The MRM-api is the backbone of a tool to facilitate room management. It enables capturing of feedback based on room usage and analyse usage statistics.The MRM-api provides capability to register rooms and give feedback.
Install docker
brew cask install docker
Create Application environment variables and save them in .env file
APP_SETTINGS="testing" # set app Enviroment. SECRET_KEY="some-very-long-string-of-random-characters" DEV_DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Development. TEST_DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Testing DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Production MAIL_SERVER=""# SMTP server MAIL_PORT="" # server port MAIL_USE_TLS="" # Using TLS? MAIL_USERNAME="" # converge username MAIL_PASSWORD="" # password CELERY_BROKER_URL="" # redis url CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND="" # redis url C_FORCE_ROOT=true
Run application.
make build
This will create 3 services
- database
- app
- redis
Start the gunicorn server
make run-app
Running migrations
- Initial migration commands
make migrate-initial message="Migration message"
- If you have one migration file in the alembic/version folder. Run the commands below:
make migrate
- If you have more than 2 migration files in the alembic/versions folder. Rum the commands bellow
make migrate message="Migration message"
- Initial migration commands
Show services
make services
Check the status
make status
Start services individually
make start service=<service name>
Create services individually
make create service=<service name>
Stop all services
make down
Stop services individually
make stop service=<service name>
Remove services individually
make remove service=<service name>
Restarting a service
make restart service=<service name>
Kill services
make kill
Remove a container
make remove
SSH into a container
make ssh service=<service name>
Running Tests
Create Application environment variables and save them in .env.tests file. Do not include comments
APP_SETTINGS="testing" # set app Enviroment. SECRET_KEY="some-very-long-string-of-random-characters" DEV_DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Development. TEST_DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Testing DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Production MAIL_SERVER=""# SMTP server MAIL_PORT="" # server port MAIL_USE_TLS="" # Using TLS? MAIL_USERNAME="" # converge username MAIL_PASSWORD="" # password CELERY_BROKER_URL="" # redis url CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND="" # redis url C_FORCE_ROOT=true ADMIN_TOKEN="" USER_TOKEN="" INVALID_TOKEN=""
create database for tests
make create-test-database
stop the redis service
make stop service=redis
To run tests and observe test coverage for various versions of python . Run the command below.
make test test=tox
To run and check for test coverage. Run the command below:
make test test="coverage run -m pytest"
To obtain coverage report. Run the command below:
make test test="coverage report"
To obtain html browser report. Run command below:
make test test="coverage html"
A folder titled html_coverage_report will be generated. Open it and copy the path of index.html and paste it in your browser.
To run lint tests with
:make test test="flake8"
- Create a dump from a database, preferrably
flagpg_dump -d <dbname> -U <postgres-user> -h <localhost/ipaddress> --no-owner -F p --column-inserts > converge.sql
- Import the database
make import dump="<path to dump file>"
Check that python 3, pip, virtualenv and postgress are installed
Check that python 3, pip, virtualenv and postgress are installed
Clone the mrm-api repo and cd into it
git clone
Create virtual env
virtualenv --python=python3 venv
Activate virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create Application environment variables and save them in .env file
export APP_SETTINGS="development" # set app Enviroment. export SECRET_KEY="some-very-long-string-of-random-characters" export DEV_DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Development. export TEST_DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Testing export DATABASE_URL="" # Db for Production
Running migrations
- Initial migration commands
$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Migration message" $ alembic upgrade head
- If you have one migration file in the alembic/version folder. Run the commands below:
$ alembic stamp head $ alembic upgrade head
- If you have more than 2 migration files in the alembic/versions folder. Rum the commands bellow
$ alembic stamp head $ alembic upgrade head $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Migration message" $ alembic upgrade head
- Initial migration commands
Running asynchronous functionalities.
Install redis with running the redis bash file
, this will also run the redis server (Celery Message Broker) for the first time. -
To run redis after it has been stopped run
In a new terminal tab run the Celery Message Worker as:
celery worker -A cworker.celery --loglevel=info
Run application.
python runserver
Running Tests
To run tests and observe test coverage for various versions of python . Run the command below.
- To run and check for test coverage. Run the command below:
coverage run -m pytest
- To obtain coverage report. Run the command below:
coverage report
- To obtain html browser report. Run command below:
coverage html
A folder titled html_coverage_report will be generated. Open it and copy the path of index.html and paste it in your browser.
- Python version 3
- Flask
- Grapghql
- Postgres
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.This Project shall be utilising a Pivotal Tracker board to track the work done.
- A contributor shall identify a task to be done from the pivotal tracker.If there is a bug , feature or chore that has not be included among the tasks, the contributor can add it only after consulting the owner of this repository and the task being accepted.
- The Contributor shall then create a branch off the
branch where they are expected to undertake the task they have chosen. - After undertaking the task, a fully detailed pull request shall be submitted to the owners of this repository for review.
- If there any changes requested ,it is expected that these changes shall be effected and the pull request resubmitted for review.Once all the changes are accepted, the pull request shall be closed and the changes merged into
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