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GSoC 2015 Jayesh Lahori & Valeria Bogdanova
Jayesh Lahori
Valeria Bogdanova
I am a Computer Science Undergraduate Student at IIIT-Hyderabad,India. I enjoy doing Algorithmic Coding & Implementing Backend's for Systems. I have also worked on Android, I use Linux as my Primary/Only OS
LinkedIn Profile
I'll be working on Volunteer Management System (VMS) alongside Irish.This project aims to build a product which will be used by ABI Admin's to manage volunteers in terms of various metrics like number of hours worked, team etc.
To be added later
- Configured Travis for CI. Currently, works for my fork for VMS repo, asked Rose to configure CI for main repo on travis.
- Looked into selenium-python bindings and LiveServerTestCase libraries for functional testing.
- Understand the tests to be written for VMS.
- In process, got an idea, will evolve as I move forward
- Coordinate with the new code which will be written during this SoC.
- Need to talk with mentors
- Will coordinate with my mentors.
- Start with selenium and come up with a timeline.
- Yet, to decide on timeline. Will come up with this soon.
- Wrote tests for access control to admin & volunteer a/c
- Wrote tests to check admin accessing volunteer functionalities and vice-versa via URL
- Check Page content for admin & volunteer.
- Where should I commit my code. Currently pushing all tests to my fork and have integrated with CI. Better to push to my fork of systers/vms and submit a PR. Issue raised on github, need clarification
- No, Talked to Carol & valeria about it. We're not clear no this yet. Will ask Kalena.
- Yes.
- Will clarify with Kalena.
- Write tests for Volunteer Search, Manage Volunteer Shift, Settings View
- 2 Use-cases behind, will try to cover this week.
- Wrote tests for Volunteer Search
- Tests for Volunteer #
- Tests were failing because of few bugs in the code base. Issues reported on git.
- Yes. Struggled with Selenium and then read the concerned code.
- No
- No.
- Manage Volunteer Shift consisted of lot of redirections and involved writing tests for shift also( to validate ). Hence, were not done this week. Plan to do it this week.
- Behind. Will try to cover up in coming weeks.
- Wrote tests for Manage Volunteer Shifts tabs
- Wrote tests for Settings tabs
- Code Reviews
- No
- Mailed Kalena
- Will ask my mentor again.
- Document tests till date
- Write up few more cases for Manage Volunteer Shifts & Settings
- Code Reviews from mentor
- Organize few tests which have been written
- Target was to cover up Admin side functional tests by mid-evaluations.
- Currently short of 'Report Generation' Test Cases
- Will try to incorporate it before mid-evals.
- Added more tests for Manage Volunteer Shifts tabs (Completed)
- Added more tests for Settings tabs (Completed)
- Added missing docstrings
- Wrote Documentation for AUT
- Resolved
error in test logs.
- Error Logs was a problem from long back, I ignored it earlier but as the no of tests increased travis build resulted in
state as logs increased size of 4MB.
- Yes,
- No
- No
- Write tests for 'Report Generation'
- Extend timeline and list use-cases for volunteer parts.
- Still short of 'Report Generation' Test Cases
- Wrote tests for Report tab
- Summarized test results
- No
- NA
- No
- No
- Extend timeline and list use-cases for volunteer parts.
- Start with volunteer view tests
- On time.
- Wrote tests for UpComing Shifts
- Added more tests to report
- Updated further plan fro volunteer tests
- No
- NA
- No
- No
- Write tests for Shift Hours View
- Write tests for Shift #
- On time.
- Wrote tests for ShiftHours
- Wrote tests for Shift#
- No
- NA
- No
- No
- Write tests for Report View
- Write tests for Update Profile
- On time.
- Wrote tests for Volunteer Report View
- No
- NA
- No
- No
- Write tests for Update Profile
- Run through the functionality again and write some more tests if any bug detected
- Write tests based on accessing via url
- Didn't got much time this week, Profile Tests had to be done this week. Will try to cope up this week.
