Getting Started with Image & Text
Amit Kapoor @amitkaps Bargava Subramanian @bargava Anand Chitipothu @anandology
- Domain: Image & Text
- Applied: Proven & Practical
- Intuition: Visualisation & Analogies
- Code: Learning by Doing
- Math: Attend HackerMath!
- Supervised: Regression, Classification, ...
- Unsupervised: Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering, ...
- Self (Semi)-supervised: Auto-encoders, Generative Adversarial Network, ...
- Reinforcement Learning: Games, Self-Driving Car, Robotics, ...
- Classification: Image, Text, Speech, Translation
- Sequence generation: Given a picture, predict a caption describing it.
- Syntax tree prediction: Given a sentence, predict its decomposition into a syntax tree.
- Object detection: Given a picture, draw a bounding box around certain objects inside the picture.
- Image segmentation: Given a picture, draw a pixel-level mask on a specific object.
- Numpy arrays (aka Tensors)
- Generalised form of matrix (2D array)
- Attributes
- Axes or Rank:
- Dimensions:
e.g. (5, 3) - Data Type:
- Axes or Rank:
- Scalar: 0D Tensor
- Vector: 1D Tensor
- Matrix: 2D Tensor
- Higher-order: 3D, 4D or 5D Tensor
Tensor | Example | Shape |
2D | Tabular | (samples, features) |
3D | Sequence | (samples, steps, features) |
4D | Images | (samples, height, width, channels) |
5D | Videos | (samples, frames, height, width, channels) |
Basic Model: Sequential - A linear stack of layers.
Core Layers
- Dense Layers: Fully connected layer of learning units (Also called Multi-layer Perceptron)
- Flatten
Last Layer Activation | Loss Function | |
Binary Class | sigmoid | Binary Crossentropy |
Multi Class | softmax | Categorical Crossentropy |
Multi Class Multi Label | sigmoid | Binary Crossentropy |
Regression | None | Mean Square Error |
Regression (0-1) | sigmoid | MSE or Binary Crossentropy |
- SGD: Excellent but requires tuning learning-rate decay, and momentum parameters
- RMSProp: Good for RNNs
- Adam: Adaptive momentum optimiser, generally a good starting point.
General guidance on building and training neural networks. Treat them as heuristics (derived from experimentation) and as good starting points for your own explorations.
- Normalize / Whiten your data (Not for text!)
- Scale your data appropriately (for outlier)
- Handle Missing Values - Make them 0 (Ensure it exists in training)
- Create Training & Validation Split
- Stratified split for multi-class data
- Shuffle data for non-sequence data. Careful for sequence!!
- Use ADAM Optimizer (to start with)
- Use RELU for non-linear activation (Faster for learning than others)
- Add Bias to each layer
- Use Xavier or Variance-Scaling initialisation (Better than random initialisation)
- Refer to output layers activation & loss function guidance for tasks
- No. of units reduce in deeper layer
- Units are typically
$$2^n$$ - Don't use more than 4 - 5 layers in dense networks
- Increase Convoluton filters as you go deeper from 32 to 64 or 128 (Max)
- Use Pooling to subsample: Makes image robust from translation, scaling, rotation
- Use pre-trained models as feature extractors for similar tasks
- Progressively train n-last layers if the model is not learning
- Image Augmentation is key for small data and for faster learning
- Embedding layer is critical. Words are better than Characters
- Learn the embedding with the task or use pre-trained embedding as starting point
- Use BiLSTM / LSTM vs Simple RNN. Remember, RNNs are really slow to train
- Experiment with 1D CNN with larger kernel size (7 or 9) than used for images.
- MLP can work with bi-grams for many simple tasks.
- Validation Process
- Large Data: Hold-Out Validation
- Smaller Data: K-Fold (Stratified) Validation
- For Underfitting
- Add more layers: go Deeper
- Make the layers bigger: go wider
- Train for more epochs
- For Overfitting
- Get more training data (e.g. actual or image augmentation)
- Reduce Model Capacity
- Add weight regularisation (e.g. L1, L2)
- Add Dropouts or use Batch Normalization