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Configuration Vocabulary

The Configuration Vocabulary lists all available configurations provided by application.yml.

Main Configuration

The main configuration is provided by application.yml. It divided into several modules, each of which has its own settings. The following table lists the modules and their settings.

Module Provider Settings Value(s) and Explanation System Environment Variable¹ Default
core default role Option values: Mixed/Receiver/Aggregator. Receiver mode OAP opens the service to the agents, then analyzes and aggregates the results, and forwards the results for distributed aggregation. Aggregator mode OAP receives data from Mixer and Receiver role OAP nodes, and performs 2nd level aggregation. Mixer means both Receiver and Aggregator. SW_CORE_ROLE Mixed
- - restHost Binding IP of RESTful services. Services include GraphQL query and HTTP data report. SW_CORE_REST_HOST
- - restPort Binding port of RESTful services. SW_CORE_REST_PORT 12800
- - restContextPath Web context path of RESTful services. SW_CORE_REST_CONTEXT_PATH /
- - restMaxThreads Maximum thread number of RESTful services. SW_CORE_REST_REST_MAX_THREADS 200
- - restIdleTimeOut Connector idle timeout of RESTful services (in milliseconds). SW_CORE_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT 30000
- - restAcceptQueueSize ServerSocketChannel Backlog of RESTful services. SW_CORE_REST_QUEUE_SIZE 0
- - httpMaxRequestHeaderSize Maximum request header size accepted. SW_CORE_HTTP_MAX_REQUEST_HEADER_SIZE 8192
- - gRPCHost Binding IP of gRPC services, including gRPC data report and internal communication among OAP nodes. SW_CORE_GRPC_HOST
- - gRPCPort Binding port of gRPC services. SW_CORE_GRPC_PORT 11800
- - gRPCSslEnabled Activates SSL for gRPC services. SW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_ENABLED false
- - gRPCSslKeyPath File path of gRPC SSL key. SW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_KEY_PATH -
- - gRPCSslCertChainPath File path of gRPC SSL cert chain. SW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH -
- - gRPCSslTrustedCAPath File path of gRPC trusted CA. SW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_TRUSTED_CA_PATH -
- - downsampling Activated level of down sampling aggregation. Hour,Day
- - enableDataKeeperExecutor Controller of TTL scheduler. Once disabled, TTL wouldn't work. SW_CORE_ENABLE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTOR true
- - dataKeeperExecutePeriod Execution period of TTL scheduler (in minutes). Execution doesn't mean deleting data. The storage provider (e.g. ElasticSearch storage) could override this. SW_CORE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTE_PERIOD 5
- - recordDataTTL The lifecycle of record data (in days). Record data includes traces, top N sample records, and logs. Minimum value is 2. SW_CORE_RECORD_DATA_TTL 3
- - metricsDataTTL The lifecycle of metrics data (in days), including metadata. We recommend setting metricsDataTTL >= recordDataTTL. Minimum value is 2. SW_CORE_METRICS_DATA_TTL 7
- - l1FlushPeriod The period of L1 aggregation flush to L2 aggregation (in milliseconds). SW_CORE_L1_AGGREGATION_FLUSH_PERIOD 500
- - storageSessionTimeout The threshold of session time (in milliseconds). Default value is 70000. SW_CORE_STORAGE_SESSION_TIMEOUT 70000
- - persistentPeriod The period of doing data persistence. Unit is second.Default value is 25s SW_CORE_PERSISTENT_PERIOD 25
- - topNReportPeriod The execution period (in minutes) of top N sampler, which saves sampled data into the storage. SW_CORE_TOPN_REPORT_PERIOD 10
- - activeExtraModelColumns Appends entity names (e.g. service names) into metrics storage entities. SW_CORE_ACTIVE_EXTRA_MODEL_COLUMNS false
- - serviceNameMaxLength Maximum length limit of service names. SW_SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 70
- - instanceNameMaxLength Maximum length limit of service instance names. The maximum length of service + instance names should be less than 200. SW_INSTANCE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 70
- - endpointNameMaxLength Maximum length limit of endpoint names. The maximum length of service + endpoint names should be less than 240. SW_ENDPOINT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 150
- - searchableTracesTags Defines a set of span tag keys which are searchable through GraphQL. Multiple values are separated by commas. The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped. SW_SEARCHABLE_TAG_KEYS http.method,http.status_code,rpc.status_code,db.type,db.instance,mq.queue,mq.topic,
- - searchableLogsTags Defines a set of log tag keys which are searchable through GraphQL. Multiple values are separated by commas. The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped. SW_SEARCHABLE_LOGS_TAG_KEYS level
- - searchableAlarmTags Defines a set of alarm tag keys which are searchable through GraphQL. Multiple values are separated by commas. The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped. SW_SEARCHABLE_ALARM_TAG_KEYS level
- - autocompleteTagKeysQueryMaxSize The max size of tags keys for autocomplete select. SW_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG_KEYS_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 100
- - autocompleteTagValuesQueryMaxSize The max size of tags values for autocomplete select. SW_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG_VALUES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 100
- - gRPCThreadPoolSize Pool size of gRPC server. SW_CORE_GRPC_THREAD_POOL_SIZE Default to gRPC's implementation, which is a cached thread pool that can grow infinitely.
- - maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit. SW_CORE_GRPC_MAX_CONCURRENT_CALL -
- - maxMessageSize Sets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server. Empty means 4 MiB. SW_CORE_GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 52428800 (50MB)
- - remoteTimeout Timeout for cluster internal communication (in seconds). - 20
- - maxSizeOfNetworkAddressAlias The maximum size of network address detected in the system being monitored. - 1_000_000
- - maxPageSizeOfQueryProfileSnapshot The maximum size for snapshot analysis in an OAP query. - 500
- - maxSizeOfAnalyzeProfileSnapshot The maximum number of snapshots analyzed by the OAP. - 12000
- - prepareThreads The number of threads used to prepare metrics data to the storage. SW_CORE_PREPARE_THREADS 2
- - enableEndpointNameGroupingByOpenapi Automatically groups endpoints by the given OpenAPI definitions. SW_CORE_ENABLE_ENDPOINT_NAME_GROUPING_BY_OPENAPI true
- - maxDurationOfQueryEBPFProfilingData The maximum duration(in second) of query the eBPF profiling data from database. - 30
- - maxThreadCountOfQueryEBPFProfilingData The maximum thread count of query the eBPF profiling data from database. - System CPU core size
- - uiMenuRefreshInterval The period(in seconds) of refreshing the status of all UI menu items. - 20
- - serviceCacheRefreshInterval The period(in seconds) of refreshing the service cache. SW_SERVICE_CACHE_REFRESH_INTERVAL 10
- - enableHierarchy If disable the hierarchy, the service and instance hierarchy relation will not be built. And the query of hierarchy will return empty result. All the hierarchy relations are defined in the hierarchy-definition.yml. Notice: some of the configurations only available for kubernetes environments. SW_CORE_ENABLE_HIERARCHY true
- - maxHeapMemoryUsagePercent The int value of the max heap memory usage percent. SW_CORE_MAX_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE_PERCENT 96 (96%)
- - maxDirectMemoryUsage The long value of the max direct memory usage. The default max value is -1, representing no limit. The unit is in bytes. SW_CORE_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY_USAGE -1
cluster standalone - Standalone is not suitable for running on a single node running. No configuration available. - -
- zookeeper namespace The namespace, represented by root path, isolates the configurations in Zookeeper. SW_NAMESPACE /, root path
- - hostPort Hosts and ports of Zookeeper Cluster. SW_CLUSTER_ZK_HOST_PORT localhost:2181
- - baseSleepTimeMs The period of Zookeeper client between two retries (in milliseconds). SW_CLUSTER_ZK_SLEEP_TIME 1000
- - maxRetries The maximum retry time. SW_CLUSTER_ZK_MAX_RETRIES 3
- - enableACL Opens ACL using schema and expression. SW_ZK_ENABLE_ACL false
- - schema Schema for the authorization. SW_ZK_SCHEMA digest
- - expression Expression for the authorization. SW_ZK_EXPRESSION skywalking:skywalking
- - internalComHost The hostname registered in Zookeeper for the internal communication of OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_HOST -
- - internalComPort The port registered in Zookeeper for the internal communication of OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_PORT -1
- kubernetes namespace Namespace deployed by SkyWalking in k8s. SW_CLUSTER_K8S_NAMESPACE default
- - labelSelector Labels used for filtering OAP deployment in k8s. SW_CLUSTER_K8S_LABEL app=collector,release=skywalking
- - uidEnvName Environment variable name for reading uid. SW_CLUSTER_K8S_UID SKYWALKING_COLLECTOR_UID
- consul serviceName Service name for SkyWalking cluster. SW_SERVICE_NAME SkyWalking_OAP_Cluster
- - hostPort Hosts and ports for Consul cluster. SW_CLUSTER_CONSUL_HOST_PORT localhost:8500
- - aclToken ACL Token of Consul. Empty string means without ALC token. SW_CLUSTER_CONSUL_ACLTOKEN -
- - internalComHost The hostname registered in Consul for internal communications of the OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_HOST -
- - internalComPort The port registered in Consul for internal communications of the OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_PORT -1
- etcd serviceName Service name for SkyWalking cluster. SW_CLUSTER_ETCD_SERVICE_NAME SkyWalking_OAP_Cluster
- - endpoints Hosts and ports for etcd cluster. SW_CLUSTER_ETCD_ENDPOINTS localhost:2379
- - namespace Namespace for SkyWalking cluster. SW_CLUSTER_ETCD_NAMESPACE /skywalking
- - authentication Indicates whether there is authentication. SW_CLUSTER_ETCD_AUTHENTICATION false
- - user Etcd auth username. SW_CLUSTER_ETCD_USER
- - password Etcd auth password. SW_CLUSTER_ETCD_PASSWORD
- - internalComHost The hostname registered in etcd for internal communications of the OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_HOST -
- - internalComPort The port registered in etcd for internal communications of the OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_PORT -1
- Nacos serviceName Service name for SkyWalking cluster. SW_SERVICE_NAME SkyWalking_OAP_Cluster
- - hostPort Hosts and ports for Nacos cluster. SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_HOST_PORT localhost:8848
- - namespace Namespace used by SkyWalking node coordination. SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_NAMESPACE public
- - internalComHost The hostname registered in Nacos for internal communications of the OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_HOST -
- - internalComPort The port registered in Nacos for internal communications of the OAP cluster. SW_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_COM_PORT -1
- - contextPath Nacos set contextPath. SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_CONTEXT_PATH -
- - username Nacos Auth username. SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_USERNAME -
- - password Nacos Auth password. SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_PASSWORD -
- - accessKey Nacos Auth accessKey. SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_ACCESSKEY -
- - secretKey Nacos Auth secretKey. SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_SECRETKEY -
