diff --git a/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator.min.js b/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator-full.min.js
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 58%
rename from The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator.min.js
rename to The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator-full.min.js
index b01a1ab..1b507f6
--- a/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator.min.js
+++ b/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator-full.min.js
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
** Built at: 2013-12-02 17:58:01Z
function() {
var $,
@@ -19,6 +16,9 @@ function() {
+ base64Decode,
+ base64UrlDecode,
+ createDateFromISO8601,
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ function() {
+ parseToken,
@@ -55,6 +56,13 @@ function() {
return function() {
return fn.apply(me, arguments)
+ },
+ __indexOf = [].indexOf ||
+ function(item) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i
+ }
+ return - 1
simpleXPathJQuery = function(relativeRoot) {
var jq;
@@ -344,7 +352,7 @@ function() {
if ($(el).css("position") === "static") {
_results.push( - 1)
} else {
- _results.push(parseInt($(el).css("z-index"), 10) || -1)
+ _results.push(parseFloat($(el).css("z-index")) || -1)
return _results
@@ -413,6 +421,9 @@ function() {
this.on = this.subscribe;
+ Delegator.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ return this.removeEvents()
+ };
Delegator.prototype.addEvents = function() {
var event,
@@ -893,8 +904,8 @@ function() {
Annotator.prototype.events = {
".annotator-adder button click": "onAdderClick",
".annotator-adder button mousedown": "onAdderMousedown",
- ".annotator-hl mouseover": "onHighlightMouseover",
- ".annotator-hl mouseout": "startViewerHideTimer"
+ ".annotator-hl click": "onHighlightClick",
+ //".annotator-hl mouseout": "startViewerHideTimer"
Annotator.prototype.html = {
adder: '
@@ -915,7 +926,7 @@ function() {
this.onEditAnnotation = __bind(this.onEditAnnotation, this);
this.onAdderClick = __bind(this.onAdderClick, this);
this.onAdderMousedown = __bind(this.onAdderMousedown, this);
- this.onHighlightMouseover = __bind(this.onHighlightMouseover, this);
+ this.onHighlightClick = __bind(this.onHighlightClick, this);
this.checkForEndSelection = __bind(this.checkForEndSelection, this);
this.checkForStartSelection = __bind(this.checkForStartSelection, this);
this.clearViewerHideTimer = __bind(this.clearViewerHideTimer, this);
@@ -960,8 +971,8 @@ function() {
} (this)
- mouseover: this.clearViewerHideTimer,
- mouseout: this.startViewerHideTimer
+ //mouseover: this.clearViewerHideTimer,
+ //mouseout: this.startViewerHideTimer
return this
@@ -983,7 +994,7 @@ function() {
Annotator.prototype._setupDocumentEvents = function() {
mouseup: this.checkForEndSelection,
- mousedown: this.checkForStartSelection
+ click: this.checkForStartSelection
return this
@@ -1021,8 +1032,8 @@ function() {
- mouseup: this.checkForEndSelection,
- mousedown: this.checkForStartSelection
+ //mouseup: this.checkForEndSelection,
+ click: this.checkForStartSelection
@@ -1135,10 +1146,12 @@ function() {
annotation.quote = annotation.quote.join(" / ");
$(annotation.highlights).data("annotation", annotation);
+ $(annotation.highlights).attr("data-annotation-id", annotation.id);
return annotation
Annotator.prototype.updateAnnotation = function(annotation) {
this.publish("beforeAnnotationUpdated", [annotation]);
+ $(annotation.highlights).attr("data-annotation-id", annotation.id);
this.publish("annotationUpdated", [annotation]);
return annotation
@@ -1216,7 +1229,7 @@ function() {
cssClass = "annotator-hl"
white = /^\s*$/;
- hl = $("");
+ hl = $("");
_ref1 = normedRange.textNodes();
_results = [];
for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref1.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
@@ -1281,7 +1294,7 @@ function() {
Annotator.prototype.startViewerHideTimer = function() {
if (!this.viewerHideTimer) {
- return this.viewerHideTimer = setTimeout(this.viewer.hide, 250)
+ return this.viewerHideTimer = setTimeout(this.viewer.hide, 250) // Amanda: change timer length if annotation happens across in sidebar; was originally 250
Annotator.prototype.clearViewerHideTimer = function() {
@@ -1325,12 +1338,12 @@ function() {
Annotator.prototype.isAnnotator = function(element) {
return !! $(element).parents().addBack().filter("[class^=annotator-]").not(this.wrapper).length
- Annotator.prototype.onHighlightMouseover = function(event) {
+ Annotator.prototype.onHighlightClick = function(event) {
var annotations;
- this.clearViewerHideTimer();
+ /*this.clearViewerHideTimer(); //Amanda: removed to change highlight activation from hover to click
if (this.mouseIsDown || this.viewer.isShown()) {
return false
- }
+ }*/
annotations = $(event.target).parents(".annotator-hl").addBack().map(function() {
return $(this).data("annotation")
@@ -1466,6 +1479,7 @@ function() {
instance = $.data(this, "annotator");
if (instance) {
return options && instance[options].apply(instance, args)
} else {
instance = new Annotator(this, options);
return $.data(this, "annotator", instance)
@@ -1776,7 +1790,7 @@ function() {
Viewer.prototype.html = {
element: '',
- item: '\n \n View as webpage\n \n \n \n'
+ item: '\n \n View as webpage\n \n \n \n'
Viewer.prototype.options = {
readOnly: false
@@ -1830,7 +1844,15 @@ function() {
- this.annotations = annotations || [];
+ this.annotations = annotations || []; //Amanda: Begin code to input annotations NIDs related to a highlight to concealed view exposed filter for annosidebar view.
