This image aims to build a container able to do simple FastCGI calls. This is usefull for calling REDCap, eg. for firing the cronjobs "internally", without having to expose the REDCap cronjob URL to the internet. It can be used for all alike purposes, like firing REDCap's autoinstall once the software is deployed on the PHP-FPM Server.
This is a simple rootless image, based on Alpine Linux 3, on top of which is installed the cgi-fcgi
The container image build from this project's Github Workflow is hosted on the GHCR of the aphp/redcap-containers
project. You can pull it using that command :
docker pull
From the root of this repository, simply build the image (example with Docker) :
docker build -t localhost/redcap-fastcgi-client:latest ./fastcgi-client