sudo apt-get update
- update dependencies of Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install git
- install git
yum install git
- install git
Download Git Bash from GitForWindows
Cloning an existing Git repo -
git clone <url_of_your_remote_repository>
git clone
Configuring Git repo for remote collaboration -
git config --global <user_name>
- configure user name for that repository,e.g.
git config --global ShivSoni5
git config --global <user_email>
- configure user email for that repository,e.g.
git config --global
git config --list
- list the configured details
Initializing a Git repository for a new or existing project -
git init
- Initialize the current directory as git directory -
git remote add <remote_repo_name> <remote_repo_URL>
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git push -u <remote_repo_name> <branch_name>
git push -u origin master
git add <file_name>
- File will be trackede.g.
git add
git commit -m "First Commit"
- tracked file will be committed -
git push origin <branch_name>
- pushing commits to server repository,e.g.
git push origin bug
git branch <branch_name>
- Creating new branch,e.g.
git branch bug
git checkout <branch_name>
- Switch Branch,e.g.
git checkout bug
git checkout -b <branch_name>
- Creating and switching to new branch -
git merge <branch_name>
git merge bug
- merging bug into master branch (present by default) -
git branch -d branch_name
- Deleting a branch,e.g.
git branch -d bug
git log
- provides commit ID and history -
git reset --hard old_ID
- Head to any previous commit -
git diff old_ID new_ID
- To view the changes you make in a file