+ var theresult = new Array();
+ for(var key in annotations){
+ allNIDs = annotations[key]['nid'];
+ theresult.push(allNIDs);
+ }
+ grabNID = theresult.join(',');
+ $('#edit-nid--2').val(grabNID);
+ $('#views-exposed-form-annosidebar-annosidebar').submit();//Amanda: autosubmit; working code ends
list = this.element.find("ul:first").empty();
_ref2 = this.annotations;
for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
@@ -1846,7 +1868,7 @@ function() {
if (links.length === 0 || links[0].href == null) {
} else {
- link.attr("href", links[0].href)
+ link.attr("href", links[0].href);
if (this.options.readOnly) {
@@ -1876,7 +1898,7 @@ function() {
this.publish("load", [this.annotations]);
return this.show()
- };
+ };
Viewer.prototype.addField = function(options) {
var field;
field = $.extend({
@@ -1996,7 +2018,1278 @@ function() {
notification = new Annotator.Notification;
Annotator.showNotification = notification.show;
return Annotator.hideNotification = notification.hide
- })
+ });
+ Annotator.Plugin.Unsupported = function(_super) {
+ __extends(Unsupported, _super);
+ function Unsupported() {
+ return Unsupported.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ Unsupported.prototype.options = {
+ message: Annotator._t("Annotation is not supported by this browser, and/or you need to enable Javascript in your browser to annotate.") // Amanda: clarified unsupported message. Note this message has a character limit (127 characters?).
+ };
+ Unsupported.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
+ if (!Annotator.supported()) {
+ return $(function(_this) {
+ return function() {
+ Annotator.showNotification(_this.options.message);
+ if (window.XMLHttpRequest === void 0 && ActiveXObject !== void 0) {
+ return $("html").addClass("ie6")
+ }
+ }
+ } (this))
+ }
+ };
+ return Unsupported
+ } (Annotator.Plugin);
+ createDateFromISO8601 = function(string) {
+ var d,
+ date,
+ offset,
+ regexp,
+ time,
+ _ref2;
+ regexp = "([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})" + "(T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\\.([0-9]+))?)?" + "(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})))?)?)?)?";
+ d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp));
+ offset = 0;
+ date = new Date(d[1], 0, 1);
+ if (d[3]) {
+ date.setMonth(d[3] - 1)
+ }
+ if (d[5]) {
+ date.setDate(d[5])
+ }
+ if (d[7]) {
+ date.setHours(d[7])
+ }
+ if (d[8]) {
+ date.setMinutes(d[8])
+ }
+ if (d[10]) {
+ date.setSeconds(d[10])
+ }
+ if (d[12]) {
+ date.setMilliseconds(Number("0." + d[12]) * 1e3)
+ }
+ if (d[14]) {
+ offset = Number(d[16]) * 60 + Number(d[17]);
+ offset *= (_ref2 = d[15] === "-") != null ? _ref2: {
+ 1: -1
+ }
+ }
+ offset -= date.getTimezoneOffset();
+ time = Number(date) + offset * 60 * 1e3;
+ date.setTime(Number(time));
+ return date
+ };
+ base64Decode = function(data) {
+ var ac,
+ b64,
+ bits,
+ dec,
+ h1,
+ h2,
+ h3,
+ h4,
+ i,
+ o1,
+ o2,
+ o3,
+ tmp_arr;
+ if (typeof atob !== "undefined" && atob !== null) {
+ return atob(data)
+ } else {
+ b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
+ i = 0;
+ ac = 0;
+ dec = "";
+ tmp_arr = [];
+ if (!data) {
+ return data
+ }
+ data += "";
+ while (i < data.length) {
+ h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
+ h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
+ h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
+ h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
+ bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4;
+ o1 = bits >> 16 & 255;
+ o2 = bits >> 8 & 255;
+ o3 = bits & 255;
+ if (h3 === 64) {
+ tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1)
+ } else if (h4 === 64) {
+ tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2)
+ } else {
+ tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3)
+ }
+ }
+ return tmp_arr.join("")
+ }
+ };
+ base64UrlDecode = function(data) {
+ var i,
+ m,
+ _k,
+ _ref2;
+ m = data.length % 4;
+ if (m !== 0) {
+ for (i = _k = 0, _ref2 = 4 - m; 0 <= _ref2 ? _k < _ref2: _k > _ref2; i = 0 <= _ref2 ? ++_k: --_k) {
+ data += "="
+ }
+ }
+ data = data.replace(/-/g, "+");
+ data = data.replace(/_/g, "/");
+ return base64Decode(data)
+ };
+ parseToken = function(token) {
+ var head,
+ payload,
+ sig,
+ _ref2;
+ _ref2 = token.split("."),
+ head = _ref2[0],
+ payload = _ref2[1],
+ sig = _ref2[2];
+ return JSON.parse(base64UrlDecode(payload))
+ };
+ Annotator.Plugin.Auth = function(_super) {
+ __extends(Auth, _super);
+ Auth.prototype.options = {
+ token: null,
+ tokenUrl: "/auth/token",
+ autoFetch: true
+ };
+ function Auth(element, options) {
+ Auth.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.waitingForToken = [];
+ if (this.options.token) {
+ this.setToken(this.options.token)
+ } else {
+ this.requestToken()
+ }
+ }
+ Auth.prototype.requestToken = function() {
+ this.requestInProgress = true;
+ return $.ajax({
+ url: this.options.tokenUrl,
+ dataType: "text",
+ xhrFields: {
+ withCredentials: true
+ }
+ }).done(function(_this) {
+ return function(data, status, xhr) {
+ return _this.setToken(data)
+ }
+ } (this)).fail(function(_this) {
+ return function(xhr, status, err) {
+ var msg;
+ msg = Annotator._t("Couldn't get auth token:");
+ console.error("" + msg + " " + err, xhr);
