2021-2025 TA: I have added the rates published in our TA: 3.00%, 4.75%, and 3.50% for 2021, 2022, and 2023 respectively. I didn't add the 2024 numbers because I figure this TA will either be rejected or implemented by then.
Preliminary 2021-2025 TA: We have a new TA. I don't have specifics yet, so I'm using an annual increase of 3.22%, which compounds over 4 years to 1.35%, and I'm assuming a the TA will be signed on March 17, 2024, so backpay will stop calculating then. I'll update when we have more details.
So, enter your information now, click "Calculate", then bookmark the page. Load the bookmark when more details are added, and a more accurate table will be generated.