- Initial release to Public Maven Repositories
- DockerHub Release
- Introduce Personal Spaces
- EPMRPP-20705 - No action for delete defect type in Project activity panel
- EPMRPP-20755 - Personal project should be NOT removable
- EPMRPP-20838 - Personal project is not deleted with user deletion
- EPMRPP-20858 - Generate BTS list on UI dynamically
- EPMRPP-20835 - Disable "Unassign" button for Personal space "owner"
- EPMRPP-20926 - Don't allow to create project with type = Personal
- EPMRPP-20859 - Remove default projects. Replace with Personal spaces
- EPMRPP-22776 - Add STARTTLS and SSL email connections support
- EPMRPP-20324 - Fix incorrect user photo processing
- EPMRPP-21048 - Incorrect message for changing password for github user through API
- EPMRPP-20925 - Error is a bit incorrect, If BTS is not up and user tries to post bug to the system
- EPMRPP-20906 - Incorrect message from ws in case user tryes to submit BTS that does not enabled
- EPMRPP-21497 - Export in XLS format doesn't work
- EPMRPP-22340 - API: It's possible to delete project with entryType=UPSA
- reportportal/reportportal#9 - Fix incorrect statistics calculation
- Minor fix: incorrect project version in /info endpoint
- Expose JVM args as ENV variable to make it configurable
- Consul service discovery support
- Make auto-analysis depth configurable through JVM/ENV variables
- EPMRPP-22948 - Implement on WS side for links to "Stack Trace", "Go to Attachment in Log Message"
- EPMRPP-23001 - In case login contains only underscore symbol the unclassified error (500) is returned
- EPMRPP-23342 - Permissions: User with not admin account role is able to get list of users of PR if using search
- EPMRPP-23541 - Widget is not become shared after changing option of the dashboard via Edit Dashboard.
- EPMRPP-23564 - GET shared dashboard request does not contain 'description' parameter
- EPMRPP-23197 - Email server: Add field for Sender address on server settings
- EPMRPP-23601 - 'External-system' parameter is missed for GET ticket request of posted bug in case launches were merged
- EPMRPP-23651 - The sender of email of user invitation is not the same as was set on Email server settings
- EPMRPP-23664 - Sender of email notification of finish launch is not the same as mentioned on Project settings page
- EPMRPP-23459 - test log item time after parent item's start time
- reportportal#64 - Please correct limitation: test log item time after parent item's start time
- EPMRPP-23679 - Unclassified error for long search string by digital filter such as Total, Passed, Faled, etc.
- EPMRPP-23680 - Unclassified error when searching for launch with special sybmols in its name
- EPMRPP-21270 - Launches: Sorting for defect statistics works incorrectly
- EPMRPP-23641 - DASHBOARDS: Description disappeared after refresh
- EPMRPP-23691 - WS: To combine 'from' using sender name and email when the notification is sending
- EPMRPP-20425 - Allow to delete Not own dashboards/widgets/filters by PM
- EPMRPP-23076 - Script for deleting favorite dashboards with new implementation
- EPMRPP-23741 - Update the info from RP notification center in invitation email
- EPMRPP-23744 - Error handling: When the invitation is sent to email address that already available in DB, ws returns incorrect error message
- EPMRPP-23468 - User with project role=PM/LEAD unable to invite user
- EPMRPP-23692 - Demo data: fix line-breakes in Logs
- EPMRPP-24570 - Status statistics is not updated in case user deletes items from SUITE/TEST levels
- EPMRPP-24914 - Item with investigated defect type only is not included in scope of analysis
- reportportal#31/EPMRPP-25006 - Widget limits clear up
- reportportal#92 - Fixed negative value int the "TI" counter for merged launch
- EPMRPP-25255 - Personal projects have TEST_BASES calculation strategy (BDD) instead of STEP_BASED (regular)
- EPMRPP-25011 - Created demo data generation for project with test based strategy
- EPMRPP-25456 - Reduced memory usage by scheduled jobs
- EPMRPP-12090 - Implemented deep launches merge
- EPMRPP-26010 - Implemented Passing rate widget
- EPMRPP-26021 - Hash for unique instance generating by server
- reportportal#176/EPMRPP-26045 - Split Test Description and test parameters
- EPMRPP-26131 - Unique id for test item based on items' names, parameters, launch name, project name
- EPMRPP-26263 - Implemented latest launches view
- EPMRPP-26394 - JIRA issue with empty set of fields for post bug form
- EPMRPP-25346 - WS: No email notification letter on launch finished is received
- EPMRPP-24913 - Demo Data Postfix should be unique
- EPMRPP-25247 - Admin is not able to modify his own role on the project
- EPMRPP-23287 - Issues (defects) statistics should be calculated by Tests and not by Steps with test based strategy
- EPMRPP-25434 - Remove attached logo from email letter
- EPMRPP-25424 - Request with empty recipients are sent to server with set notifications to OFF
- EPMRPP-25433 - No custom defects are in the email letter on launch finished.
