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Worker Module

ci go report codecov Deps PkgGoDev

Worker module based on sync.


go get


This module provides a WorkerPool, that:

The WorkerPool can be configured to:

  • defer all workers start with a threshold in seconds: 0 by default (start immediately)
  • attempt a maximum amount of runs in case of failures: 1 by default (no restarts)

The Worker executions:

  • have a unique identifier
  • have automatic panic recovery
  • are automatically logged
  • are automatically generating metrics


This module provides a Worker interface to implement to provide your own workers, for example:

package workers

import (


// classic worker
type ClassicWorker struct{}

func NewClassicWorker() *ClassicWorker {
	return &ClassicWorker{}

func (w *ClassicWorker) Name() string {
	return "classic-worker"

func (w *ClassicWorker) Run(ctx context.Context) error {

	return nil

// cancellable worker
type CancellableWorker struct{}

func NewCancellableWorker() *CancellableWorker {
	return &CancellableWorker{}

func (w *CancellableWorker) Name() string {
	return "cancellable-worker"

func (w *CancellableWorker) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	logger := worker.CtxLogger(ctx)

	for {
		select {
		// when the WorkerPool stops, the ctx cancellation is forwarded to the workers
		case <-ctx.Done():

			return w.cancel()


func (w *CancellableWorker) run(ctx context.Context) error {
	// your worker logic

func (w *CancellableWorker) cancel() error {
	// your worker cancel logic, for example graceful shutdown


  • to perform more complex tasks, you can inject dependencies to your workers implementation (ex: database, cache, etc.)
  • it is recommended to design your workers with a single responsibility


You can create a WorkerPool instance with the DefaultWorkerPoolFactory, register your Worker implementations, and start them:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// create the pool
	pool, _ := worker.NewDefaultWorkerPoolFactory().Create(
		worker.WithGlobalDeferredStartThreshold(1),                                             // will defer all workers start of 1 second
		worker.WithGlobalMaxExecutionsAttempts(2),                                              // will run 2 times max failing workers
		worker.WithWorker(workers.NewClassicWorker(), worker.WithDeferredStartThreshold(3)),    // registers the ClassicWorker, with a deferred start of 3 second
		worker.WithWorker(workers.NewCancellableWorker(), worker.WithMaxExecutionsAttempts(4)), // registers the CancellableWorker, with 4 runs max

	// start the pool

	// get all workers execution reports, in real time
	executions := pool.Executions()

	// stop the pool (will forward context cancellation to each worker)

	// get a specific worker execution report, after pool stop
	execution, _ := pool.Execution("cancellable-worker")


You can use the CtxLogger() function to retrieve the contextual log.Logger from your workers, and emit correlated logs.

The workers executions are logged, with the following fields added automatically to each log records:

  • worker: worker name
  • workerExecutionID: worker execution id
package main

import (


type LoggingWorker struct{}

func NewLoggingWorker() *LoggingWorker {
	return &LoggingWorker{}

func (w *LoggingWorker) Name() string {
	return "logging-worker"

func (w *LoggingWorker) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	// log the current worker name and execution id
		"execution %s for worker %s",
		worker.CtxWorkerName(ctx),        // contextual worker name
		worker.CtxWorkerExecutionId(ctx), // contextual worker execution id

	return nil

func main() {
	// create the pool
	pool, _ := worker.NewDefaultWorkerPoolFactory().Create(
		worker.WithWorker(NewLoggingWorker()), // registers the LoggingWorker

	// start the pool


You can use the CtxTracer() function to retrieve the contextual tracer from your workers, and emit correlated spans: they will have the Worker and WorkerExecutionID attributes added with respectively the worker name and execution id.

This module provides the AnnotateTracerProvider function, to extend a TracerProvider to add automatically current worker information id to the spans emitted during a worker execution:

package main

import (


// tracing worker
type TracingWorker struct{}

func NewTracingWorker() *TracingWorker {
	return &TracingWorker{}

func (w *TracingWorker) Name() string {
	return "tracing-worker"

func (w *TracingWorker) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	// emit some trace span
	_, span := worker.CtxTracer(ctx).Start(ctx, "some span")
	defer span.End()

	return nil

func main() {
	// tracer provider
	tp := trace.GetTracerProvider()

	// annotate the tracer provider

	// create the pool
	pool, _ := worker.NewDefaultWorkerPoolFactory().Create(

	// start the pool


The WorkerPool automatically generate metrics about:

  • started workers
  • re started workers
  • workers stopped with success
  • workers stopped with error

To enable those metrics in a registry, simply call Register on the WorkerMetrics of the WorkerPool:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// metrics registry
	registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()

	// create the pool
	pool, _ := worker.NewDefaultWorkerPoolFactory().Create()

	// register the pool metrics

	// start the pool


This module provides an WorkerProbe, compatible with the healthcheck module:

package main

import (

	yokaihc ""

func main() {
	// create the pool
	pool, _ := worker.NewDefaultWorkerPoolFactory().Create()

	// create the checker with the worker probe
	checker, _ := yokaihc.NewDefaultCheckerFactory().Create(

	// start the pool

	// run the checker
	res, _ := checker.Check(context.Background(), yokaihc.Readiness)

This probe is successful if all the executions statuses of the WorkerPool are healthy.