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A collection of HackerRank Euler+ problems & solutions.

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  • As of 1st July 2021

Top 5, India 😎🤘


29th, Universe 🤣


Many problems are yet to solve, hoping to jump higher 😜...

Problem Solution Language Result Comments
#1 Multiples of 3 and 5 java 100.00
#2 Even Fibonacci numbers java 100.00
#3 Largest prime factor java 100.00
#4 Largest palindrome product java 100.00
#5 Smallest multiple java 100.00
#6 Sum square difference java 100.00
#7 10001st prime java 100.00
#8 Largest product in a series java 100.00
#9 Special Pythagorean triplet java 100.00
#10 Summation of primes java 100.00
#11 Largest product in a grid java 100.00
#12 Highly divisible triangular number java 100.00
#13 Large sum java 100.00
#14 Longest Collatz sequence java 100.00
#15 Lattice paths java 100.00
#16 Power digit sum java 100.00
#17 Number to Words c 100.00
#18 Maximum path sum I c++ 100.00
#19 Counting Sundays java 100.00
#20 Factorial digit sum java 100.00
#21 Amicable numbers java 100.00
#22 Names scores java 100.00
#23 Non-abundant sums java 100.00
#24 Lexicographic permutations java 100.00
#25 N-digit Fibonacci number java 100.00
#26 Reciprocal cycles python 100.00
#27 Quadratic primes java 100.00
#28 Number spiral diagonals java 100.00
#29 Distinct powers java 100.00
#30 Digit Nth powers java 100.00
#31 Coin sums java 100.00
#32 Pandigital products java 100.00
#33 Digit canceling fractions java 100.00
#34 Digit factorials java 100.00
#35 Circular primes java 100.00
#36 Double-base palindromes java 100.00
#37 Truncatable primes java 100.00
#38 Pandigital multiples java 100.00
#39 Integer right triangles c++ 100.00
#40 Champernowne's constant c++ 100.00
#41 Pandigital prime java 100.00
#42 Coded triangle numbers java 100.00
#43 Sub-string divisibility c++ 100.00
#44 Pentagon numbers java 100.00
#45 Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal java 100.00
#46 Goldbach's other conjecture java 100.00
#47 Distinct primes factors java 100.00
#48 Self powers java 100.00
#49 Prime permutations c++ 100.00
#50 Consecutive prime sum c++ 100.00
#51 Prime digit replacements c++ 100.00
#52 Permuted multiples c++ 100.00
#53 Combinatoric selections c++ 100.00
#54 Poker hands c++ 100.00
#55 Lychrel numbers c++ 100.00
#56 Powerful digit sum python 100.00
#57 Square root convergents python 100.00
#58 Spiral primes c++ 100.00
#59 XOR decryption python 100.00
#60 Prime pair sets c++ 100.00
#61 Cyclical figurate numbers c++ 100.00
#62 Cubic permutations c++ 100.00
#63 Powerful digit counts c++ 100.00
#64 Odd period square roots java 100.00
#65 Convergents of e c++ 100.00
#66 Diophantine equation c++ 100.00
#67 Maximum path sum II c++ 100.00
#68 Magic N-gon ring c++ 100.00
#69 Totient maximum c++ 100.00
#70 Totient permutation c++ 100.00
#71 Ordered fractions java 100.00
#72 Counting fractions java 100.00
#73 Counting fractions in a range java 100.00
#74 Digit factorial chains c++ 100.00
#75 Singular integer right triangles c++ 100.00
#76 Counting summations c++ 100.00
#77 Prime summations c++ 100.00
#78 Coin partitions c++ 100.00
#79 Passcode derivation c++ 100.00
#80 Square root digital expansion python 100.00
#81 Path sum: two ways c++ 100.00
#82 Path sum: three ways c++ 100.00
#83 Path sum: four ways c++ 100.00
P#84 Monopoly odds c++ 10.00 Wrong Answer
#85 Counting rectangles c++ 100.00
#86 Cuboid route java 100.00
#87 Prime power triples c++ 100.00
#88 Product-sum numbers c++ 100.00
#89 Roman numerals python 100.00
P#90 Cube digit pairs c++ 67.50 Terminated due to timeout
#91 Right triangles with integer coordinates c++ 100.00
#92 Square digit chains c++ 100.00
#93 Arithmetic expressions java 100.00
#94 Almost equilateral triangles java 100.00
#95 Amicable chains java 100.00
#96 Su Doku java 100.00
#97 Large non-Mersenne prime c++ 100.00
#98 Anagramic squares c++ 100.00
#99 Largest exponential java 100.00
P#100 Arranged probability c++ 22.22 Wrong Answer
P#101 Optimum polynomial Unsolved