- EPMRPP-25474 - Filtering: No suggestion results for search by owner of the launch
- EPMRPP-25506 - Deleted by PM not own shared widget is not removed from the system (DB)
- EPMRPP-25320 - Internal project is replaced with personal in case they have identical names
- EPMRPP-24853 - Next, Previous items should contain only visible items in case 'Collapse precondition methods' functionality is ON
- EPMRPP-25526 - Unshared filter is still shown on Launches page for not owner
- EPMRPP-25476 - WS: Make 'share'/'isShare' parameter written the same for POST and GET methods
- EPMRPP-25782 - Share option of widgets is not saved on backend
- EPMRPP-26002 - Shared widget is deleted from system in case it was removed from own dashboard
- EPMRPP-26020 - 500 error on attempt to delete not existed widget
- EPMRPP-23553 - Verify API methods against last updates/changes
- EPMRPP-26393 - Launches are not filtered by start time correctly
- EPMRPP-29167 - Statistics for deleted elements with custom defect types are still present
- reportportal/reportportal#200 - Droid Sans fonts no longer supported by debian
- reportportal/reportportal#201 - Avoid CPU consumption on huge logs during auto-analysis
- reportportal/reportportal#12, reportportal/reportportal#65 - LDAP Authorization
- reportportal/reportportal#208 - Introduce new project role that is not allowed to report
- EPMRPP-26416 - Add possibility to use a 'dot' symbol in login of user
- EPMRPP-26263 - Implemented latest launches view
- EPMRPP-29222 - Introduce LDAP authorization
- reportportal/reportportal#170 - Test run breaks with unclassified error (jbehave) #170
- reportportal#176/EPMRPP-26045 - Split Test Description and test parameters
- EPMRPP-29167 - Statistics for deleted elements with custom defect types are still present
- EPMRPP-26131 - Unique id for test item based on items' names, parameters, launch name, project name
- EPMRPP-26263 - Implemented latest launches view
- EPMRPP-26394 - JIRA issue with empty set of fields for post bug form
- EPMRPP-29345 - Description and tags are not applied in case they were specified on finishLaunch
- EPMRPP-29361 - No content of "Overall statistics" widget created for Demo DataUI
- EPMRPP-29405 - WS: Widget with Latest launches=ON includes launches from Debug
- EPMRPP-29337 - Widgets with Latest Launches ON include statistics for launches with In Progress status
- EPMRPP-29218 - Events monitoring
- EPMRPP-26551 - Widget product status
- reportportal/reportporatl#236 - Drop Redis
- EPMRPP-29378 - Comulative ternd chart
- Import - support tag as failed test
- EPMRPP-31184 - WS: Serch for "Add shared widget" window
- EPMRPP-29635 - Cumulative trend chart: Sorting bug
- EPMRPP-29701: Tag prefix should be fully matched with the searched value
- EPMRPP-25494 - Add widget to represent flaky tests in launches
- EPMRPP-29797 - Prepare API for new version of analyzer
- EPMRPP-30991 - Add a tag to e-mail body
- EPMRPP-31001 - Most failed test cases: refactored in case of new design
- EPMRPP-31220 - WS: removing Match issue
- EPMRPP-31189 - Update script for widgets.