+ return Annotator.showNotification("" + msg + " " + xhr.responseText, Annotator.Notification.ERROR)
+ }
+ } (this)).always(function(_this) {
+ return function() {
+ return _this.requestInProgress = false
+ }
+ } (this))
+ };
+ Auth.prototype.setToken = function(token) {
+ var _results;
+ this.token = token;
+ this._unsafeToken = parseToken(token);
+ if (this.haveValidToken()) {
+ if (this.options.autoFetch) {
+ this.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(function(_this) {
+ return function() {
+ return _this.requestToken()
+ }
+ } (this), (this.timeToExpiry() - 2) * 1e3)
+ }
+ this.updateHeaders();
+ _results = [];
+ while (this.waitingForToken.length > 0) {
+ _results.push(this.waitingForToken.pop()(this._unsafeToken))
+ }
+ return _results
+ } else {
+ console.warn(Annotator._t("Didn't get a valid token."));
+ if (this.options.autoFetch) {
+ console.warn(Annotator._t("Getting a new token in 10s."));
+ return setTimeout(function(_this) {
+ return function() {
+ return _this.requestToken()
+ }
+ } (this), 10 * 1e3)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Auth.prototype.haveValidToken = function() {
+ var allFields;
+ allFields = this._unsafeToken && this._unsafeToken.issuedAt && this._unsafeToken.ttl && this._unsafeToken.consumerKey;
+ if (allFields && this.timeToExpiry() > 0) {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ };
+ Auth.prototype.timeToExpiry = function() {
+ var expiry,
+ issue,
+ now,
+ timeToExpiry;
+ now = (new Date).getTime() / 1e3;
+ issue = createDateFromISO8601(this._unsafeToken.issuedAt).getTime() / 1e3;
+ expiry = issue + this._unsafeToken.ttl;
+ timeToExpiry = expiry - now;
+ if (timeToExpiry > 0) {
+ return timeToExpiry
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ };
+ Auth.prototype.updateHeaders = function() {
+ var current;
+ current = this.element.data("annotator:headers");
+ return this.element.data("annotator:headers", $.extend(current, {
+ "x-annotator-auth-token": this.token
+ }))
+ };
+ Auth.prototype.withToken = function(callback) {
+ if (callback == null) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (this.haveValidToken()) {
+ return callback(this._unsafeToken)
+ } else {
+ this.waitingForToken.push(callback);
+ if (!this.requestInProgress) {
+ return this.requestToken()
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return Auth
+ } (Annotator.Plugin);
+ Annotator.Plugin.Store = function(_super) {
+ __extends(Store, _super);
+ Store.prototype.events = {
+ annotationCreated: "annotationCreated",
+ annotationDeleted: "annotationDeleted",
+ annotationUpdated: "annotationUpdated"
+ };
+ Store.prototype.options = {
+ annotationData: {},
+ emulateHTTP: false,
+ loadFromSearch: false,
+ prefix: "/store",
+ urls: {
+ create: "/annotations",
+ read: "/annotations/:id",
+ update: "/annotations/:id",
+ destroy: "/annotations/:id",
+ search: "/search"
+ }
+ };
+ function Store(element, options) {
+ this._onError = __bind(this._onError, this);
+ this._onLoadAnnotationsFromSearch = __bind(this._onLoadAnnotationsFromSearch, this);
+ this._onLoadAnnotations = __bind(this._onLoadAnnotations, this);
+ this._getAnnotations = __bind(this._getAnnotations, this);
+ Store.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.annotations = []
+ }
+ Store.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
+ if (!Annotator.supported()) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (this.annotator.plugins.Auth) {
+ return this.annotator.plugins.Auth.withToken(this._getAnnotations)
+ } else {
+ return this._getAnnotations()
+ }
+ };
+ Store.prototype._getAnnotations = function() {
+ if (this.options.loadFromSearch) {
+ return this.loadAnnotationsFromSearch(this.options.loadFromSearch)
+ } else {
+ return this.loadAnnotations()
+ }
+ };
+ Store.prototype.annotationCreated = function(annotation) {
+ if (__indexOf.call(this.annotations, annotation) < 0) {
+ this.registerAnnotation(annotation);
+ return this._apiRequest("create", annotation,
+ function(_this) {
+ return function(data) {
+ if (data.id == null) {
+ console.warn(Annotator._t("Warning: No ID returned from server for annotation "), annotation)
+ }
+ return _this.updateAnnotation(annotation, data)
+ }
+ } (this))
+ } else {
+ return this.updateAnnotation(annotation, {})
+ }
+ };
+ Store.prototype.annotationUpdated = function(annotation) {
+ if (__indexOf.call(this.annotations, annotation) >= 0) {
+ return this._apiRequest("update", annotation,
+ function(_this) {
+ return function(data) {
+ return _this.updateAnnotation(annotation, data)
+ }
+ } (this))
+ }
+ };
+ Store.prototype.annotationDeleted = function(annotation) {
+ if (__indexOf.call(this.annotations, annotation) >= 0) {
+ return this._apiRequest("destroy", annotation,
+ function(_this) {
+ return function() {
+ return _this.unregisterAnnotation(annotation)
+ }
+ } (this))
+ }
+ };
+ Store.prototype.registerAnnotation = function(annotation) {
+ return this.annotations.push(annotation)
+ };
+ Store.prototype.unregisterAnnotation = function(annotation) {
+ return this.annotations.splice(this.annotations.indexOf(annotation), 1)
+ };
+ Store.prototype.updateAnnotation = function(annotation, data) {
+ if (__indexOf.call(this.annotations, annotation) < 0) {
+ console.error(Annotator._t("Trying to update unregistered annotation!"))
