Terraform module for the avi networks
load-balancing platform
Clone repository and adjust terraform.tfvars
and main.tf
as required
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform destroy
# vsphere parameters
datacenter = "lab01"
cluster = "mgmt"
# avi parameters
avi_username = "admin"
avi_password = "VMware1!SDDC"
avi_controller = "avic.lab01.one"
avi_version = "20.1.5"
# vcenter cloud configuration
cloud_name = "tf-vmware-cloud"
vcenter_license_tier = "ENTERPRISE"
vcenter_license_type = "LIC_CORES"
vcenter_configuration = {
username = "administrator@vsphere.local"
password = "VMware1!SDDC"
vcenter_url = "vcenter.lab01.one"
datacenter = "lab01"
management_network = "pg-mgmt"
privilege = "WRITE_ACCESS"
## provider setup
terraform {
required_providers {
vsphere = "~> 1.26.0"
avi = {
source = "vmware/avi"
version = ">= 20.1.5"
provider "vsphere" {
vsphere_server = var.vcenter_server
user = var.vcenter_username
password = var.vcenter_password
allow_unverified_ssl = true
provider "avi" {
avi_controller = var.avi_server
avi_username = var.avi_username
avi_password = var.avi_password
avi_tenant = "admin"
avi_version = "20.1.5"
## vsphere objects
data "vsphere_datacenter" "datacenter" {
name = var.datacenter
data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "cmp" {
name = "cmp"
datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.datacenter.id
data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "mgmt" {
name = "mgmt"
datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.datacenter.id
## avi objects
data "avi_tenant" "tenant" {
name = "admin"
data "avi_cloud" "default" {
name = "Default-Cloud"
## create a vip IP pool in Default-Cloud to break a cloud_ref circular dependency
## this is required to bootstrap a network object and IP pool to create the ipam profile
## Default-Cloud is not used for service engine or virtual service placement
resource "avi_network" "ls-vip-pool" {
name = "ls-vip-pool"
cloud_ref = data.avi_cloud.default.id
dhcp_enabled = false
ip6_autocfg_enabled = false
configured_subnets {
prefix {
ip_addr {
addr = ""
type = "V4"
mask = 24
static_ip_ranges {
range {
begin {
addr = ""
type = "V4"
end {
addr = ""
type = "V4"
## refer to above vip pool in ipam profile
resource "avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile" "tf-ipam-vmw" {
name = "tf-ipam-vmw"
internal_profile {
usable_networks {
nw_ref = avi_network.ls-vip-pool.id
## create a dns profile
resource "avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile" "tf-dns-vmw" {
name = "tf-dns-vmw"
internal_profile {
dns_service_domain {
domain_name = "lb.lab01.one"
pass_through = false
record_ttl = 30
## create a vcenter cloud and attach dns + ipam profiles
resource "avi_cloud" "cloud" {
name = var.cloud_name
tenant_ref = data.avi_tenant.tenant.id
license_tier = var.vcenter_license_tier
license_type = var.vcenter_license_type
dhcp_enabled = true
vcenter_configuration {
username = var.vcenter_configuration.username
password = var.vcenter_configuration.password
vcenter_url = var.vcenter_configuration.vcenter_url
datacenter = var.vcenter_configuration.datacenter
management_network = var.vcenter_configuration.management_network
privilege = var.vcenter_configuration.privilege
dns_provider_ref = avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile.tf-dns-vmw.id
ipam_provider_ref = avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile.tf-ipam-vmw.id
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
## update the service engine Default-Group to map to cmp cluster
resource "avi_serviceenginegroup" "cmp-se-group" {
name = "Default-Group"
cloud_ref = avi_cloud.cloud.id
tenant_ref = data.avi_tenant.tenant.id
se_name_prefix = "cmp"
max_se = 4
#buffer_se = 0
se_deprovision_delay = 1
vcenter_clusters {
cluster_refs = [
include = true
## create a new service engine group and map to mgmt cluster
resource "avi_serviceenginegroup" "mgmt-se-group" {
name = "mgmt-se-group"
cloud_ref = avi_cloud.cloud.id
tenant_ref = data.avi_tenant.tenant.id
se_name_prefix = "mgmt"
max_se = 2
#buffer_se = 0
se_deprovision_delay = 1
vcenter_clusters {
cluster_refs = [
include = true