Important: All the following commands are case sensitive! Assume all commands should be entered as lower case unless otherwise specified.
Important: The "man" command allows you to bring up the manual page of a given command. To see further options and more detailed information about commands enter "man" followed by the command. EX: $ man mkdir
- Lists information about the files in the current directory
$ ls
- Creates a directory of the specified name
$ mkdir aNewDirectory
- Removes a directory of a given name
$ rmdir aNewDirectory
- Change directory. Will change to home directory if no directory name is provided. Otherwise changes to specified directory.
$ cd
$ cd aNewDirectory
- Creates a blank file with a specified name
$ touch aNewFile.txt
- Removes a specified file. WARNING: This is permanent. There is no recycle bin.
$ rm aNewFile.txt
- Display the contents of a file
$ cat aNewFile.txt
- Displays the name of the current directory
$ pwd
- Displays the first 10 lines of a file
$ head aNewFile.txt
- Displays the last 10 lines of a file
$ tail aNewFile.txt
- Copy specified file to a new specified file
$ cp aNewFile.Txt anotherNewFile.txt
- Rename a specified file or directory