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To make working with JS values a little easier, there are wrappers available for "complex" JS types, such as Arrays, Objects and Functions, which provide an API that wraps the native V8 API but makes it a lot easier to work with.


This is the interface that all value helpers share. It provides only the IsValid() method, which returns whether the underlying JS object is valid. (Empty handle or not)


The js::Object class wraps v8::Object values.

API overview:

// Creates with an automatically created underlying JS object
js::Object obj;

// Creates an object from an existing JS object
v8::Local<v8::Object> jsObj;
js::Object objFromValue(jsObj);

// Gets a value from the object with the specified key (falls back to default constructor if conversion failed)
// Fictional JS object: `{ myKey: 23, myOtherKey: "my key!" }`
int myKey = obj.Get<int>("myKey");
std::string myOtherKey = obj.Get<std::string>("myOtherKey");
js::Logger::Info(myKey, "|", myOtherKey); // Logs `23 | my key!`

// Sets a value on the object with the specified key
// Allows passing any type convertible via `js::JSValue`
objVal.Set("myKey", 42);
objVal.Set("myOtherKey", "my key!");
v8::Local<v8::Value> jsVal;
objVal.Set("anotherKey", jsVal);

// Gets the underlying v8 value
v8::Local<v8::Object> v8Obj = obj.Get();


The js::Array class wraps v8::Array values.

API overview:

// Creates with an automatically created underlying JS array
js::Array array;

// Optionally, a size for the array can be passed
js::Array arrayWithSize(64); // .length == 64

// Creates an array from an existing JS array
v8::Local<v8::Array> jsArray;
js::Array arrayFromValue(jsArray);

// Gets a value from the array at the specified index (falls back to default constructor if conversion failed)
// Fictional JS array: `[ "test123", 53 ]`
std::string firstVal = array.Get<std::string>(0);
int secondVal = array.Get<int>(1);
js::Logger::Info(firstVal, "|", secondVal); // Logs `test123 | 53`

// Sets a value in the array at the specified index
// Allows passing any type convertible via `js::JSValue`
array.Set(0, 187);
array.Set(1, "test value");
v8::Local<v8::Value> jsVal;
array.Set(2, jsVal);

// Alternatively, if its desired to just push a value to the array end

// Gets the underlying v8 value
v8::Local<v8::Array> v8Array = array.Get();


The js::Function class wraps v8::Function values.

API overview:

// Creates a function from an existing JS function
v8::Local<v8::Function> jsFunc;
js::Function func(jsFunc);

// Calls the function with the specified arguments (returns an empty optional if the call failed or the return value can't be converted to the type)
// The template parameter specifies the type of the return value, if omitted defaults to void (no return value)
// Fictional JS function: `function myFunction(someNumber, someString) { return someNumber + 10; }`
std::optional<int32_t> result = func.Call<int32_t>(25, "Some string");
if(!result) return;
int32_t resultVal = result.value();
js::Logger::Info(resultVal); // Logs `35`

// Optionally, the `this` value for the function call can also be specified as the first argument
v8::Local<v8::Object> thisObject;
func.Call(thisObject, 25, "Some string");

// Gets the underlying v8 value
v8::Local<v8::Function> v8Function = func.Get();


The js::Promise class wraps v8::Promise::Resolver values.

API overview:

// Creates a new promise
js::Promise* promise = resource->CreatePromise();

// Pass the promise to some async operation
std::function<void()> imaginaryLambda = [promise]() {
    // ... do something
    delete promise;

// Resolve the promise with the given value

// Reject the promise with the given value
promise->Reject("no success :(");

// Gets the underlying v8 value
v8::Local<v8::Promise> v8Promise = promise->Get();