#102 Triangle containment c++ 100.00
#103 Special subset sums: optimum c++ 100.00
#104 Pandigital Fibonacci ends c++ 100.00
#105 Special subset sums: testing c++ 100.00
P#106 Special subset sums: meta-testing Unsolved
#107 Minimal network c++ 100.00
P#108 Diophantine reciprocals I c++ 36.36 Terminated due to timeout
P#109 Darts Unsolved
P#110 Diophantine reciprocals II c++ 50.0 Wrong Answer
#111 Primes with runs python 100.00
P#112 Bouncy numbers Unsolved
#113 Non-bouncy numbers c++ 100.00
#114 Counting block combinations I c++ 100.00
P#115 Counting block combinations II Unsolved
#116 Red, green or blue tiles c++ 100.00
#117 Red, green, and blue tiles c++ 100.00
#118 Pandigital prime sets c++ 100.00
#119 Digit power sum c++ 100.00
P#120 Square remainders c++ 26.67 Wrong Answer
#121 Disc game prize fund python 100.00
#122 Efficient exponentiation c++ 100.00
P#123 Prime square remainders Unsolved
P#124 Ordered radicals c++ 30.0 Terminated due to timeout
#125 Palindromic sums java 100.00
P#126 Cuboid layers Unsolved
P#127 abc-hits Unsolved
#128 Hexagonal tile differences c++ 100.00
P#129 Repunit divisibility Unsolved
P#130 Composites with prime repunit property c++ 52.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#131 Prime cube partnership c++ 50.00 Wrong Answer
P#132 Large repunit factors Unsolved
P#133 Repunit nonfactors c++ 80.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#134 Prime pair connection Unsolved
#135 Same differences c++ 100.00
P#136 Singleton difference Unsolved
P#137 Fibonacci golden nuggets c++ 33.33 Terminated due to timeout
P#138 Special isosceles triangles Unsolved
P#139 Pythagorean tiles Unsolved
P#140 Modified Fibonacci golden nuggets Unsolved
P#141 Investigating progressive numbers, n, which are also square. Unsolved
P#142 Perfect Square Collection Unsolved
P#143 Investigating the Torricelli point of a triangle Unsolved
P#144 Investigating multiple reflections of a laser beam. Unsolved
P#145 How many reversible numbers are there below one-billion? Unsolved
P#146 Investigating a Prime Pattern c++ 56.00 Wrong Answer
P#147 Rectangles in cross-hatched grids c++ 25.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#148 Exploring Pascal's triangle. Unsolved
P#149 Searching for a maximum-sum subsequence. Unsolved
P#150 Searching a triangular array for a sub-triangle having minimum-sum. c++ 100.00
P#151 Paper sheets of standard sizes: an expected-value problem. Unsolved
P#152 Writing 1/2 as a sum of inverse squares c++ 30.00 Wrong Answer
P#153 Investigating Gaussian Integers Unsolved
P#154 Exploring Pascal's pyramid. c++ 45.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#155 Counting Capacitor Circuits. c++ 94.12 Terminated due to timeout
#156 Counting Digits c++ 100.00
P#157 Solving the diophantine equation 1/a +1/b = p/10^n Unsolved
P#158 Exploring strings Unsolved
#159 Digital root sums of factorisations. c++ 100.00
P#160 Factorial trailing digits Unsolved
#161 Triominoes c++ 100.00
#162 Hexadecimal numbers c++ 100.00
#163 Cross-hatched triangles c++ 100.00
#164 Numbers for which no three consecutive digits have a sum greater than a given value. c++ 100.00
#165 Intersections c++ 100.00
#166 Criss Cross c++ 100.00
P#167 Investigating Ulam sequences c 30.00 Segmentation Fault
#168 Number Rotations c++ 100.00
#169 Exploring the number of different ways a number can be expressed as a sum of powers of 2. c++ 100.00
P#170 Find the largest 0 to 9 pandigital that can be formed by concatenating products. c++ 5.00 Wrong Answer
P#171 Finding numbers for which the sum of the squares of the digits is a square c++ 5.26 Wrong Answer
P#172 Investigating numbers with few repeated digits Unsolved
#173 Using up to one million tiles how many different "hollow" square laminae can be formed? c++ 100.00
P#174 Counting the number of "hollow" square laminae that can form one, two, three, ... distinct arrangements. Unsolved
P#175 Fractions involving the number of different ways a number can be expressed as a sum of powers of 2. Unsolved
