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CryptoMiniSat SAT solver

This system provides CryptoMiniSat, an advanced SAT solver. The system has 3 interfaces: command-line, C++ library and python. The command-line interface takes a cnf as an input in the DIMACS format with the extension of XOR clauses. The C++ interface mimics this except that it allows for a more efficient system, with assumptions and multiple solve() calls. The python system is an interface to the C++ system that provides the best of both words: ease of use and a powerful interface.

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You need to have the following installed in case you use Debian or Ubuntu -- for other distros, the packages should be similarly named::

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake

The following are not required but are useful::

$ sudo apt-get install valgrind libm4ri-dev libmysqlclient-dev libsqlite3-dev

Compiling and installing

You have to use cmake to compile and install. I suggest::

$ tar xzvf my-cryptominisat-tarball.tar.gz
$ cd cryptominisat-version
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install

Once cryptominisat is installed, the binary is available under /usr/local/bin/cryptominisat4, the library shared library is available under /usr/local/lib/ and the 3 header files are available under /usr/local/include/cryptominisat4/. To use the python bindings, you must have python installed while compiling and after the compilation has finished, issue:

$ sudo ldconfig

You can uninstall both by simply doing sudo make uninstall in their respective directories.

Command-line usage

Let's take the file::

p cnf 2 3
1 0
-2 0
-1 2 3 0

The files has 3 clauses and 2 variables, this is reflected in the header p cnf 2 3. Every clause is ended by '0'. The clauses say: 1 must be True, 2 must be False, and either 1 has to be False, 2 has to be True or 3 has to be True. The only solution to this problem is::

$ cryptominisat4 --verb 0 file.cnf
v 1 -2 3 0

If the file had contained::

p cnf 2 4
1 0
-2 0
-3 0
-1 2 3 0

Then there is no solution and the solver returns s UNSATISFIABLE.

Python usage

The python module is under the directory python. You have to first compile and install this module, as explained above. You can then use it as::

>>> from pycryptosat import Solver
>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add_clause([1])
>>> s.add_clause([-2])
>>> s.add_clause([3])
>>> s.add_clause([-1, 2, 3])
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat
>>> print solution
(None, True, False, True)

We can also try to assume any variable values for a single solver run::

>>> sat, solution = s.solve([-3])
>>> print sat
>>> print solution
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat
>>> print solution
(None, True, False, True)

For more detailed instruction, please see the README.rst under the python directory.

Library usage

The library uses a variable numbering scheme that starts from 0. Since 0 cannot be negated, the class Lit is used as: Lit(variable_number, is_negated). As such, the 1st CNF above would become::

#include <cryptominisat4/cryptominisat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
using namespace CMSat;

int main()
    SATSolver solver;
    vector<Lit> clause;

    //We need 3 variables

    //Let's use 4 threads

    //adds "1 0"
    clause.push_back(Lit(0, false));

    //adds "-2 0"
    clause.push_back(Lit(1, true));

    //adds "-1 2 3 0"
    clause.push_back(Lit(0, true));
    clause.push_back(Lit(1, false));
    clause.push_back(Lit(2, false));

    lbool ret = solver.solve();
    assert(ret == l_True);
    assert(solver.get_model()[0] == l_True);
    assert(solver.get_model()[1] == l_False);
    assert(solver.get_model()[2] == l_True);
    << "Solution is: "
    << solver.get_model()[0]
    << ", " << solver.get_model()[1]
    << ", " << solver.get_model()[2]
    << std::endl;

    return 0;

The library usage also allows for assumptions. We can add these lines just before the return 0; above::

vector<Lit> assumptions;
assumptions.push_back(Lit(2, true));
lbool ret = solver.solve(assumptions);
assert(ret == l_False);

lbool ret = solver.solve();
assert(ret == l_True);

Since we assume that variabe 2 must be false, there is no solution. However, if we solve again, without the assumption, we get back the original solution. Assumptions allow us to assume certain literal values for a specific run but not all runs -- for all runs, we can simply add these assumptions as 1-long clauses.