+ } else {
+ $.extend(annotation, data)
+ }
+ return $(annotation.highlights).data("annotation", annotation)
+ };
+ Store.prototype.loadAnnotations = function() {
+ return this._apiRequest("read", null, this._onLoadAnnotations)
+ };
+ Store.prototype._onLoadAnnotations = function(data) {
+ var a,
+ annotation,
+ annotationMap,
+ newData,
+ _k,
+ _l,
+ _len2,
+ _len3,
+ _ref2;
+ if (data == null) {
+ data = []
+ }
+ annotationMap = {};
+ _ref2 = this.annotations;
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ a = _ref2[_k];
+ annotationMap[a.id] = a
+ }
+ newData = [];
+ for (_l = 0, _len3 = data.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
+ a = data[_l];
+ if (annotationMap[a.id]) {
+ annotation = annotationMap[a.id];
+ this.updateAnnotation(annotation, a)
+ } else {
+ newData.push(a)
+ }
+ }
+ this.annotations = this.annotations.concat(newData);
+ return this.annotator.loadAnnotations(newData.slice())
+ };
+ Store.prototype.loadAnnotationsFromSearch = function(searchOptions) {
+ return this._apiRequest("search", searchOptions, this._onLoadAnnotationsFromSearch)
+ };
+ Store.prototype._onLoadAnnotationsFromSearch = function(data) {
+ if (data == null) {
+ data = {}
+ }
+ return this._onLoadAnnotations(data.rows || [])
+ };
+ Store.prototype.dumpAnnotations = function() {
+ var ann,
+ _k,
+ _len2,
+ _ref2,
+ _results;
+ _ref2 = this.annotations;
+ _results = [];
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ ann = _ref2[_k];
+ _results.push(JSON.parse(this._dataFor(ann)))
+ }
+ return _results
+ };
+ Store.prototype._apiRequest = function(action, obj, onSuccess) {
+ var id,
+ options,
+ request,
+ url;
+ id = obj && obj.id;
+ url = this._urlFor(action, id);
+ options = this._apiRequestOptions(action, obj, onSuccess);
+ request = $.ajax(url, options);
+ request._id = id;
+ request._action = action;
+ return request
+ };
+ Store.prototype._apiRequestOptions = function(action, obj, onSuccess) {
+ var data,
+ method,
+ opts;
+ method = this._methodFor(action);
+ opts = {
+ type: method,
+ headers: this.element.data("annotator:headers"),
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: onSuccess ||
+ function() {},
+ error: this._onError
+ };
+ if (this.options.emulateHTTP && (method === "PUT" || method === "DELETE")) {
+ opts.headers = $.extend(opts.headers, {
+ "X-HTTP-Method-Override": method
+ });
+ opts.type = "POST"
+ }
+ if (action === "search") {
+ opts = $.extend(opts, {
+ data: obj
+ });
+ return opts
+ }
+ data = obj && this._dataFor(obj);
+ if (this.options.emulateJSON) {
+ opts.data = {
+ json: data
+ };
+ if (this.options.emulateHTTP) {
+ opts.data._method = method
+ }
+ return opts
+ }
+ opts = $.extend(opts, {
+ data: data,
+ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+ });
+ return opts
+ };
+ Store.prototype._urlFor = function(action, id) {
+ var url;
+ url = this.options.prefix != null ? this.options.prefix: "";
+ url += this.options.urls[action];
+ url = url.replace(/\/:id/, id != null ? "/" + id: "");
+ url = url.replace(/:id/, id != null ? id: "");
+ return url
+ };
+ Store.prototype._methodFor = function(action) {
+ var table;
+ table = {
+ create: "POST",
+ read: "GET",
+ update: "PUT",
+ destroy: "DELETE",
+ search: "GET"
+ };
+ return table[action]
+ };
+ Store.prototype._dataFor = function(annotation) {
+ var data,
+ highlights;
+ highlights = annotation.highlights;
+ delete annotation.highlights;
+ $.extend(annotation, this.options.annotationData);
+ data = JSON.stringify(annotation);
+ if (highlights) {
+ annotation.highlights = highlights
+ }
+ return data
+ };
+ Store.prototype._onError = function(xhr) {
+ var action,
+ message;
+ action = xhr._action;
+ message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not ") + action + Annotator._t(" this annotation");
+ if (xhr._action === "search") {
+ message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not search the store for annotations")
+ } else if (xhr._action === "read" && !xhr._id) {
+ message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not ") + action + Annotator._t(" the annotations from the store")
+ }
+ switch (xhr.status) {
+ case 401:
+ message = Annotator._t("Sorry you are not allowed to ") + action + Annotator._t(" this annotation");
+ break;
+ case 404:
+ message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not connect to the annotations store");
+ break;
+ case 500:
+ message = Annotator._t("Sorry something went wrong with the annotation store")
+ }
+ Annotator.showNotification(message, Annotator.Notification.ERROR);
+ return console.error(Annotator._t("API request failed:") + (" '" + xhr.status + "'"))
+ };
+ return Store
+ } (Annotator.Plugin);
+ Annotator.Plugin.Permissions = function(_super) {
+ __extends(Permissions, _super);
+ Permissions.prototype.events = {
+ beforeAnnotationCreated: "addFieldsToAnnotation"
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype.options = {
+ showViewPermissionsCheckbox: true,
+ showEditPermissionsCheckbox: true,
+ userId: function(user) {
+ return user
+ },
+ userString: function(user) {
+ return user
+ },
+ userAuthorize: function(action, annotation, user) {
+ var token,
+ tokens,
+ _k,
+ _len2;
+ if (annotation.permissions) {
+ tokens = annotation.permissions[action] || [];
+ if (tokens.length === 0) {
+ return true
+ }
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = tokens.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ token = tokens[_k];
+ if (this.userId(user) === token) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ } else if (annotation.user) {
+ if (user) {
+ return this.userId(user) === this.userId(annotation.user)
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ user: "",
+ permissions: {
+ read: [],
+ update: [],
+ "delete": [],
+ admin: []
+ }
+ };
+ function Permissions(element, options) {
+ this._setAuthFromToken = __bind(this._setAuthFromToken, this);
+ this.updateViewer = __bind(this.updateViewer, this);
+ this.updateAnnotationPermissions = __bind(this.updateAnnotationPermissions, this);
+ this.updatePermissionsField = __bind(this.updatePermissionsField, this);
+ this.addFieldsToAnnotation = __bind(this.addFieldsToAnnotation, this);
+ Permissions.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (this.options.user) {
+ this.setUser(this.options.user);
+ delete this.options.user
+ }
+ }
+ Permissions.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
+ var createCallback,
+ self;
+ if (!Annotator.supported()) {
+ return
+ }
+ self = this;
+ createCallback = function(method, type) {
+ return function(field, annotation) {
+ return self[method].call(self, type, field, annotation)