- - syncPeriodHttpUriRecognitionPattern The period of HTTP URI recognition pattern synchronization (in seconds). SW_CORE_SYNC_PERIOD_HTTP_URI_RECOGNITION_PATTERN 10
- - trainingPeriodHttpUriRecognitionPattern The period of HTTP URI recognition pattern training (in seconds). SW_CORE_TRAINING_PERIOD_HTTP_URI_RECOGNITION_PATTERN 60
- - maxHttpUrisNumberPerService The maximum number of HTTP URIs per service. SW_MAX_HTTP_URIS_NUMBER_PER_SERVICE 3000
storage elasticsearch - ElasticSearch (and OpenSearch) storage implementation. - -
- - namespace Prefix of indexes created and used by SkyWalking. SW_NAMESPACE -
- - clusterNodes ElasticSearch cluster nodes for client connection. SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODES localhost
- - connectTimeout Connect timeout of ElasticSearch client (in milliseconds). SW_STORAGE_ES_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 3000
- - socketTimeout Socket timeout of ElasticSearch client (in milliseconds). SW_STORAGE_ES_SOCKET_TIMEOUT 30000
- - responseTimeout Response timeout of ElasticSearch client (in milliseconds), 0 disables the timeout. SW_STORAGE_ES_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 15000
- - numHttpClientThread The number of threads for the underlying HTTP client to perform socket I/O. If the value is <= 0, the number of available processors will be used. SW_STORAGE_ES_NUM_HTTP_CLIENT_THREAD 0
- - user Username of ElasticSearch cluster. SW_ES_USER -
- - password Password of ElasticSearch cluster. SW_ES_PASSWORD -
- - trustStorePath Trust JKS file path. Only works when username and password are enabled. SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PATH -
- - trustStorePass Trust JKS file password. Only works when username and password are enabled. SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PASS -
- - secretsManagementFile Secrets management file in the properties format, including username and password, which are managed by a 3rd party tool. Capable of being updated them at runtime. SW_ES_SECRETS_MANAGEMENT_FILE -
- - dayStep Represents the number of days in the one-minute/hour/day index. SW_STORAGE_DAY_STEP 1
- - indexShardsNumber Shard number of new indexes. SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_SHARDS_NUMBER 1
- - indexReplicasNumber Replicas number of new indexes. SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER 0
- - specificIndexSettings Specify the settings for each index individually. If configured, this setting has the highest priority and overrides the generic settings. SW_STORAGE_ES_SPECIFIC_INDEX_SETTINGS -
- - superDatasetDayStep Represents the number of days in the super size dataset record index. Default value is the same as dayStep when the value is less than 0. SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_DAY_STEP -1
- - superDatasetIndexShardsFactor Super dataset is defined in the code (e.g. trace segments). This factor provides more shards for the super dataset: shards number = indexShardsNumber * superDatasetIndexShardsFactor. This factor also affects Zipkin and Jaeger traces. SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_SHARDS_FACTOR 5
- - superDatasetIndexReplicasNumber Represents the replicas number in the super size dataset record index. SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER 0
- - indexTemplateOrder The order of index template. SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_TEMPLATE_ORDER 0
- - bulkActions Async bulk size of the record data batch execution. SW_STORAGE_ES_BULK_ACTIONS 5000
- - batchOfBytes A threshold to control the max body size of ElasticSearch Bulk flush. SW_STORAGE_ES_BATCH_OF_BYTES 10485760 (10m)
- - flushInterval Period of flush (in seconds). Does not matter whether bulkActions is reached or not. SW_STORAGE_ES_FLUSH_INTERVAL 5
- - concurrentRequests The number of concurrent requests allowed to be executed. SW_STORAGE_ES_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS 2
- - resultWindowMaxSize The maximum size of dataset when the OAP loads cache, such as network aliases. SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE 10000
- - metadataQueryMaxSize The maximum size of metadata per query. SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 10000
- - scrollingBatchSize The batch size of metadata per iteration when metadataQueryMaxSize or resultWindowMaxSize is too large to be retrieved in a single query. SW_STORAGE_ES_SCROLLING_BATCH_SIZE 5000
- - segmentQueryMaxSize The maximum size of trace segments per query. SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_SEGMENT_SIZE 200
- - profileTaskQueryMaxSize The maximum size of profile task per query. SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_PROFILE_TASK_SIZE 200
- - asyncProfilerTaskQueryMaxSize The maximum size of async-profiler task per query. SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_ASYNC_PROFILER_TASK_SIZE 200
- - profileDataQueryScrollBatchSize The batch size of query profiling data. SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_PROFILE_DATA_BATCH_SIZE 100
- - advanced All settings of ElasticSearch index creation. The value should be in JSON format. SW_STORAGE_ES_ADVANCED -
- - logicSharding Shard metrics and records indices into multi-physical indices, one index template per metric/meter aggregation function or record. SW_STORAGE_ES_LOGIC_SHARDING false
- mysql - MySQL Storage. The MySQL JDBC Driver is not in the dist. Please copy it into the oap-lib folder manually. - -
- - properties Hikari connection pool configurations. - Listed in the application.yaml.
- - metadataQueryMaxSize The maximum size of metadata per query. SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 5000
- - maxSizeOfBatchSql The maximum size of batch size of SQL execution SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_BATCH_SQL 2000
- - asyncBatchPersistentPoolSize async flush data into database thread size SW_STORAGE_ASYNC_BATCH_PERSISTENT_POOL_SIZE 4
- postgresql - PostgreSQL storage. - -
- - properties Hikari connection pool configurations. - Listed in the application.yaml.
