether it can redo.
  • push(): push the current content into the stack.
  • undo(): perform undo if possible.
  • redo(): perform redo if possible.


add simple clipboard with multi item support.

  • copy: copy to clipboard.
  • cur: cur to clipboard.
  • paste: paste from clipboard.
  • paste text: paste unformated from clipboard.

it also add an option clipboard of type Number for clipboard size, default: 10.


add a multi node find capablities for the editor, wiith the ability to find and replace and step finding.
button name: find.


add custom styling of text with css styling.
button name: custom style.


display information of the text like text length, character and word count.
button name: info.


add full unicode input support featuring all blocks and characters.
button name: unicode.