Note: These lecture notes were slightly modified from the ones posted on the 6.858 course website from 2014.
What problem does the paper try to solve?
- Applications can exfiltrate a user's private data and send it to some server.
- High-level approach: keep track of which data is sensitive, and prevent it from leaving the device!
- Why aren't Android permissions enough?
- Android permissions control whether application can read/write data, or access devices or resources (e.g., the Internet).
- Using Android permissions, it's hard to specify a policy about particular types of data (Example: "Even if the app has access to the network, it should never be able to send user data over the network").
- Q: Aha! What if we never install apps that both read data and have network access?
- A: This would prevent some obvious leaks,
but it would also break many legitimate
apps! (Example: email app)
- Information can still leak via side channels. (Example: browser cache leaks whether an object has been fetched in the past)
- Apps can collude! (Example: An app without network privileges can pass data to an app that does have network privileges.)
- A malicious app might trick another app into sending data. (Example: Sending an intent to the Gmail app?)
What does Android malware actually do?
- Use location or IMEI for advertisements. (IMEI is a unique per-device identifier.)
- Credential stealing: send your contact list, IMEI, phone number to remote server.
- Turn your phone into a bot, use your contact list to send spam emails/SMS messages! 'Sophisticated' Android malware hits phones
- Preventing data exfiltration is useful, but taint tracking by itself is insufficient to keep your device from getting hacked!
TaintDroid tracks sensitive information as it propagates through the system.
- TaintDroid distinguishes between information
sources and information sinks
- Sources generate sensitive data: Example: Sensors, contacts, IMEI
- Sinks expose sensitive data: Example: network.
- TaintDroid uses a 32-bit bitvector to represent taint, so there can be at most 32 distinct taint sources.
- Roughly speaking, taint flows from rhs to lhs of assignments.
int lat = gps.getLatitude();
// The lat variable is now
// tainted!
Dalvik VM is a register-based machine,
so taint assignment happens during the
execution of Dalvik opcodes [see Table 1].
move_op dst src // dst receives src's taint
binary_op dst src0 src1 // dst receives union of src0
// and src1's taint
Interesting special case, arrays:
char c = //. . . get c somehow.
char uppercase[] = ['A', 'B', 'C', . . .];
char upperC = uppercase[c];
// upperC's taint is the
// union of c and uppercase's
// taint.
- To minimize storage overheads, an array receives a single taint tag, and all of its elements have the same taint tag.
- Q: Why is it safe to associate just one label with arrays or IPC messages?
- A: It should be safe to over-estimate taint. This may lead to false positives, but not false negatives.
- Another special case: native methods
(i.e., internal VM methods like
, and native code exposed via JNI).- Problem: Native code doesn't go through the Dalvik interpreter, so TaintDroid can't automatically propagate taint!
- Solution: Manually analyze the
native code, provide a summary of
its taint behavior.
- Effectively, need to specify how to copy taints from args to return values.
- Q: How well does this scale?
- A: Authors argue this works OK
for internal VM functions
). For "easy" calls, the analysis can be automated---if only integers or strings are passed, assign the union of the input taints to the return value.
- IPC messages are like treated like
arrays: each message is associated
with a single taint that is the union
of the taints of the constituent
- Data which is extracted from an incoming message is assigned the taint of that message.
- Each file is associated with a single
taint flag that is stored in the
file's metadata.
- Like with arrays and IPC messages, this is a conservative scheme that may lead to false positives.
How are taint flags represented in memory?
- Five kinds of things need to have taint
- Local variables in a method
- Method arguments
- Object instance fields
- Static class fields
- Arrays
- Basic idea: Store the flags for a variable
near the variable itself.
- Q: Why?
- A: Preserves spatial locality---this hopefully improves caching behavior.
- For method arguments and local variables that live on the stack, allocate the taint flags immediately next to the variable.
| . |
| local0 |
| local0 taint tag |
| local1 |
| local1 taint tag |
_TaintDroid_ uses a similar approach
for class fields, object fields,
and arrays -- put the taint tag
next to the associated data.
So, given all of this, the basic idea in TaintDroid is simple: taint sensitive data as it flows through the system, and raise an alarm if that data tries to leave via the network!
The authors find various ways that apps misbehave:
- Sending location data to advertisers
- Sending a user's phone number to the app servers
TaintDroid's rules for information flow might lead to counterintuitive/interesting results. Imagine that an application implements its own linked list class.
class ListNode{
Object data;
ListNode next;
Suppose that the application assigns tainted values to the "data" field. If we calculate the length of the list, is the length value tainted?
Adding to a linked list involves:
- Allocating a
- Assigning to the
field - Patching up
Note that Step 3 doesn't involve tainted data! So, "next" pointers are tainted, meaning that counting the number of elements in the list would not generate a tainted value for length.
What are the performance overheads of TaintDroid?
- Additional memory to store taint tags.
- Additional CPU cost to assign, propagate, check taint tags.