- - metadataQueryMaxSize The maximum size of metadata per query. SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 5000
- - maxSizeOfBatchSql The maximum size of batch size of SQL execution SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_BATCH_SQL 2000
- - asyncBatchPersistentPoolSize async flush data into database thread size SW_STORAGE_ASYNC_BATCH_PERSISTENT_POOL_SIZE 4
- banyandb - BanyanDB storage, since 10.2.0, the banyandb configuration is separated to an independent configuration file: bydb.yaml. - -
agent-analyzer default Agent Analyzer. SW_AGENT_ANALYZER default
- - traceSamplingPolicySettingsFile The sampling policy including sampling rate and the threshold of trace segment latency can be configured by the traceSamplingPolicySettingsFile file. SW_TRACE_SAMPLING_POLICY_SETTINGS_FILE trace-sampling-policy-settings.yml
- - slowDBAccessThreshold The slow database access threshold (in milliseconds). SW_SLOW_DB_THRESHOLD default:200,mongodb:100
- - forceSampleErrorSegment When sampling mechanism is activated, this config samples the error status segment and ignores the sampling rate. SW_FORCE_SAMPLE_ERROR_SEGMENT true
- - segmentStatusAnalysisStrategy Determines the final segment status from span status. Available values are FROM_SPAN_STATUS , FROM_ENTRY_SPAN, and FROM_FIRST_SPAN. FROM_SPAN_STATUS indicates that the segment status would be error if any span has an error status. FROM_ENTRY_SPAN means that the segment status would only be determined by the status of entry spans. FROM_FIRST_SPAN means that the segment status would only be determined by the status of the first span. SW_SEGMENT_STATUS_ANALYSIS_STRATEGY FROM_SPAN_STATUS
- - noUpstreamRealAddressAgents Exit spans with the component in the list would not generate client-side instance relation metrics, since some tracing plugins (e.g. Nginx-LUA and Envoy) can't collect the real peer IP address. SW_NO_UPSTREAM_REAL_ADDRESS 6000,9000
- - meterAnalyzerActiveFiles Indicates which files could be instrumented and analyzed. Multiple files are split by ",". SW_METER_ANALYZER_ACTIVE_FILES
- - slowCacheWriteThreshold The threshold of slow command which is used for writing operation (in milliseconds). SW_SLOW_CACHE_WRITE_THRESHOLD default:20,redis:10
- - slowCacheReadThreshold The threshold of slow command which is used for reading (getting) operation (in milliseconds). SW_SLOW_CACHE_READ_THRESHOLD default:20,redis:10
receiver-sharing-server default Sharing server provides new gRPC and restful servers for data collection. Ana designates that servers in the core module are to be used for internal communication only. - -
- - restHost Binding IP of RESTful services. Services include GraphQL query and HTTP data report. SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_REST_HOST -
- - restPort Binding port of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_REST_PORT -
- - restContextPath Web context path of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_REST_CONTEXT_PATH -
- - restMaxThreads Maximum thread number of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_REST_MAX_THREADS 200
- - restIdleTimeOut Connector idle timeout of RESTful services (in milliseconds). SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT 30000
- - restAcceptQueueSize ServerSocketChannel backlog of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_REST_QUEUE_SIZE 0
- - httpMaxRequestHeaderSize Maximum request header size accepted. SW_RECEIVER_SHARING_HTTP_MAX_REQUEST_HEADER_SIZE 8192
- - gRPCHost Binding IP of gRPC services. Services include gRPC data report and internal communication among OAP nodes. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_HOST Not Activated
- - gRPCPort Binding port of gRPC services. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_PORT Not Activated
- - gRPCThreadPoolSize Pool size of gRPC server. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_THREAD_POOL_SIZE Default to gRPC's implementation, which is a cached thread pool that can grow infinitely.
- - gRPCSslEnabled Activates SSL for gRPC services. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_SSL_ENABLED false
- - gRPCSslKeyPath File path of gRPC SSL key. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_SSL_KEY_PATH -
- - gRPCSslCertChainPath File path of gRPC SSL cert chain. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH -
- - maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_MAX_CONCURRENT_CALL -
- - maxMessageSize Sets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server. Empty means 4 MiB. SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 52428800 (50MB)
- - authentication The token text for authentication. Works for gRPC connection only. Once this is set, the client is required to use the same token. SW_AUTHENTICATION -
log-analyzer default Log Analyzer. SW_LOG_ANALYZER default
- - lalFiles The LAL configuration file names (without file extension) to be activated. Read LAL for more details. SW_LOG_LAL_FILES default
- - malFiles The MAL configuration file names (without file extension) to be activated. Read LAL for more details. SW_LOG_MAL_FILES ""
event-analyzer default Event Analyzer. SW_EVENT_ANALYZER default
receiver-register default gRPC and HTTPRestful services that provide service, service instance and endpoint register. - -
receiver-trace default gRPC and HTTPRestful services that accept SkyWalking format traces. - -
receiver-jvm default gRPC services that accept JVM metrics data. - -
receiver-clr default gRPC services that accept .Net CLR metrics data. - -
receiver-profile default gRPC services that accept profile task status and snapshot reporter. - -
receiver-zabbix default TCP receiver accepts Zabbix format metrics. - -
- - port Exported TCP port. Zabbix agent could connect and transport data. SW_RECEIVER_ZABBIX_PORT 10051
- - host Binds to host. SW_RECEIVER_ZABBIX_HOST
- - activeFiles Enables config when agent request is received. SW_RECEIVER_ZABBIX_ACTIVE_FILES agent
service-mesh default gRPC services that accept data from inbound mesh probes. - -
envoy-metric default Envoy metrics_service and ALS(access log service) are supported by this receiver. The OAL script supports all GAUGE type metrics. - -
- - acceptMetricsService Starts Envoy Metrics Service analysis. SW_ENVOY_METRIC_SERVICE true
- - alsHTTPAnalysis Starts Envoy HTTP Access Log Service analysis. Value = k8s-mesh means starting the analysis. SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS -
- - alsTCPAnalysis Starts Envoy TCP Access Log Service analysis. Value = k8s-mesh means starting the analysis. SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_TCP_ANALYSIS -
- - k8sServiceNameRule k8sServiceNameRule allows you to customize the service name in ALS via Kubernetes metadata. The available variables are pod and service. E.g. you can use ${}-${pod.metadata.labels.version} to append the version number to the service name. Note that when using environment variables to pass this configuration, use single quotes('') to avoid being evaluated by the shell. K8S_SERVICE_NAME_RULE ${pod.metadata.labels.(}.${pod.metadata.namespace}
- - istioServiceNameRule istioServiceNameRule allows you to customize the service name in ALS via Kubernetes metadata. The available variables are serviceEntry. E.g. you can use ${}-${serviceEntry.metadata.labels.version} to append the version number to the service name. Note that when using environment variables to pass this configuration, use single quotes('') to avoid being evaluated by the shell. ISTIO_SERVICE_NAME_RULE ${}.${serviceEntry.metadata.namespace}
- - istioServiceEntryIgnoredNamespaces When looking up service informations from the Istio ServiceEntries, some of the ServiceEntries might be created in several namespaces automatically by some components, and OAP will randomly pick one of them to build the service name, users can use this config to exclude ServiceEntries that they don't want to be used. Comma separated. SW_ISTIO_SERVICE_ENTRY_IGNORED_NAMESPACES -
- - gRPCHost Binding IP of gRPC service for Envoy access log service. SW_ALS_GRPC_HOST Not Activated
- - gRPCPort Binding port of gRPC service for Envoy access log service. SW_ALS_GRPC_PORT Not Activated
- - gRPCThreadPoolSize Pool size of gRPC server. SW_ALS_GRPC_THREAD_POOL_SIZE Default to gRPC's implementation, which is a cached thread pool that can grow infinitely.