+ }
+ };
+ if (!this.user && this.annotator.plugins.Auth) {
+ this.annotator.plugins.Auth.withToken(this._setAuthFromToken)
+ }
+ if (this.options.showViewPermissionsCheckbox === true) {
+ this.annotator.editor.addField({
+ type: "checkbox",
+ label: Annotator._t("Allow anyone to view this annotation"),
+ load: createCallback("updatePermissionsField", "read"),
+ submit: createCallback("updateAnnotationPermissions", "read")
+ })
+ }
+ if (this.options.showEditPermissionsCheckbox === true) {
+ this.annotator.editor.addField({
+ type: "checkbox",
+ label: Annotator._t("Allow anyone to edit this annotation"),
+ load: createCallback("updatePermissionsField", "update"),
+ submit: createCallback("updateAnnotationPermissions", "update")
+ })
+ }
+ this.annotator.viewer.addField({
+ load: this.updateViewer
+ });
+ if (this.annotator.plugins.Filter) {
+ return this.annotator.plugins.Filter.addFilter({
+ label: Annotator._t("User"),
+ property: "user",
+ isFiltered: function(_this) {
+ return function(input, user) {
+ var keyword,
+ _k,
+ _len2,
+ _ref2;
+ user = _this.options.userString(user);
+ if (! (input && user)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ _ref2 = input.split(/\s*/);
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ keyword = _ref2[_k];
+ if (user.indexOf(keyword) === -1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ } (this)
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype.setUser = function(user) {
+ return this.user = user
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype.addFieldsToAnnotation = function(annotation) {
+ if (annotation) {
+ annotation.permissions = this.options.permissions;
+ if (this.user) {
+ return annotation.user = this.user
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype.authorize = function(action, annotation, user) {
+ if (user === void 0) {
+ user = this.user
+ }
+ if (this.options.userAuthorize) {
+ return this.options.userAuthorize.call(this.options, action, annotation, user)
+ } else {
+ return true
+ }
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype.updatePermissionsField = function(action, field, annotation) {
+ var input;
+ field = $(field).show();
+ input = field.find("input").removeAttr("disabled");
+ if (!this.authorize("admin", annotation)) {
+ field.hide()
+ }
+ if (this.authorize(action, annotation || {},
+ null)) {
+ return input.attr("checked", "checked")
+ } else {
+ return input.removeAttr("checked")
+ }
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype.updateAnnotationPermissions = function(type, field, annotation) {
+ var dataKey;
+ if (!annotation.permissions) {
+ annotation.permissions = this.options.permissions
+ }
+ dataKey = type + "-permissions";
+ if ($(field).find("input").is(":checked")) {
+ return annotation.permissions[type] = []
+ } else {
+ return annotation.permissions[type] = [this.options.userId(this.user)]
+ }
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype.updateViewer = function(field, annotation, controls) {
+ var user,
+ username;
+ field = $(field);
+ username = this.options.userString(annotation.user);
+ if (annotation.user && username && typeof username === "string") {
+ user = Annotator.Util.escape(this.options.userString(annotation.user));
+ field.html(user).addClass("annotator-user")
+ } else {
+ field.remove()
+ }
+ if (controls) {
+ if (!this.authorize("update", annotation)) {
+ controls.hideEdit()
+ }
+ if (!this.authorize("delete", annotation)) {
+ return controls.hideDelete()
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Permissions.prototype._setAuthFromToken = function(token) {
+ return this.setUser(token.userId)
+ };
+ return Permissions
+ } (Annotator.Plugin);
+ Annotator.Plugin.AnnotateItPermissions = function(_super) {
+ __extends(AnnotateItPermissions, _super);
+ function AnnotateItPermissions() {
+ this._setAuthFromToken = __bind(this._setAuthFromToken, this);
+ this.updateAnnotationPermissions = __bind(this.updateAnnotationPermissions, this);
+ this.updatePermissionsField = __bind(this.updatePermissionsField, this);
+ this.addFieldsToAnnotation = __bind(this.addFieldsToAnnotation, this);
+ return AnnotateItPermissions.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ AnnotateItPermissions.prototype.options = {
+ showViewPermissionsCheckbox: true,
+ showEditPermissionsCheckbox: true,
+ groups: {
+ world: "group:__world__",
+ authenticated: "group:__authenticated__",
+ consumer: "group:__consumer__"
+ },
+ userId: function(user) {
+ return user.userId
+ },
+ userString: function(user) {
+ return user.userId
+ },
+ userAuthorize: function(action, annotation, user) {
+ var action_field,
+ permissions,
+ _ref2,
+ _ref3,
+ _ref4,
+ _ref5;
+ permissions = annotation.permissions || {};
+ action_field = permissions[action] || [];
+ if (_ref2 = this.groups.world, __indexOf.call(action_field, _ref2) >= 0) {
+ return true
+ } else if (user != null && user.userId != null && user.consumerKey != null) {
+ if (user.userId === annotation.user && user.consumerKey === annotation.consumer) {
+ return true
+ } else if (_ref3 = this.groups.authenticated, __indexOf.call(action_field, _ref3) >= 0) {
+ return true
+ } else if (user.consumerKey === annotation.consumer && (_ref4 = this.groups.consumer, __indexOf.call(action_field, _ref4) >= 0)) {
+ return true
+ } else if (user.consumerKey === annotation.consumer && (_ref5 = user.userId, __indexOf.call(action_field, _ref5) >= 0)) {
+ return true
+ } else if (user.consumerKey === annotation.consumer && user.admin) {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ },
+ permissions: {
+ read: ["group:__world__"],
+ update: [],
+ "delete": [],
+ admin: []
+ }
+ };
+ AnnotateItPermissions.prototype.addFieldsToAnnotation = function(annotation) {
+ if (annotation) {
+ annotation.permissions = this.options.permissions;
+ if (this.user) {
+ annotation.user = this.user.userId;
+ return annotation.consumer = this.user.consumerKey
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ AnnotateItPermissions.prototype.updatePermissionsField = function(action, field, annotation) {
+ var input;
+ field = $(field).show();
+ input = field.find("input").removeAttr("disabled");
+ if (!this.authorize("admin", annotation)) {
+ field.hide()
+ }
+ if (this.user && this.authorize(action, annotation || {},
+ {
+ userId: "__nonexistentuser__",
+ consumerKey: this.user.consumerKey
+ })) {
+ return input.attr("checked", "checked")
+ } else {
+ return input.removeAttr("checked")
+ }
+ };
+ AnnotateItPermissions.prototype.updateAnnotationPermissions = function(type, field, annotation) {
+ var dataKey;
