0.2.0, 2012-Jan-06
First release
Support for SSH, Telnet, and Console
Tested against JUNOS devices
0.2.1, 2012-Jan-09
added support for Net::SCP accessor in SSH transport. See example code “scp.rb”; you will need to explicity require ‘net/scp’ in your top-level code
0.2.2, 2012-Jan-14
added RFC required <rpc> namespace and message-id attributes
Tested against Tail-F “confD” server
0.2.4, 2012-Jan-16
added <command> support for JUnos RPC
0.2.5, 2012-Jan-29
Refactored code to enhance multi-vendor
Fixed Junos specific RPCs
Added IOProc support
0.3.0, 2013-Jul-21
A number of pull requests were manually merged as a result of my learning curve around git. My sincere apologies, on the delay bringing these updates into the mainline. If I missed you on this list, please let me know and I’ll update accordingly. Thx, Jeremy
Added Netconf::RPC::MSG_END on each RPC kudos: wpaulson
Added Juniper specific request_pfe_execute kudos: dgjnpr
Added ‘:ssh_args` hash on Netconf::SSH to support any of the Net::SSH start args kudos: imbracio
Added a “deep” look for rpc-error tags rather than just the first two levels kudos: jof
Added Netconf helper method ‘open?` and `closed?` for checking NETCONF session state kudos: jof
Added check for rpc-error severity=‘error` to handle the case where the rpc-error element is actually not an error, but rather severity=warning. If the severity is in fact not error, then the Netconf::RpcError *will not* be generated. In Netconf::VERSION <= 0.2.5, the warnings would actually cause an exception. If you would like to maintain the older behavior, then you will need to set `Netconf::raise_on_warning = true` kudos: jeremyschulman
Updated netconf.gemspec to include only the ‘version.rb` file; also separated out the Netconf::VERSION into a separate file.
kudos: request by multiple folks
Converted files from MS-DOS format to Unix; stripped out all of MS-DOS format kruft. kudos: jof
Added net-scp to netconf.gemspec dependency. This gem is really only required if you intent to use the SCP functionality; but since this is turning out to be a common use-case, the gem has been added to the dependency list
NOTE: If you intend to use ‘Netconf::Serial` you will need to ensure that the `serialport` gem is installed. This gem is not explicitly included in the gemspec
0.3.1, 2013-Jul-26
Added extension support to Netconf::SSH. For example, see net/netconf/jnpr/ssh.rb.
Added Juniper Netconf::SSH extension to access NETCONF subsystem via CLI command if NETCONF port (830) is not enabled. This enhancement was added for users that have Junos systems depoloyed, but didn’t enable NETCONF. Note that this enhacement assumes that the user login starts at the standard Junos CLI (i.e. not root user)