- - gRPCSslEnabled Activates SSL for gRPC services. SW_ALS_GRPC_SSL_ENABLED false
- - gRPCSslKeyPath File path of gRPC SSL key. SW_ALS_GRPC_SSL_KEY_PATH -
- - gRPCSslCertChainPath File path of gRPC SSL cert chain. SW_ALS_GRPC_SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH -
- - maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit. SW_ALS_GRPC_MAX_CONCURRENT_CALL -
- - maxMessageSize Sets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server. Empty means 4 MiB. SW_ALS_GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 4M(based on Netty)
receiver-otel default A receiver for analyzing metrics data from OpenTelemetry. - -
- - enabledHandlers Enabled handlers for otel. SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_HANDLERS -
- - enabledOtelMetricsRules Enabled metric rules for OTLP handler. SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_OTEL_METRICS_RULES -
receiver-zipkin default A receiver for Zipkin traces. - -
- - sampleRate The sample rate precision is 1/10000, should be between 0 and 10000 SW_ZIPKIN_SAMPLE_RATE 10000
- - searchableTracesTags Defines a set of span tag keys which are searchable. Multiple values are separated by commas. The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped. SW_ZIPKIN_SEARCHABLE_TAG_KEYS http.method
- - enableHttpCollector Enable Http Collector. SW_ZIPKIN_HTTP_COLLECTOR_ENABLED true
- - restHost Binding IP of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_HOST
- - restPort Binding port of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_PORT 9411
- - restContextPath Web context path of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_CONTEXT_PATH /
- - restMaxThreads Maximum thread number of RESTful services. SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_MAX_THREADS 200
- - restIdleTimeOut Connector idle timeout of RESTful services (in milliseconds). SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT 30000
- - restAcceptQueueSize Maximum request header size accepted. SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_QUEUE_SIZE 0
- - enableKafkaCollector Enable Kafka Collector. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_COLLECTOR_ENABLED false
- - kafkaBootstrapServers Kafka ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_SERVERS localhost:9092
- - kafkaGroupId Kafka ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_GROUP_ID zipkin
- - kafkaTopic Kafka Topics. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_TOPIC zipkin
- - kafkaConsumerConfig Kafka consumer config, JSON format as Properties. If it contains the same key with above, would override. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_CONSUMER_CONFIG "{"auto.offset.reset":"earliest","":true}"
- - kafkaConsumers The number of consumers to create. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_CONSUMERS 1
- - kafkaHandlerThreadPoolSize Pool size of Kafka message handler executor. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE CPU core * 2
- - kafkaHandlerThreadPoolQueueSize Queue size of Kafka message handler executor. SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE 10000
kafka-fetcher default Read SkyWalking's native metrics/logs/traces through Kafka server. - -
- - bootstrapServers A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_SERVERS localhost:9092
- - namespace Namespace aims to isolate multi OAP cluster when using the same Kafka cluster. If you set a namespace for Kafka fetcher, OAP will add a prefix to topic name. You should also set namespace in agent.config. The property is named plugin.kafka.namespace. SW_NAMESPACE -
- - groupId A unique string that identifies the consumer group to which this consumer belongs. - skywalking-consumer
- - partitions The number of partitions for the topic being created. SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS 3
- - consumers The number of consumers to create. SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_CONSUMERS 1
- - enableNativeProtoLog Enables fetching and handling native proto log data. SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_ENABLE_NATIVE_PROTO_LOG true
- - enableNativeJsonLog Enables fetching and handling native json log data. SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_ENABLE_NATIVE_JSON_LOG true
- - replicationFactor The replication factor for each partition in the topic being created. SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS_FACTOR 2
- - kafkaHandlerThreadPoolSize Pool size of Kafka message handler executor. SW_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE CPU core * 2
- - kafkaHandlerThreadPoolQueueSize Queue size of Kafka message handler executor. SW_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE 10000
- - topicNameOfMeters Kafka topic name for meter system data. - skywalking-meters
- - topicNameOfMetrics Kafka topic name for JVM metrics data. - skywalking-metrics
- - topicNameOfProfiling Kafka topic name for profiling data. - skywalking-profilings
- - topicNameOfTracingSegments Kafka topic name for tracing data. - skywalking-segments
- - topicNameOfManagements Kafka topic name for service instance reporting and registration. - skywalking-managements
- - topicNameOfLogs Kafka topic name for native proto log data. - skywalking-logs
- - topicNameOfJsonLogs Kafka topic name for native json log data. - skywalking-logs-json
cilium-fetcher default Read Cilium Observe protocol data to collect Cilium Service status. - -
- - peerHost The Cilium Peer Service Host. SW_CILIUM_FETCHER_PEER_HOST hubble-peer.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
- - peerPort The Cilium Peer Service Port. SW_CILIUM_FETCHER_PEER_PORT 80
- - fetchFailureRetrySecond The Cilium fetch observe data failure retry interval(second). SW_CILIUM_FETCHER_FETCH_FAILURE_RETRY_SECOND 10