+ if (!annotation.permissions) {
+ annotation.permissions = this.options.permissions
+ }
+ dataKey = type + "-permissions";
+ if ($(field).find("input").is(":checked")) {
+ return annotation.permissions[type] = [type === "read" ? this.options.groups.world: this.options.groups.consumer]
+ } else {
+ return annotation.permissions[type] = []
+ }
+ };
+ AnnotateItPermissions.prototype._setAuthFromToken = function(token) {
+ return this.setUser(token)
+ };
+ return AnnotateItPermissions
+ } (Annotator.Plugin.Permissions);
+ Annotator.Plugin.Filter = function(_super) {
+ __extends(Filter, _super);
+ Filter.prototype.events = {
+ ".annotator-filter-property input focus": "_onFilterFocus",
+ ".annotator-filter-property input blur": "_onFilterBlur",
+ ".annotator-filter-property input keyup": "_onFilterKeyup",
+ ".annotator-filter-previous click": "_onPreviousClick",
+ ".annotator-filter-next click": "_onNextClick",
+ ".annotator-filter-clear click": "_onClearClick"
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.classes = {
+ active: "annotator-filter-active",
+ hl: {
+ hide: "annotator-hl-filtered",
+ active: "annotator-hl-active"
+ }
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.html = { //Amanda: removed navigation code, changed title text
+ element: '\n ' + "\n
+ filter: '\n \n \n \n"
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.options = {
+ appendTo: "#theannotationfilter",
+ filters: [],
+ addAnnotationFilter: true,
+ isFiltered: function(input, property) {
+ var keyword,
+ _k,
+ _len2,
+ _ref2;
+ if (! (input && property)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ _ref2 = input.split(/\s+/);
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ keyword = _ref2[_k];
+ if (property.indexOf(keyword) === -1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ };
+ function Filter(element, options) {
+ this._onPreviousClick = __bind(this._onPreviousClick, this);
+ this._onNextClick = __bind(this._onNextClick, this);
+ this._onFilterKeyup = __bind(this._onFilterKeyup, this);
+ this._onFilterBlur = __bind(this._onFilterBlur, this);
+ this._onFilterFocus = __bind(this._onFilterFocus, this);
+ this.updateHighlights = __bind(this.updateHighlights, this);
+ var _base;
+ element = $(this.html.element).appendTo((options != null ? options.appendTo: void 0) || this.options.appendTo);
+ Filter.__super__.constructor.call(this, element, options); (_base = this.options).filters || (_base.filters = []);
+ this.filter = $(this.html.filter);
+ this.filters = [];
+ this.current = 0
+ }
+ Filter.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
+ var filter,
+ _k,
+ _len2,
+ _ref2;
+ _ref2 = this.options.filters;
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ filter = _ref2[_k];
+ this.addFilter(filter)
+ }
+ this.updateHighlights();
+ this._setupListeners()._insertSpacer();
+ if (this.options.addAnnotationFilter === true) {
+ return this.addFilter({
+ label: Annotator._t("Annotation"),
+ property: "text"
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ var currentMargin,
+ html;
+ Filter.__super__.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ html = $("html");
+ currentMargin = parseInt(html.css("padding-top"), 10) || 0;
+ html.css("padding-top", currentMargin - this.element.outerHeight());
+ return this.element.remove()
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._insertSpacer = function() {
+ var currentMargin,
+ html;
+ html = $("html");
+ currentMargin = parseInt(html.css("padding-top"), 10) || 0;
+ html.css("padding-top", currentMargin + this.element.outerHeight());
+ return this
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._setupListeners = function() {
+ var event,
+ events,
+ _k,
+ _len2;
+ events = ["annotationsLoaded", "annotationCreated", "annotationUpdated", "annotationDeleted"];
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = events.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ event = events[_k];
+ this.annotator.subscribe(event, this.updateHighlights)
+ }
+ return this
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.addFilter = function(options) {
+ var f,
+ filter;
+ filter = $.extend({
+ label: "",
+ property: "",
+ isFiltered: this.options.isFiltered
+ },
+ options);
+ if (!
+ function() {
+ var _k,
+ _len2,
+ _ref2,
+ _results;
+ _ref2 = this.filters;
+ _results = [];
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ f = _ref2[_k];
+ if (f.property === filter.property) {
+ _results.push(f)
+ }
+ }
+ return _results
+ }.call(this).length) {
+ filter.id = "annotator-filter-" + filter.property;
+ filter.annotations = [];
+ filter.element = this.filter.clone().appendTo(this.element);
+ filter.element.find("label").html(filter.label).attr("for", filter.id);
+ filter.element.find("input").attr({
+ id: filter.id,
+ placeholder: Annotator._t("Filter by ") + filter.label + "…"
+ });
+ filter.element.find("button").hide();
+ filter.element.data("filter", filter);
+ this.filters.push(filter)
+ }
+ return this
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.updateFilter = function(filter) {
+ var annotation,
+ annotations,
+ input,
+ property,
+ _k,
+ _len2,
+ _ref2;
+ filter.annotations = [];
+ this.updateHighlights();
+ this.resetHighlights();
+ input = $.trim(filter.element.find("input").val());
+ if (input) {
+ annotations = this.highlights.map(function() {
+ return $(this).data("annotation")
+ });
+ _ref2 = $.makeArray(annotations);
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ annotation = _ref2[_k];
+ property = annotation[filter.property];
+ if (filter.isFiltered(input, property)) {
+ filter.annotations.push(annotation)
+ }
+ }
+ return this.filterHighlights()
+ }
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.updateHighlights = function() {
+ this.highlights = this.annotator.element.find(".annotator-hl:visible");
+ return this.filtered = this.highlights.not(this.classes.hl.hide)
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.filterHighlights = function() {
+ var activeFilters,
+ annotation,
+ annotations,
+ filtered,
+ highlights,
+ index,
+ uniques,
+ _k,
+ _len2,
+ _ref2;
+ activeFilters = $.grep(this.filters,
+ function(filter) {
+ return !! filter.annotations.length
+ });
+ filtered = ((_ref2 = activeFilters[0]) != null ? _ref2.annotations: void 0) || [];
+ if (activeFilters.length > 1) {
+ annotations = [];
+ $.each(activeFilters,
+ function() {
+ return $.merge(annotations, this.annotations)
+ });
+ uniques = [];
+ filtered = [];
+ $.each(annotations,
+ function() {
+ if ($.inArray(this, uniques) === -1) {
+ return uniques.push(this)
+ } else {
