76 commits from 14 authors. Highlights include:
- [CB-6644][amazon-fireos]Add a check for webview being null in template code Added a check and some comments to guide devs.
- [CB-6487]WebView not found in Chrome remote debugging
- [CB-6636][amazon-fireos]Need to destroy webview properly Added destroy() call in webview's handleDestroy() method.
- CB-6491 add CONTRIBUTING.md
- CB-6543 Fix cordova/run failure when no custom_rules.xml available
- defaults.xml: Add AndroidLaunchMode preference
- Add JavaDoc for CordovaResourceApi
- Updated log statement - android=>amazon-fireos.
- Added amazon xmlns to project's template AndroidManifest.xml.
- [CB-6392]Addig amazon-fireos platform fails with not so good error reporting Fixes 2 issues while adding amazon-fireos platform after fresh cordova install. 1. create.js updated to create "libs" folder before copying it to the project's platform folder. Also, checking for awv_interface.jar existance is moved to create_project(). 2. check_reqs.js no longer checks for awv_interface.jar.
- Fixes 2 issues while adding amazon-fireos platform after fresh cordova install. 1. create.js updated to create "libs" folder before copying it to the project's platform folder. 2. check_reqs.js updated to report error and abort if awv_interface.jar is missing from libs folder.
- CB-6556: added top level pacakge.json file
- Adding a safety check to prevent applications from calling init twice Changes to address thread safety concerns in Cordova plugin management
- CB-6388: Handle binary data correctly in LOAD_URL bridge
- Fix CB-6048: Set launchMode=singleTop so tapping app icon does not always restart app
- Remove incorrect usage of AlertDialog.Builder.create
- Fixing back button issue by utilizing onBackPressed instead of onKeyUp
- CB-5744 Unable to build Hello World application for Kindle Fire HDX tablet using PhoneGap 3.3.0
- Added overloaded constructor for CordovaWebView with Bundle as parameter. Need it for AmazonWebChromeClient.onCreateWindow callback.
- Catch uncaught exceptions in from plugins and turn them into error responses.
- CB-6047 Fix online sometimes getting in a bad state on page transitions.
- Add another convenience overload for CordovaResourceApi.copyResource
- Update framework's .classpath to what Eclipse wants it to be.
- Updated android target to android-19.
- README.md:
android update
. - Fix NPE when POLLING bridge mode is used.
- Updating NOTICE to include Square for OkHttp
- CB-5398 Apply KitKat content URI fix to all content URIs
- CB-5398 Work-around for KitKat content: URLs not rendering in
- CB-5908: add splascreen images to template
- Updated check_requirements functions to see if AWV sdk is installed in libs folder. This code used
- Updated check_requirements functions to see if AWV sdk is installed in libs folder. This code used
- Added Log.e when Config is not initialised but accessed
- CB-5395: Make scheme and host (but not path) case-insensitive in whitelist
- Fix broken build from prev. commit (copy & paste error?)
- Ignore multiple onPageFinished() callbacks & onReceivedError due to stopLoading()
- Removing addJavascriptInterface support from all Android versions lower than 4.2 due to security vu
- Update JS snapshot to version 3.5.0-dev (via coho)
- Fixed create.js + added code to copy libs folder to app's libs.
- Removing getNameRes() function to get webview backend. Removed strings as well.
- CB-5232 Change create script to use Cordova as a library.
- Remove Application settings from framework/AndroidManifest.xml
- Updated android platform target to android-19.
- CB-4984 Don't create on CordovaActivity name
- CB-5917 Add a loadUrlIntoView overload that doesn't recreate plugins.
- CB-5715 For CLI, hide assets/www and res/xml/config.xml by default
- CB-5793 ant builds: Rename AndroidManifest during -post-build to avoid Eclipse detecting ant-build/
- CB-5889 Make update script find project name instead of using "null" for CordovaLib
- CB-5889 Add a message in the update script about needing to import CordovaLib when using an IDE.
- Fix type "LANCH" -> "LAUNCH"
- CB-5793 Make ant work-around work on windows.
- CB-5793 Add work-around for library references not working with custom output directory (ugh).
- CB-5793 Forgot to update ant path for clean.