- - sslConnection The Cilium fetch protocol is TLS enabled or not. eSW_CILIUM_FETCHER_SSL_CONNECTION false
- - sslPrivateKeyFile The Cilium TLS fetch private key file path. SW_CILIUM_FETCHER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH ""
- - sslCertChainFile The Cilium TLS fetch cert chain file path. SW_CILIUM_FETCHER_CERT_CHAIN_FILE_PATH ""
- - sslCaFile The Cilium TLS fetch rot CA Certification file path. SW_CILIUM_FETCHER_CA_FILE_PATH ""
- - convertClientAsServerTraffic The Cilium flow data should convert client to the server side not. If convert, then the server side flow would be ignored. SW_CILIUM_FETCHER_CONVERT_CLIENT_AS_SERVER_TRAFFIC true
receiver-browser default gRPC services that accept browser performance data and error log. - - -
- - sampleRate Sampling rate for receiving trace. Precise to 1/10000. 10000 means sampling rate of 100% by default. SW_RECEIVER_BROWSER_SAMPLE_RATE 10000
query graphql - GraphQL query implementation. -
- - enableLogTestTool Enable the log testing API to test the LAL. NOTE: This API evaluates untrusted code on the OAP server. A malicious script can do significant damage (steal keys and secrets, remove files and directories, install malware, etc). As such, please enable this API only when you completely trust your users. SW_QUERY_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_LOG_TEST_TOOL false
- - maxQueryComplexity Maximum complexity allowed for the GraphQL query that can be used to abort a query if the total number of data fields queried exceeds the defined threshold. SW_QUERY_MAX_QUERY_COMPLEXITY 3000
- - enableUpdateUITemplate Allow user add,disable and update UI template. SW_ENABLE_UPDATE_UI_TEMPLATE false
- - enableOnDemandPodLog Ondemand Pod log: fetch the Pod logs on users' demand, the logs are fetched and displayed in real time, and are not persisted in any kind. This is helpful when users want to do some experiments and monitor the logs and see what's happing inside the service. Note: if you print secrets in the logs, they are also visible to the UI, so for the sake of security, this feature is disabled by default, please set this configuration to enable the feature manually. SW_ENABLE_ON_DEMAND_POD_LOG false
query-zipkin default - This module is for Zipkin query API and support zipkin-lens UI -
- - restHost Binding IP of RESTful services. SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_HOST
- - restPort Binding port of RESTful services. SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_PORT 9412
- - restContextPath Web context path of RESTful services. SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_CONTEXT_PATH zipkin
- - restMaxThreads Maximum thread number of RESTful services. SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_MAX_THREADS 200
- - restIdleTimeOut Connector idle timeout of RESTful services (in milliseconds). SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT 30000
- - restAcceptQueueSize Maximum request header size accepted. SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_QUEUE_SIZE 0
- - lookback Default look back for traces and autocompleteTags, 1 day in millis SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_LOOKBACK 86400000
- - namesMaxAge The Cache-Control max-age (seconds) for serviceNames, remoteServiceNames and spanNames SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_NAMES_MAX_AGE 300
- - uiQueryLimit Default traces query max size SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_UI_QUERY_LIMIT 10
- - uiDefaultLookback Default look back on the UI for search traces, 15 minutes in millis SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_UI_DEFAULT_LOOKBACK 900000
promql default - This module is for PromQL API. -
- - restHost Binding IP of RESTful services. SW_PROMQL_REST_HOST
- - restPort Binding port of RESTful services. SW_PROMQL_REST_PORT 9090
- - restContextPath Web context path of RESTful services. SW_PROMQL_REST_CONTEXT_PATH /
- - restMaxThreads Maximum thread number of RESTful services. SW_PROMQL_REST_MAX_THREADS 200
- - restIdleTimeOut Connector idle timeout of RESTful services (in milliseconds). SW_PROMQL_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT 30000
- - restAcceptQueueSize Maximum request header size accepted. SW_PROMQL_REST_QUEUE_SIZE 0
- - buildInfoVersion Mock version for API buildInfo SW_PROMQL_BUILD_INFO_VERSION 2.45.0
- - buildInfoRevision Mock revision for API buildInfo SW_PROMQL_BUILD_INFO_REVISION
- - buildInfoBranch Mock branch for API buildInfo SW_PROMQL_BUILD_INFO_BRANCH
- - buildInfoBuildUser Mock build user for API buildInfo SW_PROMQL_BUILD_INFO_BUILD_USER
- - buildInfoBuildDate Mock build date for API buildInfo SW_PROMQL_BUILD_INFO_BUILD_DATE
- - buildInfoGoVersion Mock go version for API buildInfo SW_PROMQL_BUILD_INFO_GO_VERSION
alarm default - Read alarm doc for more details. -
telemetry - - Read telemetry doc for more details. -
- none - No op implementation. -
- prometheus host Binding host for Prometheus server fetching data. SW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_HOST
- - port Binding port for Prometheus server fetching data. SW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_PORT 1234
configuration - - Read dynamic configuration doc for more details. -
- grpc host DCS server binding hostname. SW_DCS_SERVER_HOST -
- - port DCS server binding port. SW_DCS_SERVER_PORT 80
- - clusterName Cluster name when reading the latest configuration from DSC server. SW_DCS_CLUSTER_NAME SkyWalking
- - period The period of reading data from DSC server by the OAP (in seconds). SW_DCS_PERIOD 20
- - maxInboundMessageSize The max inbound message size of gRPC. SW_DCS_MAX_INBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE 4194304
- apollo apolloMeta apollo.meta in Apollo. SW_CONFIG_APOLLO http://localhost:8080
