- Implement Tests -> there are absolutely no tests implemented right now.
- Add some batch scripts to assist Windows users in building and packaging.
- Improve exception handling. I kid you not: it's actually quite poor, honestly.
- Add GitHub Actions build pipeline to automatically publish binaries for users to download.
- Look into adding some dependency scanner. The project doesn't use many, but I guess that's no excuse.
- Improve communication between the WorkerThread and the Main Window. The current implementation uses hardcoded IDs and mappings, rather bad.
- Implement more options for the tool. Stuff like "show main window on start", "display tray icon", etc. should be configurable.
- Implement a GUI-less option, maybe an accompanying daemon / service.
- Fix the way commands are executed. Right now MQTTWorkerThread just uses the os.system() call, which is problematic because of how process usually work.
- Fix the way QTableView is implemented: it's actually quite hacky and shady right now ... but hey: at least it gets the job done!
- Implement more command line arguments.
- Maybe allow more than one connection and one list of payload handlers.
- Figure out why the packaging process seems to hang on MacOS (at least on @guitmz's machine -> thanks for your support btw, mate!)
- Maybe publish the tool on the Windows and / or Apple Store to make it convenient for users to install it on their machines.
- You tell me -> GitHub issues! 😄