+ return filtered.push(this)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ highlights = this.highlights;
+ for (index = _k = 0, _len2 = filtered.length; _k < _len2; index = ++_k) {
+ annotation = filtered[index];
+ highlights = highlights.not(annotation.highlights)
+ }
+ highlights.addClass(this.classes.hl.hide);
+ this.filtered = this.highlights.not(this.classes.hl.hide);
+ return this
+ };
+ Filter.prototype.resetHighlights = function() {
+ this.highlights.removeClass(this.classes.hl.hide);
+ this.filtered = this.highlights;
+ return this
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._onFilterFocus = function(event) {
+ var input;
+ input = $(event.target);
+ input.parent().addClass(this.classes.active);
+ return input.next("button").show()
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._onFilterBlur = function(event) {
+ var input;
+ if (!event.target.value) {
+ input = $(event.target);
+ input.parent().removeClass(this.classes.active);
+ return input.next("button").hide()
+ }
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._onFilterKeyup = function(event) {
+ var filter;
+ filter = $(event.target).parent().data("filter");
+ if (filter) {
+ return this.updateFilter(filter)
+ }
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._findNextHighlight = function(previous) {
+ var active,
+ annotation,
+ current,
+ index,
+ next,
+ offset,
+ operator,
+ resetOffset;
+ if (!this.highlights.length) {
+ return this
+ }
+ offset = previous ? 0: -1;
+ resetOffset = previous ? -1: 0;
+ operator = previous ? "lt": "gt";
+ active = this.highlights.not("." + this.classes.hl.hide);
+ current = active.filter("." + this.classes.hl.active);
+ if (!current.length) {
+ current = active.eq(offset)
+ }
+ annotation = current.data("annotation");
+ index = active.index(current[0]);
+ next = active.filter(":" + operator + "(" + index + ")").not(annotation.highlights).eq(resetOffset);
+ if (!next.length) {
+ next = active.eq(resetOffset)
+ }
+ return this._scrollToHighlight(next.data("annotation").highlights)
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._onNextClick = function(event) {
+ return this._findNextHighlight()
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._onPreviousClick = function(event) {
+ return this._findNextHighlight(true)
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._scrollToHighlight = function(highlight) {
+ highlight = $(highlight);
+ this.highlights.removeClass(this.classes.hl.active);
+ highlight.addClass(this.classes.hl.active);
+ return $("html, body").animate({
+ scrollTop: highlight.offset().top - (this.element.height() + 20)
+ },
+ 150)
+ };
+ Filter.prototype._onClearClick = function(event) {
+ return $(event.target).prev("input").val("").keyup().blur()
+ };
+ return Filter
+ } (Annotator.Plugin);
+ Annotator.Plugin.Tags = function(_super) {
+ __extends(Tags, _super);
+ function Tags() {
+ this.setAnnotationTags = __bind(this.setAnnotationTags, this);
+ this.updateField = __bind(this.updateField, this);
+ return Tags.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ Tags.prototype.options = {
+ parseTags: function(string) {
+ var tags;
+ string = $.trim(string);
+ tags = [];
+ if (string) {
+ tags = string.split(/\s+/)
+ }
+ return tags
+ },
+ stringifyTags: function(array) {
+ return array.join(" ")
+ }
+ };
+ Tags.prototype.field = null;
+ Tags.prototype.input = null;
+ Tags.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
+ if (!Annotator.supported()) {
+ return
+ }
+ this.field = this.annotator.editor.addField({
+ label: Annotator._t("Add some tags here") + "…",
+ load: this.updateField,
+ submit: this.setAnnotationTags
+ });
+ this.annotator.viewer.addField({
+ load: this.updateViewer
+ });
+ if (this.annotator.plugins.Filter) {
+ this.annotator.plugins.Filter.addFilter({
+ label: Annotator._t("Tag"),
+ property: "tags",
+ isFiltered: Annotator.Plugin.Tags.filterCallback
+ })
+ }
+ return this.input = $(this.field).find(":input")
+ };
+ Tags.prototype.parseTags = function(string) {
+ return this.options.parseTags(string)
+ };
+ Tags.prototype.stringifyTags = function(array) {
+ return this.options.stringifyTags(array)
+ };
+ Tags.prototype.updateField = function(field, annotation) {
+ var value;
+ value = "";
+ if (annotation.tags) {
+ value = this.stringifyTags(annotation.tags)
+ }
+ return this.input.val(value)
+ };
+ Tags.prototype.setAnnotationTags = function(field, annotation) {
+ return annotation.tags = this.parseTags(this.input.val())
+ };
+ Tags.prototype.updateViewer = function(field, annotation) {
+ field = $(field);
+ if (annotation.tags && $.isArray(annotation.tags) && annotation.tags.length) {
+ return field.addClass("annotator-tags").html(function() {
+ var string;
+ return string = $.map(annotation.tags,
+ function(tag) {
+ return '' + Annotator.Util.escape(tag) + ""
+ }).join(" ")
+ })
+ } else {
+ return field.remove()
+ }
+ };
+ return Tags
+ } (Annotator.Plugin);
+ Annotator.Plugin.Tags.filterCallback = function(input, tags) {
+ var keyword,
+ keywords,
+ matches,
+ tag,
+ _k,
+ _l,
+ _len2,
+ _len3;
+ if (tags == null) {
+ tags = []
+ }
+ matches = 0;
+ keywords = [];
+ if (input) {
+ keywords = input.split(/\s+/g);
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = keywords.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ keyword = keywords[_k];
+ if (tags.length) {
+ for (_l = 0, _len3 = tags.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
+ tag = tags[_l];
+ if (tag.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) {
+ matches += 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return matches === keywords.length
+ };
+ Annotator.prototype.setupPlugins = function(config, options) {
+ var name,
+ opts,
+ pluginConfig,
+ plugins,
+ uri,
+ win,
+ _k,
+ _len2,
+ _results;
+ if (config == null) {
+ config = {}
+ }
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {}
+ }
+ win = Annotator.Util.getGlobal();
+ plugins = ["Unsupported", "Auth", "Tags", "Filter", "Store", "AnnotateItPermissions"];
+ uri = win.location.href.split(/#|\?/).shift() || "";
+ pluginConfig = {
+ Tags: {},
+ Filter: {
+ filters: [{
+ label: Annotator._t("User"),
+ property: "user"
+ },
+ {
+ label: Annotator._t("Tags"),
+ property: "tags"
+ }]
+ },
+ Auth: {
+ tokenUrl: config.tokenUrl || "http://annotateit.org/api/token"
+ },
+ Store: {
+ prefix: config.storeUrl || "http://annotateit.org/api",
+ annotationData: {
+ uri: uri
+ },
+ loadFromSearch: {
+ uri: uri
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ for (name in options) {
+ if (!__hasProp.call(options, name)) continue;
+ opts = options[name];