- - apolloCluster apollo.cluster in Apollo. SW_CONFIG_APOLLO_CLUSTER default
- - apolloEnv env in Apollo. SW_CONFIG_APOLLO_ENV -
- - appId in Apollo. SW_CONFIG_APOLLO_APP_ID skywalking
- zookeeper namespace The namespace (represented by root path) that isolates the configurations in the Zookeeper. SW_CONFIG_ZK_NAMESPACE /, root path
- - hostPort Hosts and ports of Zookeeper Cluster. SW_CONFIG_ZK_HOST_PORT localhost:2181
- - baseSleepTimeMs The period of Zookeeper client between two retries (in milliseconds). SW_CONFIG_ZK_BASE_SLEEP_TIME_MS 1000
- - maxRetries The maximum retry time. SW_CONFIG_ZK_MAX_RETRIES 3
- - period The period of data sync (in seconds). SW_CONFIG_ZK_PERIOD 60
- etcd endpoints Hosts and ports for etcd cluster (separated by commas if multiple). SW_CONFIG_ETCD_ENDPOINTS http://localhost:2379
- - namespace Namespace for SkyWalking cluster. SW_CONFIG_ETCD_NAMESPACE /skywalking
- - authentication Indicates whether there is authentication. SW_CONFIG_ETCD_AUTHENTICATION false
- - user Etcd auth username. SW_CONFIG_ETCD_USER
- - password Etcd auth password. SW_CONFIG_ETCD_PASSWORD
- - period The period of data sync (in seconds). SW_CONFIG_ZK_PERIOD 60
- consul hostPort Hosts and ports for Consul cluster. SW_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST_AND_PORTS localhost:8500
- - aclToken ACL Token of Consul. Empty string means without ACL token. SW_CONFIG_CONSUL_ACL_TOKEN -
- - period The period of data sync (in seconds). SW_CONFIG_CONSUL_PERIOD 60
- k8s-configmap namespace Deployment namespace of the config map. SW_CLUSTER_K8S_NAMESPACE default
- - labelSelector Labels for locating configmap. SW_CLUSTER_K8S_LABEL app=collector,release=skywalking
- - period The period of data sync (in seconds). SW_CONFIG_ZK_PERIOD 60
- nacos serverAddr Nacos Server Host. SW_CONFIG_NACOS_SERVER_ADDR
- - port Nacos Server Port. SW_CONFIG_NACOS_SERVER_PORT 8848
- - group Nacos Configuration namespace. SW_CONFIG_NACOS_SERVER_NAMESPACE -
- - period The period of data sync (in seconds). SW_CONFIG_CONFIG_NACOS_PERIOD 60
- - username Nacos Auth username. SW_CONFIG_NACOS_USERNAME -
- - password Nacos Auth password. SW_CONFIG_NACOS_PASSWORD -
- - accessKey Nacos Auth accessKey. SW_CONFIG_NACOS_ACCESSKEY -
- - secretKey Nacos Auth secretKey. SW_CONFIG_NACOS_SECRETKEY -
exporter default enableGRPCMetrics Enable gRPC metrics exporter. SW_EXPORTER_ENABLE_GRPC_METRICS false
- - gRPCTargetHost The host of target gRPC server for receiving export data SW_EXPORTER_GRPC_HOST
- - gRPCTargetPort The port of target gRPC server for receiving export data. SW_EXPORTER_GRPC_PORT 9870
- - enableKafkaTrace Enable Kafka trace exporter. SW_EXPORTER_ENABLE_KAFKA_TRACE false
- - enableKafkaLog Enable Kafka log exporter. SW_EXPORTER_ENABLE_KAFKA_LOG false
- - kafkaBootstrapServers A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. SW_EXPORTER_KAFKA_SERVERS localhost:9092
- - kafkaProducerConfig Kafka producer config, JSON format as Properties. SW_EXPORTER_KAFKA_PRODUCER_CONFIG -
- - kafkaTopicTrace Kafka topic name for trace. SW_EXPORTER_KAFKA_TOPIC_TRACE skywalking-export-trace
- - kafkaTopicLog Kafka topic name for log. SW_EXPORTER_KAFKA_TOPIC_LOG skywalking-export-log
- - exportErrorStatusTraceOnly Export error status trace segments through the Kafka channel. SW_EXPORTER_KAFKA_TRACE_FILTER_ERROR false
health-checker default checkIntervalSeconds The period of checking OAP internal health status (in seconds). SW_HEALTH_CHECKER_INTERVAL_SECONDS 5
status-query default
- - keywords4MaskingSecretsOfConfig Include the list of keywords to filter configurations including secrets. Separate keywords by a comma. SW_DEBUGGING_QUERY_KEYWORDS_FOR_MASKING_SECRETS user,password,token,accessKey,secretKey,authentication
configuration-discovery default disableMessageDigest If true, agent receives the latest configuration every time, even without making any changes. By default, OAP uses the SHA512 message digest mechanism to detect changes in configuration. SW_DISABLE_MESSAGE_DIGEST false
receiver-event default gRPC services that handle events data. - -
aws-firehose-receiver default host Binding IP of HTTP server SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_HOST
- - port Binding port of HTTP server SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_PORT 12801
- - contextPath Context path of HTTP server SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_CONTEXT_PATH /
- - maxThreads Max Thread number of HTTP server SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_MAX_THREADS 200
- - idleTimeOut Idle timeout of a connection for keep-alive. SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_IDLE_TIME_OUT 30000
- - acceptQueueSize Maximum allowed number of open connections SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_ACCEPT_QUEUE_SIZE 0
- - maxRequestHeaderSize Maximum length of all headers in an HTTP/1 response SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_MAX_REQUEST_HEADER_SIZE 8192
- - firehoseAccessKey The AccessKey of AWS firhose SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_ACCESS_KEY
- - enableTLS Indicate if enable HTTPS for the server SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_ENABLE_TLS false
- - tlsCertChainPath TLS certificate chain path SW_RECEIVER_AWS_FIREHOSE_HTTP_TLS_CERT_CHAIN_PATH
ai-pipeline default
- - uriRecognitionServerAddr The address of the URI recognition server. SW_AI_PIPELINE_URI_RECOGNITION_SERVER_ADDR -
- - uriRecognitionServerPort The port of the URI recognition server. SW_AI_PIPELINE_URI_RECOGNITION_SERVER_PORT 17128
- - baselineServerAddr The address of the Baseline server. SW_API_PIPELINE_BASELINE_SERVICE_HOST -
- - baselineServerPort The port of the Baseline server. SW_API_PIPELINE_BASELINE_SERVICE_PORT 17128
receiver-async-profiler default gRPC services that accept async-profiler task status and data reporter. - -
