Replace the "USER" with your username. Feel Free to change any of the directory names or locations if you wish.
sudo mkdir /srv/steamcmd
sudo chown USER /srv/steamcmd
cd /srv/steamcmd
tar xf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
mkdir -p /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod
Install Gmod
login anonymous
force_install_dir /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod
app_update 4020
Or with one command. You can also save this as a script for easy updating.
./ +login anonymous +force_install_dir /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod +app_update 4020 +quit
You can change whatever option you want on the server command or add more.
cd /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod/garrysmod/gamemodes
mv prophunt-master prophunt
cd /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod
./srcds_run -game garrysmod +maxplayers 8 +map cs_assault +gamemode prophunt -autoupdate
You can edit the gamemode settings in /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod/garrysmod/gamemodes/prophunt/gamemode/config.lua
First start your script in a text editor.
cd /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod
Copy the following text into your text editor and save it. To save in nano use "Control + X" and follow the prompts. Feel free to change any of these options to your preference.
cd /srv/steamcmd/server/gmod
screen -dms prophunt ./srcds_run -game garrysmod +gamemode prophunt +maxplayers 8 +map cs_assault -autoupdate
Now make the script executable and then run it.
chmod +x
Use "Control + D" to detach from the screen and screen -r prophunt
to re-attach.
- Dont forget to forward the steam ports on your router to your server pc.
- You will only have the default garrysmod maps at first, which dont have any props, so you will have to get new ones.
- You can download your own maps from various sources and place them in the
directory. - Dont forget about the global Garrysmod server setting in
. Here is an example of a simple one.
hostname "My PropHunt Server"
rcon_password "password"
sv_password "password"
sv_region 1
sv_lan 0