P#176 Rectangular triangles that share a cathetus. Unsolved
P#177 Integer angled Quadrilaterals. Unsolved
P#178 Step Numbers Unsolved
P#179 Consecutive positive divisors Unsolved
P#180 Rational zeros of a function of three variables. Unsolved
P#181 Investigating in how many ways objects of two different colours can be grouped. Unsolved
P#182 RSA encryption Unsolved
#183 Maximum product of parts c++ 100.00
P#184 Triangles containing the origin. Unsolved
#185 Number Mind python 100.00
#186 Connectedness of a network. c++ 100.00
#187 Semiprimes c++ 100.00
P#188 The hyperexponentiation of a number Unsolved
P#189 Tri-colouring a triangular grid Unsolved
P#190 Maximising a weighted product Unsolved
P#191 Prize Strings Unsolved
P#192 Best Approximations Unsolved
P#193 Squarefree Numbers java 6.67 Unsolved
P#194 Coloured Configurations Unsolved
P#195 Inscribed circles of triangles with one angle of 60 degrees Unsolved
P#196 Prime triplets c++ 94.74 Segmentation Fault
#197 Investigating the behaviour of a recursively defined sequence python 100.00
P#198 Ambiguous Numbers Unsolved
P#199 Iterative Circle Packing Unsolved
#200 Find the 200th prime-proof sqube containing the contiguous sub-string "200" c++ 100.00
#201 Subsets with a unique sum c++ 100.00
P#202 Laserbeam Unsolved
P#203 Squarefree Binomial Coefficients Unsolved
P#204 Generalised Hamming Numbers Unsolved
P#205 Dice Game Unsolved
P#206 Concealed Square python 15.40 Terminated due to timeout
#207 Integer partition equations python 100.00
P#208 Robot Walks Unsolved
P#209 Circular Logic Unsolved
P#210 Obtuse Angled Triangles Unsolved
#211 Divisor Square Sum c++ 100.00
P#212 Combined Volume of Cuboids Unsolved
P#213 Flea Circus Unsolved
P#214 Totient Chains Unsolved
P#215 Crack-free Walls Unsolved
P#216 Investigating the primality of numbers of the form 2n² - 1 Unsolved
P#217 Balanced Numbers python 0.10 Terminated due to timeout
#218 Perfect right-angled triangles c++ 100.00
P#219 Skew-cost coding Unsolved
P#220 Heighway Dragon Unsolved
P#221 Alexandrian Integers Unsolved
P#222 Sphere Packing Unsolved
P#223 Almost right-angled triangles I java 10.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#224 Almost right-angled triangles II Unsolved
P#225 Tribonacci non-divisors c 60.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#226 A Scoop of Blancmange Unsolved
P#227 The Chase Unsolved
P#228 Minkowski Sums Unsolved
P#229 Four Representations using Squares java 6.67 Terminated due to timeout
#230 Fibonacci Words python 100.00
P#231 The prime factorisation of binomial coefficients Unsolved
P#232 The Race Unsolved
P#233 Lattice points on a circle Unsolved
P#234 Semidivisible numbers c# 8.22 Terminated due to timeout
P#235 An Arithmetic Geometric sequence java 75.00 Wrong Answer
P#236 Luxury Hampers python 33.33 Terminated due to timeout
P#237 Tours on a 4 x n playing board Unsolved
P#238 Infinite string tour Unsolved
P#239 Twenty-two Foolish Primes Unsolved
P#240 Top Dice c++ 2.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#241 Perfection Quotients python 28.00 Terminated due to timeout
P#242 Odd Triplets Unsolved
P#243 Resilience Unsolved
P#244 Sliders python 77.78 Terminated due to timeout
P#245 Coresilience Unsolved
P#246 Tangents to an ellipse Unsolved
P#247 Squares under a hyperbola Unsolved
P#248 Numbers for which Euler’s totient function equals 13! Unsolved
P#249 Prime Subset Sums Unsolved
P#250 250250 python 40.74 Terminated due to timeout
P#251 Cardano Triplets c++ 5.44 Terminated due to timeout
P#252 Convex Holes Unsolved
P#253 Tidying up Unsolved
P#254 Sums of Digit Factorials Unsolved

I have used multiple sources to take help for some of the questions. Thanks everyone, cheers 🍻🥂 !!! And I would love to give credit to the actual owners. Please let me know, if you feel like it resembles to your work, I might have referred somewhere, I will mention your name with 💯 respect 🙌 and love 💓.



A collection of HackerRank Euler+ problems & solutions.






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