- - jfrMaxSize Used to manage the maximum size of the jfr file that can be received, the unit is Byte, default is 30M. SW_RECEIVER_ASYNC_PROFILER_JFR_MAX_SIZE 31457280
- - memoryParserEnabled Used to determine whether to receive jfr in memory file or physical file mode. SW_RECEIVER_ASYNC_PROFILER_MEMORY_PARSER_ENABLED true

BanyanDB Configuration

Since 10.2.0, the banyandb configuration is separated to an independent configuration file: bydb.yaml. The following table lists the configuration items:

Part Group Settings Value(s) and Explanation System Environment Variable¹ Default
global - - The global settings for the whole BanyanDB. - -
- - targets Hosts with ports of the BanyanDB. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_TARGETS
- - maxBulkSize The maximum size of write entities in a single batch write call. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_MAX_BULK_SIZE 10000
- - flushInterval Period of flush interval. In the timeunit of seconds. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_FLUSH_INTERVAL 15
- - flushTimeout The timeout seconds of a bulk flush. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_FLUSH_TIMEOUT 10
- - concurrentWriteThreads Concurrent consumer threads for batch writing. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_CONCURRENT_WRITE_THREADS 15
- - profileTaskQueryMaxSize Max size of ProfileTask to be fetched. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_PROFILE_TASK_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 200
- - resultWindowMaxSize The maximum size of dataset when the OAP loads cache, such as network aliases. SW_STORAGE_BANYAND_QUERY_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE 10000
- - metadataQueryMaxSize The maximum size of metadata per query. SW_STORAGE_BANYAND_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 10000
- - segmentQueryMaxSize The maximum size of trace segments per query. SW_STORAGE_BANYAND_QUERY_SEGMENT_SIZE 200
- - asyncProfilerTaskQueryMaxSize Max size of AsyncProfilerTask to be fetched. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_ASYNC_PROFILER_TASK_QUERY_MAX_SIZE 200
- - profileDataQueryScrollBatchSize The batch size of query profiling data. SW_STORAGE_BANYAND_QUERY_PROFILE_DATA_BATCH_SIZE 100
- - sslTrustCAPath If the BanyanDB server is configured with TLS, config the TLS cert file path and open tls connection. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_SSL_TRUST_CA_PATH -
groups - - The settings for each group. - -
- recordsNormal - The group for records not specified in "super". Each dataset will be grouped under a single group named "normal". - -
- - shardNum Shards Number for normal records group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GR_NORMAL_SHARD_NUM 1
- - segmentInterval Shards Number for normal records group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GR_NORMAL_SI_DAYS 1
- - ttl Shards Number for normal records group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GR_NORMAL_TTL_DAYS 3
- recordsSuper - super is a special dataset designed to store trace or log data that is too large for normal datasets.Each super dataset will be a separate group in BanyanDB, following the settings defined in the "super" section. - -
- - shardNum Shards Number for super records group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GR_SUPER_SHARD_NUM 2
- - segmentInterval Shards Number for super records group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GR_SUPER_SI_DAYS 1
- - ttl Shards Number for super records group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GR_SUPER_TTL_DAYS 3
- metricsMin - The group for minute granularity metrics group. - -
- - shardNum Shards Number for minute granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_MINUTE_SHARD_NUM 2
- - segmentInterval Shards Number for minute granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_MINUTE_SI_DAYS 1
- - ttl Shards Number for minute granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_MINUTE_TTL_DAYS 7
- metricsHour - The group for hour granularity metrics. - -
- - shardNum Shards Number for hour granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_HOUR_SHARD_NUM 1
- - segmentInterval Shards Number for hour granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_HOUR_SI_DAYS 5
- - ttl Shards Number for hour granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_HOUR_TTL_DAYS 15
- metricsDay - The group for day granularity metrics. - -
- - shardNum Shards Number for day granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_DAY_SHARD_NUM 1
- - segmentInterval Shards Number for day granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_DAY_SI_DAYS 15
- - ttl Shards Number for day granularity metrics group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_DAY_TTL_DAYS 15
- metadata - The index group is designed to store metrics that are used for indexing without value columns. Such as service_traffic, network_address_alias, etc. Since BanyanDB 0.8.0. - -
- - shardNum Shards Number for metadata index group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_INDEX_SHARD_NUM 2
- - segmentInterval Shards Number for metadata index group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_INDEX_SI_DAYS 15
- - ttl Shards Number for metadata index group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GM_INDEX_TTL_DAYS 15
- property - The group settings of property, such as UI and profiling. - -
- - shardNum Shards Number for property group. SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_GP_PROPERTY_SHARD_NUM 1


¹ System Environment Variable name could be declared and changed in application.yml/bydb.yaml. The names listed here are simply provided in the default application.yml/bydb.yaml file.