- CB-5793 Don't clean before build and change output directory to ant-build to avoid conflicts with E
- CB-4910 Fix CLI's eclipse project template not working on windows due to "*" in the virtual folder
- CB-5803 Fix cordova/emulate on windows.
- CB-5801 Add spawn work-around on windows for it not being able to execute .cmd files
- CB-5801 exec->spawn in build to make sure compile errors are shown.
- CB-5799 Update version of OkHTTP to 1.3
- Remove package.json within bin/ since we never intend to ship bin/ as an npm module
- CB-4910 Update CLI project template to point to config.xml at the root now that it's not in www/ by
- Silence excessive logging from scroll events
- CB-5504: Adding onDestroy to app plugin to deregister telephonyReceiver
- Removed timers logic while loading Urls. Timers were creating threads to check for errors. That
- Fix for Search Intercept failures
- Add Timeout Tests
- Fixes for Cordova 3.3 Instrumentation Tests
- Update JS snapshot to version 3.5.0-dev (via coho)
- Set VERSION to 3.5.0-dev (via coho)
41 commits from 11 authors. Highlights include:
- CB-5481 Fix for Cordova trying to get config.xml from the wrong namespace
- CB-5487 Enable Remote Debugging when your Android app is debuggable.
- CB-5445 Adding onScrollChanged and the ScrollEvent object
- CB-5422 Don't require JAVA_HOME to be defined
- CB-5490 Add javadoc target to ant script
- CB-5471 Deprecated DroidGap class
- CB-5255 Prefer Google API targets over android-## targets when building.
- CB-5232 Change create script to use Cordova as a Library Project instead of a .jar
- CB-5302 Massive movement to get tests working again
- CB-4996 Fix paths with spaces while launching on emulator and device
- CB-5209 Cannot build Android app if project path contains spaces
27 commits from 7 authors. Highlights include:
- CB-5193 Fix Android WebSQL sometime throwing SECURITY_ERR.
- CB-5191 Deprecate
- Updating shelljs to 0.2.6. Copy now preserves mode bits.
- CB-4872 Added android version scripts (android_sdk_version, etc)
- CB-5117 Output confirmation message if check_reqs passes.
- CB-5080 Find resources in a way that works with aapt's --rename-manifest-package
- CB-4527 Don't delete .bat files even when on non-windows platform
- CB-4892 Fix create script only escaping the first space instead of all spaces.
55 commits from 9 authors. Highlights include:
- [CB-4817] Remove unused assets in project template.
- Fail fast in create script if package name is not com.foo.bar.
- [CB-4782] Convert ApplicationInfo.java -> appinfo.js
- [CB-4766] Deprecated JSONUtils.java (moved into plugins)
- [CB-4765] Deprecated ExifHelper.java (moved into plugins)
- [CB-4764] Deprecated DirectoryManager.java (moved into plugins)
- [CB-4763] Deprecated FileHelper.java (moved into plugins), Move getMimeType() into CordovaResourceApi.
- [CB-4725] Add CordovaWebView.CORDOVA_VERSION constant
- Incrementing version check for Android 4.3 API Level 18
- [CB-3542] rewrote cli tooling scripts in node
- Allow CordovaChromeClient subclasses access to CordovaInterface and CordovaWebView members
- Refactor CordovaActivity.init so that subclasses can easily override factory methods for webview objects
- [CB-4652] Allow default project template to be overridden on create
- Tweak the online bridge to not send excess online events.
- [CB-4495] Modify start-emulator script to exit immediately on a fatal emulator error.
- Log WebView IOExceptions only when they are not 404s
- Use a higher threshold for slow exec() warnings when debugger is attached.
- Fix data URI decoding in CordovaResourceApi
- [CB-3819] Made it easier to set SplashScreen delay.
- [CB-4013] Fixed loadUrlTimeoutValue preference.
- Upgrading project to Android 4.3
- [CB-4198] bin/create script should be better at handling non-word characters in activity name. Patched windows script as well.
- [CB-4198] bin/create should handle spaces in activity better.
- [CB-4096] Implemented new unified whitelist for android
- [CB-3384] Fix thread assertion when plugins remap URIs