- EPMRPP-31780 - Set the name of analyzer which made the changes
- EPMRPP-33154 - [IMPORT] Better handling of importing exceptions
- reportportal/reportportal#322 - Make startTestItemRQ in API 4.x case insensitive
- EPMRPP-30984 - No data about previous new and old values of update of project
- EPMRPP-31020 - Launches reported to DEFAULT mode are present in DEBUG as well
- reportportal/reportportal#245 - Default TestNG xml report isn't compatible with RP report
- EPMRPP-29701 - Tag prefix should be fully matched with the searched value
- EPMRPP-31156 - Different launches comparison chart should include only last 2 launches despite sorting of the filter
- EPMRPP-31039 - WS: Results of items on history table do not have sorting in Asc order
- EPMRPP-31188 - [DASHBOARD] Owner can't see owned widgets in "SELECT SHARED WIDGET" list #213
- EPMRPP-31308 - [WS]: Add a constrain for a notification [GITHUB] Notifications rule for rp.mode #249
- EPMRPP-31233 - [IMPORT] Status is always PASSED if parent item has children with different statuses
- EPMRPP-29375 - WS: Search for user with dot symbol in login name returns the error
- EPMRPP-31211 - In case the tag contains (") symbols, the filter does not have got any value
- EPMRPP-31208 - Email template: Tags with special symbols do not work correctly
- EPMRPP-25622 - Posted bug is not added to item activity in case it was submitted via bulk operation
- EPMRPP-31435 - 'Ignore in AA' should not to be set for test item in launch on DEBUG level
- EPMRPP-31447 - WS: "ActionType"=analyze_item for action that was done by user
- Fix issue with incorrect importing of some junit files
- EPMRPP-31904 - WS: Jobs do not work properly
- EPMRPP-33083 - WS: The extra statistics is returned for No Defects for Comparison launches
- EPMRPP-33080 - WS: Unclassified error on widget preview in case the filter is not saved
- EPMRPP-32107 - WS: Unclassified error on load widget in case the filter deleted
- EPMRPP-33089 - Most failed widget: Unclassified error for launch with status Interrupted
- EPMRPP-32898 - Search for user with dot symbol in login name returns the error
- EPMRPP-33155 - [GITHUB] Failed import faced with unknown tag #317
- EPMRPP-33181 - WS: Launch statistics charts are not updated correctly with new version
- EPMRPP-33255 - Update script for widget does not support 'Timeline' mode setting
- EPMRPP-33492 - WS: Logs of launches from DEBUG level are get to ES during the indexing
- reportportal/reportportal#380 - Unexpected total tests count
- EPMRPP-34202 - WS: Item with 'Ignore'=true should be escaped during analysis process
- EPMRPP-34203 - WS: No activity record of unlicked issue for re-analysis.
- EPMRPP-34212 - WS: No action for linked issue by ML on History of actions
- EPMRPP-35134 - Registration is passed for user with login already in use
- EPMRPP-35289 - WS: GET item controller returns items that do not belong to specified project, but all available items
- EPMRPP-35291 - WS: Unclassified error on get latest launches. Improve latest query performance
- EPMRPP-39590 - Restore of the password. Incorrect response from repeated request.
- EPMRPP-40298 - API. Global Email server integration (Gmail). Incorrect number of emails deliver to the mailbox.
- EPMRPP-41407 - Filters page. Unclassified error occurs when user turns filters On/Off in 2 browser tabs
- EPMRPP-41361 - All launches and not 'Launches with the same name' applied in case of automatic analysis on finish launch
- EPMRPP-41388 - Level of log is not sent to 'Edit defect type' modal.
- EPMRPP-41569 - 'AA' flag is shown on UI despite the last action (link issue) was done by user
- EPMRPP-41055 - Incorrect response (500 error) in Launches page after deleting member from the project.
- EPMRPP-39525 - Launches and filters are not shown for project if it has name 'project'
- EPMRPP-40808 - Dashboard. PM can't delete not own shared dashboard
- EPMRPP-41168 - Admin can't delete test items on the Step View
- EPMRPP-42274 - History of actions. No actions are displayed for items analyzed manually.
- EPMRPP-35338 - Add number of run to launch name on widgets for the particular launch.
- EPMRPP-42004 - Step level. Unclassified error on bulk post/link issue
- EPMRPP-42337 - 'Issue' parameter should not be available for items without issue type or items have status Passed.
- EPMRPP-52161 - Parent line recalculation (Topliner)
- reportportal/reportportal#773 - Service-API errors when user does not have a photo
- EPMRPP-50276 - Auto-test issue/ When delete user - ACL cache should be cleaned up
- EPMRPP-49121 - Validation message should appear in case global integration of email server is not setup
- EPMRPP-52660 - Add launches filtering by items with issues inside
- reportportal/reportportal#995 - Timezone unsynced between "LAUNCHES" and "DASHBOARD"