Dubbo Admin is the console designed for better visualization of Dubbo services, it provides support for Dubbo3 and is compatible with 2.7.x, 2.6.x and 2.5.x.
There are four ways to deploy Dubbo Admin to a production environment.
Choose either method based on your environment, where Helm is the recommended installation method because Helm can be installed with a single click and automatically helps manage all of Admin's required production environment dependencies.
- Download code:
git clone https://github.com/apache/dubbo-admin.git
- Change
configuration to make Admin points to the designated registries, etc. - Build
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
- Start
mvn --projects dubbo-admin-server spring-boot:run
orcd dubbo-admin-distribution/target; java -jar dubbo-admin-${project.version}.jar
- Visit
, default username and password areroot
Security Notice: Please remember to change the
value before you deploy to production environment.
Note: This method only supports running under linux system. Docker support for windows and mac systems will be released soon!
Dubbo-Admin image is hosted at: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/apache/dubbo-admin.
You can run the image directly by mounting a volume from the host that contains an application.properties
file with the accessible registry and config-center addresses specified.
$ docker run -itd --net=host --name dubbo-admin -v /dubbo/dubbo-admin/properties:/config apache/dubbo-admin
with the actual host path (must be an absolute path) that points to a directory containingapplication.properties
The application.properties
configuration file is as follows (taking the zookeeper
registration center as an example):
Security Notice: Please remember to change the
value before you deploy to production environment.
Open web browser and visit http://localhost:38080
, default username and password are root
1. Download Kubernetes manifests
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/dubbo-admin.git
Switch to the 'dubbo-admin/kubernetes/dubbo-admin' directory to see the Admin kubernetes resource file
$ cd dubbo-admin/kubernetes/dubbo-admin
2. Install Dubbo Admin
Open configmap.yaml
and modify accordingly to override configurations in application.properties.
Security Notice: Please remember to change the
value before you deploy to production environment.
Run the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f ./
3. Visit Admin
$ kubectl port-forward service dubbo-admin 38080:38080
Visit http://localhost:38080
There are two ways to run Admin through Help. They have the same effect, so you can choose any of the following.
1. Download chart source file
clone Dubbo Admin project storehouse:
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/dubbo-admin.git
Switch from the warehouse root directory to the following directory deploy/charts/dubbo-admin
$ cd dubbo-admin/charts/dubbo-admin
2. Install helm chart
Start parameters of Admin so that Admin can connect to the real production environment registry or configuration center. You can specify a custom configuration file through the following -f
help parameter:
admin.registry.address: zookeeper://zookeeper:2181
admin.config-center: zookeeper://zookeeper:2181
admin.metadata-report.address: zookeeper://zookeeper:2181
admin.root.user.name: root
admin.root.user.password: root
admin.check.signSecret: 86295dd0c4ef69a1036b0b0c15158d77
Security Notice: Please remember to change the
value before you deploy to production environment.
$ helm install dubbo-admin -f values.yaml .
in values.yml
will override those defaults in Admin application.properties, In addition to 'properties', you can also customize other properties defined by Admin chart, check here for Complete parameters。
3. Visit Admin
Below contains the description of the project structure for developers who want to contribute to make Dubbo Admin better.
- Vue.js and Vue Cli
- dubbo-admin-ui/README.md for more detail
- Set npm **proxy mirror Below contains the description of the project structure for developers who want to contribute to make Dubbo Admin better.
dubbo-admin-ui/README.md for more detail
Set npm proxy mirror:
If you have network issue, you can set npm proxy mirror to speedup npm install:
to ~/.npmrc
- Standard spring boot project
- configurations in application.properties
Run admin server project
backend is a standard spring boot project, you can run it in any java IDE
Run admin ui project
at directory
, run withnpm run dev
. -
visit web page
, frontend supports hot reload.
Apache Dubbo admin is under the Apache 2.0 license, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for full license text.