+ if (__indexOf.call(plugins, name) < 0) {
+ plugins.push(name)
+ }
+ }
+ $.extend(true, pluginConfig, options);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = plugins.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ name = plugins[_k];
+ if (! (name in pluginConfig) || pluginConfig[name]) {
+ _results.push(this.addPlugin(name, pluginConfig[name]))
+ } else {
+ _results.push(void 0)
+ }
+ }
+ return _results
+ }
-//# sourceMappingURL=annotator.min.map
+//# sourceMappingURL=annotator-full.min.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator.min.css b/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator.min.css
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 25206f8..a654143
--- a/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator.min.css
+++ b/The Code/libraries/annotator/annotator.min.css
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
.annotator-notice,.annotator-filter *,.annotator-widget *
- font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
text-align: left;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
background: 0;
-webkit-transition: none;
-moz-transition: none;
@@ -29,7 +26,7 @@
background-repeat: no-repeat;
-.annotator-hl { background: rgba(255,255,10,0.3); }
+.annotator-hl { background: rgba(255,255,10,0.3); cursor: pointer; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -moz-grab;} /*Amanda*/
.annotator-hl-temporary { background: rgba(0,124,255,0.3); }
.annotator-wrapper { position: relative; }
.annotator-adder,.annotator-outer,.annotator-notice { z-index: 1020; }
@@ -69,7 +66,7 @@
border: 0;
background: 0;
text-indent: -999em;
- cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: pointer; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -moz-grab; /* Amanda */
@@ -183,7 +180,7 @@
.annotator-viewer .annotator-controls button,.annotator-viewer .annotator-controls a
- cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: pointer; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -moz-grab; /* Amanda */
display: inline-block;
width: 13px;
height: 13px;
@@ -207,7 +204,7 @@
top: 0;
display: inline;
- cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: pointer; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -moz-grab; /* Amanda */
font-size: 12px;
@@ -277,7 +274,7 @@
padding: 0;
display: inline;
margin: 0 4px 0 0;
- cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: pointer; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -moz-grab; /* Amanda */
.annotator-editor .annotator-checkbox { padding: 8px 6px; }
@@ -285,18 +282,7 @@
.annotator-filter,.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-navigation button,.annotator-editor .annotator-controls
text-align: right;
- padding: 3px;
- border-top: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
- background-color: #d4d4d4;
- background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,#f5f5f5,#dcdcdc 60%,#d2d2d2);
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- box-shadow: inset 1px 0 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.7),inset -1px 0 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.7),inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.7);
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- -moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
- -o-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
- border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
+ padding: 5px;
.annotator-editor.annotator-invert-y .annotator-controls
@@ -317,12 +303,10 @@
color: #363636;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
text-decoration: none;
- line-height: 24px;
- font-size: 12px;
+ font-size: 1em;
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid #a2a2a2;
background-color: #d4d4d4;
- background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,#f5f5f5,#d2d2d2 50%,#bebebe 50%,#d2d2d2);
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 5px rgba(255,255,255,0.2),inset 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 5px rgba(255,255,255,0.2),inset 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
-o-box-shadow: inset 0 0 5px rgba(255,255,255,0.2),inset 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
@@ -454,16 +438,12 @@
- position: fixed;
top: 0;
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text-align: left;
- line-height: 0;
border: 0;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #878787;
- padding-left: 10px;
- padding-right: 10px;
+ padding-left: 0px;
+ padding-right: 0px;
-webkit-border-radius: 0;
-moz-border-radius: 0;
-o-border-radius: 0;
@@ -476,12 +456,10 @@
.annotator-filter strong
- font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #3c3c3c;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.7);
position: relative;
- top: -9px;
+ top: -8px;
.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-property,.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-navigation
@@ -506,7 +484,9 @@
border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px;
-.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-property label { padding-left: 8px; }
+.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-property label {
+ padding-left: 8px;
.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-property input
@@ -516,20 +496,15 @@
border: 1px solid #878787;
border-left: none;
padding: 2px 4px;
- line-height: 16px;
- min-height: 16px;
- font-size: 12px;
- width: 150px;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ min-height: 1em;
+ width: 170px;
color: #333;
background-color: #f8f8f8;
-webkit-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0;
-moz-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0;
-o-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0;
border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0;
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- -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
- -o-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
- box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-property input:focus
@@ -601,4 +576,15 @@
.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-navigation .annotator-filter-next:hover::after { background-position: 0 -255px; }
.annotator-hl-active { background: rgba(255,255,10,0.8); }
-.annotator-hl-filtered { background-color: transparent; }
\ No newline at end of file
+.annotator-hl-filtered { background-color: transparent; }
+.annotator-viewer {
+ display: none !important;
+ height: 0;
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
+.annotator-filter .annotator-filter-property label {
+line-height: 1.45em;
\ No newline at end of file