- Wrote tests for Volunteer Profile View
- No
- NA
- No
- No
- Run through the functionality again and write some more tests if any bug detected
- Write tests based on accessing via url
- Few tasks from this week have slipped, Behind
- Added Resume Tests
- Added tests to access different volunteer's profile
- Tests are passing locally, some issue with Travis configuration (may be) some successful tests failing there....have to debug this
- NA
- Yes
- Will seek help if required
- Waiting on Kalena's reply for code review and further additions
- Will try to rectify why travis is failing
- All tasks as per timeline are completed, Waiting on Kalena to help with future plans, Also had asked @vubo & @willingc if any help with unit-tests is needed
- Resolved issue of tests failing on travis
- Pushed code to AUT repo also.
- Waiting on Kalena's Response for code reviews.
- No
- Yes
- Waiting on Kalena's response
- Waiting on Kalena's reply for code review and further additions
- Document work done yet
- Present it to Rose.
- All tasks as per timeline are completed, Waiting on Kalena to help with future plans
- Prepared for final submission and gave demo to Rose.
- None
- No
- NA
- NA
- It was a great summer working on this project. I pan to miss this next week ;)
- All tasks as per timeline are completed
I am currently studying for a Master's of Science in Computer Science with a focus on Mathematics at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
This semester I write a master's thesis on the topic of machine learning and renewable energy. I try to predict as much as possible exactly, how much energy will produce a wind turbine or a solar panel in an hour and in a day. It is very helpful for the proper use of alternative energy.
My GSoC 2015 blog
This VMS will be particularly useful for volunteer coordinators, volunteer sign-up, tracking hours, and reporting.
We use:
- Django 1.6.5
- PostgreSQL
- for the CSS framework: Bootstrap Lumen
- for unit testing: the unittest framework for Python
- indents set at 4 spaces
General documentation
General documentation on ReadTheDocs
VMS Installation Instructions
Documentation Irish
Irish blog
Link to your unit test results. Could be in table format or sections. Up to you.
- Get and explore the task list from Irish and Rose
- Create a timeline and have mentors review (until 29 May)
- Display a simple notification to the user that they have registered successfully
- First pull requests
- Create the documentation project at Read The Docs
- My timeline and tasks for this summer
- The first commits and pull requests on github
- Yes,
- with the help of Rose, Tapasweni, and Irish
- with the help of Carol
- Thank you!
- Continue to explore git and its functions - communication with mentors.
- Explore unit tests for python and Django - use docs.
- No.
- Add missing unit tests in organization/tests.py
- Add missing unit tests in event/tests.py
- Continue to explore Git and ReadTheDocs with Carol
- OK
- Add missing unit tests in organization/tests.py
- Add unit tests in event/tests.py
- Update the project README.md
- Fix several bugs in the documentation
- Get familiar with PEP 0008 - Style Guide for Python Code
- Get familiar with Markdown
- Coordinate with Portal group re: moving to Django 1.8
- Discuss:
- Python version support 2.7.10 or 3.4+
- Django version support - recommend 1.8LTS
- Yes. Discuss this opportunities
- Add missing unit tests in job/tests.py
- Add missing unit tests in shift/tests.py
- On track.
- Unit tests in job/tests.py
- Pep8 for job/tests.py
- Unit tests in shift/tests.py
- Pep8 for shift/tests.py
- Pep8 for shift/services.py
- Pep8 for event/tests.py
- Pep8 for event/services.py
- Unit tests for volunteer/tests.py
- Yes, on the advice of Carol I use flake8.
- No
- No
- Try out git squash
- Continue to work with the unit tests
- On track.
- Refactor unit tests for job, volunteer, and shift
- Learn how to rebase and squash the commit history
- Documentation
- Datepicker for Admin Create Event
- Datepicker for Admin Create Job
- Datepicker for Admin Create Shift
- Conflict with two jquery datepickers on same page
- Yes: use date range darepicker
- No
- No
- Make it easier for the user to add times by finding a timepicker tool and using it in the project to add times
- Add functionality so that a shift cannot be deleted if at least one volunteer is signed up for it or has logged hours for it
- To specify a date range for the event: to choose between entering a date range or a single date for creating events
- On track.