- Overheads seem to be moderate: ~3--5%
memory overhead, 3--29% CPU overhead
- However, on phones, users are very concerned about battery life: 29% less CPU performance may be tolerable, but 29% less battery life is bad.
Q: Why not track taint at the level of x86 instructions or ARM instructions?
A: It's too expensive, and there are too many false positives.
- Example: If kernel data structures are improperly assigned taint, then the taint will improperly flow to user-mode processes. This results in taint explosion: it's impossible to tell which state has truly been affected by sensitive data.
- One way that this might happen is
if the stack pointer or the break
pointer are incorrectly tainted.
Once this happens, taint rapidly
- Local variable accesses are specified as offsets from the break pointer.
- Stack instructions like
use the stack pointer. - Pointless Tainting? Evaluating the Practicality of Pointer Tainting
Q: Taint tracking seems expensive---can't we just examine inputs and outputs to look for values that are known to be sensitive?
A: This might work as a heuristic, but it's easy for an adversary to get around it.
- There are many ways to encode data, e.g., URL-quoting, binary versus text formats, etc.
As described, taint tracking cannot detect implicit flows.
Implicit flows happen when a tainted value affects another variable without directly assigning to that variable.
if (imei > 42) {
x = 0;
} else {
x = 1;
Instead of assigning to x
, we could try to leak information
about the IMEI over the network!
Implicit flows often arise because of tainted values affecting control flow.
Can try to catch implicit flows by assigning a taint tag to the PC, updating it with taint of branch test, and assigning PC taint to values inside if-else clauses, but this can lead to a lot of false positives.
if (imei > 42) {
x = 0;
} else {
x = 0;
// The taint tracker thinks that
// x should be tagged with imei's
// taint, but there is no information
// flow!
Interesting application of taint tracking: keeping track of data copies.
- Often want to make sure sensitive data (keys, passwords) is erased promptly.
- If we're not worried about performance, we can use x86-level taint tracking to see how sensitive information flows through a machine. Ref
- Basic idea: Create an x86 simulator that interprets each x86 instruction in a full system (OS + applications).
- You'll find that software often keeps data
for longer than necessary. For example,
keystroke data stays around in:
- Keyboard device driver's buffers
- Kernel's random number generator
- X server's event queue
- Kernel socket/pipe buffers used to pass messages containing keystroke
buffers for terminal apps- etc...
TaintDroid detects leaks of sensitive data, but requires language support for the Java VM -- the VM must implement taint tags. Can we track sensitive information leaks without support from a managed runtime? What if we want to detect leaks in legacy C or C++ applications?
- One approach: use doppelganger processes as introduced by the TightLip system
- Step 1: Periodically, Tightlip runs a
daemon which scans a user's file system
and looks for sensitive information like
mail files, word processing documents,
- For each of these files, Tightlip generates a shadow version of the file. The shadow version is non-sensitive, and contains scrubbed data.
- Tightlip associates each type of sensitive file with a specialized scrubber. Example: email scrubber overwrites to: and from: fields with an equivalent number of dummy characters.
- Step 2: At some point later, a process
starts executing. Initially, it touches
no sensitive data. If it touches sensitive
data, then Tightlip spawns a doppelganger
- The doppelganger is a sandboxed
version of the original process.
- Inherits most state from the original process...
- ...but reads the scrubbed data instead of sensitive data
- Tightlip lets the two processes run in parallel, and observes the system calls that the two processes make.
- If the doppelganger makes the same system calls with the same arguments as the original process, then with high probability, the outputs do not depend on sensitive data.
- The doppelganger is a sandboxed
version of the original process.
- Step 3: If the system calls diverge,
and the doppelganger tries to make a
network call, Tightlip flags a potential
leak of sensitive data.
- At this point, Tightlip or the user can terminate the process, fail the network write, or do something else.
- Nice things about Tightlip:
- Works with legacy applications
- Requires minor changes to standard OSes to compare order of system calls and their arguments
- Low overhead (basically, the overhead of running an additional process)
- Limitations of Tightlip
- Scrubbers are in the trusted computing
- They have to catch all instances of sensitive data.
- They also have to generate reasonable dummy data -- otherwise, a doppelganger might crash on ill-formed inputs!
- If a doppelganger reads sensitive data from multiple sources, and a system call divergence occurs, Tightlip can't tell why.
- Scrubbers are in the trusted computing
TaintDroid and Tightlip assume no assistance from the developer ...but what if developers were willng to explicitly add taint labels to their code?
int {Alice --> Bob} x; // Means that x is controlled
// by the principal Alice, who
// allows that data to be seen
// by Bob.
Input channels: The read values get the label of the channel.
Output channels: Labels on the channel must match a label on the value being written.
- Static (i.e., compile-time) checking can catch
many bugs involving inappropriate data flows.
- Loosely speaking, labels are like strong types which the compiler can reason about.
- Static checks are much better than dynamic checks: runtime failures (or their absence) can be a covert channel!
- For more details, see the Jif paper