The Places you can modify the rendering of an .approved.
file is as follows
create(create objects)
--> place1(#1 ToString)
--> render(render objects to string)
--> place2(#2 Modify rendered string)
--> received(Create .received. file )
--> scrub(#3 scrub full file)
style place1 fill:#A8E6AA
style place2 fill:#A8E6AA
style scrub fill:#A8E6AA
The Process of generating an .approved.
file is as follows
create(create objects) --> render(render objects to string) --> scrub(scrub full file)
There are multiple places you can effect the final output. Often people forget they have these choices and feel trapped.
Let's say you have an object
"first_name" : "Llewellyn"
"last_name" :"Falco"
"age" : "infinite"
The default ToString rendering will look as above, but you don't want that, you want it to look like
L. Falco
no problem, create a method myCustomString(person)
and do what you want.
If you have to deal with a rendered string, you can always modify it again. Note that you can use the scrubber directly to do this. For example:
verify_all("stuff", my_array, lambda e: scrubber(get_logs_for(e)))
Will scrub the logs individually, instead of the combined results
After all is said and done, there is still the final step of scrubbing which apply to the full .approved.
Find out more about Scrubbers: