- IDE (VSC or WebStorm) shortcuts keys
- NodeJS, npm,
- ESlint,
- EditorConfig
- Git
- Code readable
- simple types (number, string, boolean, null, undefined)
- var, let, const. How to name variables
- objects
- if then ?: switch
- while, fora
- sync exceptions try catch
- function, parameters
- array (filter, map, forEach,...)
- classes, this
- callbacks
- promises
- async/await
- async exceptions try catch
- closures
- chai, mocha
- Real life coding (4-5 days)
- Modules. Code size. Comments.
- Reading code written by another developer.
- Experiance of reading big external projects or libraray.( Mongoose, request, elasticsearch )
- TypeScript (2 days) routing,forms
- serverside coding. (2 days) RSS reading
- Self-made real project (4-5 days) Catalog search + tags + tree + comments