Bindings to libpq.
Uses spork
as a dependency. Install with:
jpm install spork
jpm install pq
Basic usage:
(import pq)
(def conn (pq/connect "postgresql://localhost?dbname=postgres"))
(pq/exec conn "create table users(name text, data jsonb);")
(pq/exec conn "insert into users(name, data) values($1, $2);" "ac" (pq/jsonb @{"some" "data"}))
(pq/row conn "select * from users where name = $1;" "ac")
{:name "ac" :data @{"some" "data"}}
(pq/all conn "select * from users")
[{:name "ac" :data @{"some" "data"}} ...]
(pq/val conn "select data from users where name = $1;" "ac")
@{"some" "data"}
(import pq)
(pq/tx conn {:mode "isolation serializable read only" :retry true}
(unless (pq/val conn "select ....")
(pq/rollback conn))
(pq/val conn "select ...."))
Custom type encoding/decoding:
(import pq)
# directly insert custom encoding.
(pq/exec conn "insert into tab(x) values($1);" [TYPEOID ISBINARY BYTES])
# use a method for custom type encoding.
(pq/exec conn "insert into tab(x) values($1);" {:pq/marshal (fn [self] [TYPEOID ISBINARY BYTES])})
# Add a custom type decoder.
(put pg/*decoders* TYPEOID custom-decoder)
(pq/all conn "select * from tab;")
Error handling:
(import pq)
([err] (when (pq/error? err)
(def msg (pq/result-error-field err ...)))))
Jon Staab - The author of the first janet postgres library from which this was inspired, and a core contributor to this library.