- Make it easier for the user to add times by finding a timepicker tool
- Add Timepicker for Shift/edit_hours
- Add functionality so that a shift cannot be deleted if at least one volunteer is signed up for it or has logged hours for it
- Help Vanda with the Vagrant installation
- Student Mid-term evaluation
- Timepicker and Bootstrap 3 conflict
- Yes: change the timepicker code, use Bootstrap 3 icons
- No
- No
- Discuss new features
- Add location (such as country, city and state) that the event/job/shift is being held at
- Display location wherever it is appropriate (events/jobs/shifts)
- On track.
- Fix volunteer form and PEP8 volunteer form and models
- Discuss new features
- Add location (country, state, city, address, venue) that the event is being held at
- Add an unique email field for Administrator and Volunteer. Fix the issue
- Add a new field to a django model
- yes: add new field to the database table or use django migrations
- No
- No
- Add administrator functionality: to manage (add/edit/delete) the shift hours for volunteers
- Work on the issues
- On track.
- Google form for VMS user feedback
- New shift logged hours functionality for administrators: edit, log and clear hours
- Upgrade Manage Volunteer Shifts page
- Porting Python 2 code to Python 3. I am using Python 3.4 and Django 1.8.3 now.
- Porting the code to Python 3
- Yes, use this
- No
- No
- Configure access for administrators and volunteers (return HTTP_Forbidden code for for each administrator functionality that a volunteer tries to access and for each volunteer functionality that the administrator tries to access)
- On track.
- Add location (country, state, city, address, venue) that the shift is being held
- Configure access for administrators and volunteers (return HTTP_Forbidden code for for each administrator functionality that a volunteer tries to access and for each volunteer functionality that the administrator tries to access): Pep8 views.py for event, shift, job, organization
- Redesign no-admin-access error page
- Find Countrypicker, Statepicker and other pickers for the forms
- Use Bootstrap Form Helpers
- No
- No
- Send email notifications to volunteers, when a shift they have signed up for is coming up
- On track.
- Send email notifications to volunteers, when a shift they have signed up for is coming up
- Unit test for the email notification function New functionality: a volunteer can determine in the profile settings, how many days before a shift she wants to receive a reminder email
- A problem after updating Django
- No
- No
- Features to search for events, shifts, jobs
- Handle other issues
- On track.
- Add a calender / date range opportunity for the event search. Volunteer can find all events for specific dates
- Fix a bug: volunteer shifts access
- Not allowing user to create a post dated event
- Improve report for volunteers: Add a date range instead of the date
- No
- No
- No
- No
- On track.
- Administrator report enhancement: Add a drop down for Organization
- Administrator report enhancement: Add a date range instead of the date
- Administrator report enhancement: Organization - Dates Reports Timeline Update
- Add timepicker everywhere: for add hours, add hours manager, create shift, edit shift, edit hours manager
- Add the possibility to insert an apostrophe for many models
- After the submit of the form, still have the field values intact
- Not yet, but we are trying
- No
- No
- Issues
- Test VMS portal in various browsers and on mobile devices
- On track.
- Pre-populate feature for creating shifts. The shift-fields are filled with database information already know about the event (country, state, city, address, venue) to minimize typing by admin. The admin is able to override the pre-populated information
- Create a milestone for Release v0.3.0
- Make menu items more user friendly
- Add better error message for admin and volunteer # fields
- Test VMS portal in various browsers and on mobile devices
- No
- No
- On track.
- Fix menu for small screens
- Show all shifts except signed up. After these changes, in the list /shift/list_shifts_sign_up/ a volunteer can see all shifts except those for which she/he has signed up. And she/he will not receive any error messages
- Presentation
- No
- No
- On track.
GSoC Students